There are some missing abilities on these armors and helmets. Other than that good job wiki editors! Keep it up.
Black Kat Abilities

Thanks for changing that. And I think I'll leave editing to the pros :3

Aw well. Since you're here in the wiki editors' forums, why not give some user comments on the current topics? In particular, the
"Overhauling the Weapons pages - Feedback please"
"Special Categories - Numeric Organization, Unconventional Use "
are in need of feedback. Just make sure you're seeing the most recent edits before giving opinions on recent edits (feel free to compare past edits carefully). Just a simple "I like it" or "I don't like it" from your gut/heart is good too. A lot of interface sounds good on paper, and makes sense to the creators, but then when it gets to the users, it's like...oh no. So feedback is very valuable!

Left some (derpy and unprofessional) feedback and suggsstions on the two topics.

Thank you! I see you mentioned an odd issue in one of those two threads - in case you don't see the reply there:
Screenshot your searchbar and post it in its own thread on this forum. I think I know what you're talking about, that's a chrome issue (and maybe other browsers, idk), screenshot will confirm.

cant. on a device with no specific search engime. its a kindle however this does happen with chrome on my computer

If so I do not have a solution (besides "use firefox," which does not help your device). I am not sure if any of my friends have solutions either. You/we should definitely contact support about it.
EDIT: I have asked around and am waiting for replies. Even if this isn't your problem, it needs to be fixed. If it is your problem, hurray!

yes it is doing that. hurray for having problems? hows the wep wiki arrangement project going?

Regarding the wiki "dropping the bass," support says:
"Apparently this is an issue introduced in Chrome V33; V32 did not have this problem. Given that other browsers don't have this problem, our current best guess is that it's the result of a bug introduced in that Chrome version. As such, the only fix we have for it as of now would be to use a different version or a different browser."
Regarding weapon project: on hold until we get a bunch of stuff done for tortodrones, and we need more feedback too. Since it changes the interface of a huge part of the wiki, we can't just bulldoze through until we're sure people will like the changes in general. Get your friends to reply to the relevant thread.

thanks chrome. anyways goodluck on the tortodrone stuff
Elaborate? It's best if we know exactly what the problem is. I'm looking at the armor pages and don't see any missing abilities - do you mean somewhere else in a list? Or that existing ones are incorrect?
If you mean just the black kat 3* and 4* helmets, I think I see the problem. Moment.
EDIT: if you view the most recent version of the 3* and 4* black kat helmet pages, they should be fixed. Thank you for bringing this to our attention - do you see anything else amiss?
By the by, anyone can (constructively) edit the wiki, don't be afraid to screw something up, we have history logs of previous page saves and whatnot. We're always in need of more editors for stuff like this :)