
19 replies [Last post]
Epicskunk's picture

So,for ranged attacks,we have Handguns.

I just want to know 1 thing.What handgun has the longest range?

Only Valiance says how far it goes (which is 8 squares) but other guns don't.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

I think if magnuses got farther range (its currently shorter range than every other gun) it would make a great sniper gun

more on topic I think either blasters or antiguas would be snipers from their charge attacks reaching really far
and im not sure about this but I think tortoguns have farther range from the lunge, I've never used them so I expect a correction

Epicskunk's picture

Uh,so,which gun/s have the longest range?

Ode-To-Nitronome's picture

Longest regular guns are the 5* Catalyzers, the 5* Antiguas, and Blitz Needle.

Longest charge shot are the 5* Antiguas.

I came up with this by looking it up with the search bar.

Epicskunk's picture
Wait what kind of stupidity is this?!

Blitz has the longest range?Are you kidding me?!It's like saying that a knife has longer range than a sniper rifle.

YES,Catas do have long range,but since the speed is sooooooooooooooooooooo slow,I decided to ask anyway.

Antiguas are out of question for me.

And I didn't asked for charge shot,nor the regular shot.I just asked "Which gun/s have the longest range?"
Still,thanks for the help.It really helped me.A little,but at least it did.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

how are antiguas "out of the question"
are you not at jelly king yet?(that would explain a lot)

Keepscaite's picture
There. Deleted. I meant every

There. Deleted.

I meant every word I said though. If you don't even take anyone's help seriously, you're wasting everyone's time.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

Keepscaite delete that immediately
Mental illnesses aren't a joke

Epicskunk's picture

Of course.Someone acts normal,and then people go ape s*** onto you,because they HAVE to be supperior than others.

First of all,to answer you Oohnorak,I'm a Vanguard,so I DID pass JK.But the thing is,since the Gunner Update,all antiguas seem to have a slower bullet speed.I have even watched someone who had Argent Peacemaker in FSC,and his bullets were a tad bit faster than Polaris/Supernova/Wildfire/Permafroster bullets,but slower than Valiance/Arcana/Riftlocker/Phantamos bullets.That's why I said "Antiguas are out of question.".If what I said is wrong to you,then I apologize for wrong sentence usage.

Second,no,I'm not a troll.I have been fighting against trolls,and it is really pissing me off.No,I'm not stupid.Yes,I DO have a mental illness,but it's about jokes,not about being unable to understand anything.No,I do take it seriously,you just can't see it very well.No,they aren't lies or "schizophenic delusions".Your hatred towards me,like most of the people around me,is because I'm normal.I'm not here to argue or fight with others,I'm just here to get help.The information that I can't get in game,and the extra information I can't get from wiki.

So,stop this nonsense Keepscaite,you are making my already bad reputation even worse.Also,I'm saying this to all who tries the same thing.I'm NOT here to troll!

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

The bullet speeds are the exact same, that wasn't changed
And bullets on your screen appear different than on another's screen, this was discussed before that its that way to compensate for latency
The only reliable test would be if YOU had the guns and tested them on your own
Also, if you say something like "this is out of the question" you are supposed to say why

And the reason you have a bad reputation is that you outright refuse most help and never seem to bother looking things up for yourself

Epicskunk's picture

I do not refuse help,and I do look up,you are just becoming Keepscaite.

Epicskunk's picture

Also,about that...

Before the update,I had one,but I had to sell it.I wasn't able to see the bullet,and I actually had to do Print Screen at the right time to see what shape did the bullet had.Now,it looks like a small line of shot.

Traevelliath's picture

The closest this game has to snipers are the Magnus equivalents. Slow rate of fire, high precision, fast bullets, and they pack a punch.

Vohtarak-Forum's picture
I'm vohtarak, call me by that name

Epic, yes you do, go to that other thread you made where you ignored a helpful link, that's refusing help no matter how you say it

Ode-To-Nitronome's picture

Behold, Epicskunk the Vanguard who doesn't know what ASI is, can't use the search bar, and has an attitude.

Really, there are already multiple threads about bullet range. Look at those.

Epicskunk's picture

You all are just trollers,trying to make me look bad.

No,I didn't rejected that link,I actually readed about what there was,but I couldn't understand anything because it is way too long for me.

Actually,you know what?I'm not going to answer to this topic,becuase people are being a b**** to me everytime I try to ask something.

Also,Traevelliath,except range-wise,you might be right,but I asked about the "handgun with the longest range" not the "handgun that acts pretty much like a sniper"
Still,I'm actually thinking about getting it,just becuase it is faster.The bullet is,not the gun itself.So,thanks.

