Doubt this will shed any light but here goes
My in-game name is Antter
I started playing spiral knights the week it came out, but have lost motivation on several occasions
I have always loved Spiral Knights, but when I grinded the ranks and got all the gear I wanted, I had realized that the only thing I ever wanted from the game was a friend or two
I'm not sure what you'd want to know about me... I'm just a boy who wants to try his best, just a kid trying to bring meaning to everything he does, just a spiral knight trying to show people that they aren't alone. Also, I'd rather talk to someone 1 on 1 to get to know them because there is a very small difference between the virtual world and the real world, and I would want to get to know every single guild member one by one.
I am from the United States (East Coast)
Well, I haven't played in a while, but when I came on, my first impression of RC was that it was one of the only things keeping Spiral knights, the game that I have always loved, alive
To be honest, I don't want anything from the guild, I just want to be around a group of people that really understand that what they are doing is special and makes them happy, and in return, I would be willing to help a fresh-out-of-the-box noob go from 0-5* in a week (basically I would do anything)
I read the rules, and I agree to them.
Getting an invite to this guild may be the only motivation I would ever have for coming back to spiral knights... Have a great day
@Daim could you just inform me if I got invited? I will be inactive for about a week so I cant check my mail.