Sir-Henry-Cooldown's picture
Dude, shoosh. You're giving

Dude, shoosh. You're giving yourself a worse rep. Besides, Ode-To-Nitronome already answered the question in his first post. We're getting angry at you because:
1.) When we give you what we believe to be the longest one, for some reason you ask it again like we didn't mention it.
2.) You LITERALLY said "Wait what kind of stupidity is this?!". Don't you that's rude?
3.) Also, if you don't care about the regular shot AND the charge shot's length ("And I didn't asked for charge shot,nor the regular shot.I just asked "Which gun/s have the longest range?""), then what DO you mean? The length of the gun itself? I think you can count the pixels if you look up the texture.
4.) The title is "Sniper". It portrays the sense of long-range shooting, and the word sniping is a game term relating to far-range shooting where you have a strong distance between you and the target. That IS sniping.
5.) You are dismissing thoughts, and stomping on them. Ode is right, Blitz has THE longest range, along with Antigua, and the bullet itself is near instantaneous. Don't abandon your own thread too, pirate captains will look down on you. :Y

We aren't trying to troll you, for why-ever you think so. You asked a question, we give our fact-supported opinions.

Noxiousnarwhal's picture
This list will only be

This list will only be counting normal attacks, charge attacks may vary.

Pulsar/catalyzer/autogun/antigua lines have the highest *base* shot range. This is before bullet explosion size/shot cones are taken into consideration. "0 cone angle" refers to when a bullet hits at the center of the weapon's shot cone (exactly where your mouse is aimed)

In order from longest range to lowest, with accuracy (smaller shot cones) breaking ties in range:

1. Pulsars have the highest shot range after explosions are taken into account, as the bullets travel as far as the cata/auto/antigua lines and then get additional explosion radius from there.

2. Catalyzers are tied with antigua/autogun lines for shot range, but have zero shot cone. This makes them one of the only guns with 100% accuracy, your bullets will always hit exactly where you aim.

3. Antiguas may have the same shot range as catalyzers, but have a small shot cone. This means that your shots may miss despite you aiming properly, with the cone being negligible at close/medium ranges but very noticable at long ranges. The cone does not appear graphically (bullets appear to fizzle out early instead), but the bullets will hit things to the left/right of your aim in spite of what may be visible.

4. Autoguns (after gunner update range buff) have the same shot range as catalyzers and a large cone. You will almost always miss a few shots at medium range/many at long range, but they have the same potential range at a 0 cone angle as a catalyzer/antigua.

5. Blasters, contrary to popular belief, do not quite have the standardized attack range of the previous guns. Instead they require you be slightly (~10%) closer to your target. They have a similar shot cone to antiguas, but the cone is visible (bullets do appear to fizzle out, but may fire off at a noticably skewed angle as part of the cone)

6. Magnus lines, despite appearing to be a very close range weapon, have a significant bullet explosion range. This leads to a higher *potential* range than alchemer lines. At the same range that the farthest point of a 0 cone angle magnus shot can hit, half of the mixmaster bullets (one of the two bullets per trigger) can hit at a 0 cone angle.

7. Alchemers do have a cone, despite it not being visible (much like the antigua's cone), but will be able to hit at their 0 cone angle at the same time that a magnus will always hit and a mixmaster will always land one of the two bullets.

8. Mixmasters will hit both of their bullets all the time at a fairly close range, but not as close as...

9. Tortoguns, which require you to be absurdly close to an enemy to even land the projectile component of their attack, require you to be in melee range to get the full effect.

Epicskunk's picture
There We Go!

I wasn't thinking about answering to this topic ever again,but someone ACTUALLY gave a proper answer.This is kinda long,so I needed breaks while reading this,so my brain doesn't shut down.

So,range-wise,Tortoguns are basically "gun shaped swords" in the battle.Mixmasters have close range,Alchemers are accurate,but kindof short ranged.Magnus bullets are very fast and it has huge damage,but the time between it's shots is slow.Blasters have fast bullets,but not as fast as Magnus.But their shots do decent damage.Autoguns HAD medium range,but since the update,they are pretty close to other long ranged ones.Tho their shot are in 45 degree cone.Pulsars and Catas are pretty much long range,but Catas are slow and Pulsars tend to explode after going half of the way,when they hit their enemy,which could make you inaccurate.And finally,Antiguas are long range,but their animation makes them look short ranged?

Well,if I'm wrong anywhere,tell me where it is,and the right of the thing that I was thinking wrong about.

Noxiousnarwhal's picture
Close, but with one fix if

Close, but with one fix if I'm interpreting what you're saying properly - pulsars are actually very accurate in terms of hitting where you aim and do have a slightly larger range than catas once you factor in their explosion; the reason they end up being less of a sniping weapon than catalyzers in most pve situations is because the exploding bullets are very wide. This means that you'll have a far easier time picking off an enemy in the backlines with a pulsar if there aren't other enemies in the way, but an easier time sniping with a cata if there are enemies in the way.