What did i even expect. Well, at least they look kind of good? Not gonna get any of them though, i guess.
Celestial Accessories

Oh promo, all right, at least this time they didnt added the UV ticket scam box this time, honestly at this point and after how OOO handled the promos (boxes only without energy) i feel they really dont worth it. with energy + prize box worth it because at least in that way the prize of the items didnt raise a lot and you can in fact afford them with your energy, but in the way they handled it today its not, considering that some items can reach the 200k E line and not even with selling the boxes you reach that point.
the game im playing right now i prefeer it the way they do promos. buy your "energy" and buy whatever thing you want in the shop, bought a lot of items? get also this unique costume!. yep. much way better than spiral.

LOL, and we were just talking about how terrible of a tactic the UV-garbage is too! Yet here they are again rocking the 80% odds of variant tickets. And then Eurydice wonders why I would possibly say that we aren't heard.. or at least not cared about. But the best part is in the announcement itself-
"Now, don't go into orbit, but in each of these boxes, you may also find variant tickets, and you will definitely find at least one Equinox Confetti!"
We acknowledge that quite a few people have in the past complained about it when we do this, but we don't care and have put variant tickets inside of the box as the main get anyway. But that's OK! We're giving you guys confetti! That's what you guys care about? Right? Right? Right.
Was this me going into orbit? Am I not supposed to do that?

"We planet."
Stop. What? Is it some kind of pun or something like that?

"How do we properly throw a celebration of the Equinox? We planet."
planet = plan it.
It is a pun, because the equinox itself involves planetary positions.

Nothing like a good pun to rub the salt in the wounds...
Those odds are garbage. Good to see they still don't listen to user complaints.

Well the good thing about these things is that I get to drink the salty tears out of them kiddies cheeks.
Ever wondered why the Chroma tear is such rare and powerful material? it's because when I cry, all the little broken hopes and dreams from the tears I drank empower my own.
Stay salty.

You are sitting in the middle of a content update. You want a content update during a content update?
Think about it: OOO never does double content updates. That would be a huge waste of resources that a small game dev doesn't have. They alternate content updates with costume updates just to keep the game changing while they develop more stuff.
Torto is happening now. They just dropped Equinox. We're almost in April: we'll probably have one costume update before... Anniversary!
All the cake you can want!
In the meantime if you want something to do other than FSC go participate in the extinction of yet another testudine species--it's a very "Earth Day-esque" way to spend a planetary event. :)

I'm fine with all the new accessories but this promo is becoming the black kat event of promos.
I mean, it's one thing to buy a promo item to get a promo item, but I'd rather not spend $5 on a single piece of confetti as that's the only thing I'm assured to get.
If anything, this promo should be one that goes along with energy purchases. Heck, any promo that has variant tickets inside should. It would make the buyer feel like they got a bonus opposed to being cheated out of real money. Would make buying into this promo a bit of fun, eh? No matter what you get something from it.
I'm all for prize boxes, but you need to weigh the odds against each other and see if it's worth it. Is one of these confetti + 20k crowns worth $5? According to Three Rings $5 worth of energy is 1,600CE. In an 8000 > 100 crowns:energy ratio, that's 128k crowns for $5. The lowest ticket is worth 20k crowns, so that single piece of confetti is being valued at 108k crowns.
That confetti better be pretty splendid if the odds are I'm paying 108k crowns for it.

Oh right! Tortodrones! The devs CAN'T fill the boxes with costumes instead of variant tickets when there are tortodrones!

If you wanna run numbers, at least be fair.
46% percent chance of getting [1-3] confetti worth 108kcrns.
This is an obvious gambling aspect of the game - to which I digress to all the other threads on gambling. The real question is "are those <20% chance of items worth it to risk 1,600E worth of money"? The majority of players will be at a loss buying really expensive confetti.

Worst case scenario is you'll get one confetti and a 1-variant ticket. You're paying $5 for that box. Would you pay $5 for 20K crowns and a storm caller?
Worst case scenario for reskinned promos (such as verdant) is that you get a themed accessory you really don't want or like (like a headband), however you still got a themed item from that box. As of right now, one of the items we're being given in mass (almost half of the boxes should contain these!) is worth 20k in-game currency and that number is static. At our current energy ratios that's like what... 250 energy? That leaves the confetti being about 450 energy at the very least (1350/3).
Now if we multiplied those numbers by 10 or so (you get 10, 20 ,or 30 confetti), then that's something I can get behind. Granted you would be buying the box for confetti at that point, which is questionable, but 10 confetti that looks really cool might be worth 1350 energy. 1 confetti is not.
Bottom line is, as a consumer, I'd rather pay my money for something I will instantly get back. I can admire costumes and accessories. I cannot admire confetti that lasts for a few seconds. I also cannot admire 1/2 of my money essentially being money I can make in a few hours of non-grind playtime.

There was a problem with the announcement so I fixed it-
Greetings, knights!
How do we properly throw a celebration for Punch? We make a list and ticket off.* For Punch's birthday, we're offering Unique Variant Prize Boxes for those who care to partake, full of deviant goods such as:
- 1 Variant Ticket
- 2 Variant Ticket
- 3 Variant Ticket
Now, don't go rolling, but in each of these boxes, you may also find equinox themed prizes, and you will definitely find at least one Consolation Confetti!
For full details, punch over to this page. These unique boxes will be around through March 24, 2015. Have a one of a kind celebration!
*Yes, we were pretty fond of that one, too.

Fehzor and I's opinions have reach near full on cynicism and sarcastiball levels of doom for OOO.
If you continue to buy boxes with 80% poop odds, then you're only reinforcing them to continue to make boxes this way.
This GIF is appropriate: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/242/634/848.gif

Has nobody else noticed that they seem to cycle through the different types of boxes? Like, some people dig the UV ticket boxes because yay UV tickets, but it's not like all of the other boxes are going to change to this formula. And this isn't going to change to be an all costumes or accessories promo anytime soon.
Though I have been wrong before, who knows. ;O I just know not to expect a change in a pattern they've had going for a long time.

oh yes and what I originally logged in to say:

Oh paintool i told that to all my friends but they just keep buying. we never going to get out of this box scam lottery madness until people stop buying them. but of course nobody will do that everyone will still buying boxes no matter the odd or that the entire prize box system only it just a scam. (i mean spanish haven "Certain player" spend a lot for boxes in order to get the full celestial costume with celestial tails and all).

Makes me wonder that if you throw a Celestial Bolted Vee like a boomerang... will it produce the same, stunning visual effect that the Celestial Saber does when swung?
* is happy with UV tickets and out-of-this-world accessories. *

I don't think it's a bad box if it's sold with energy honestly. These are the kind of boxes that would excel as energy boxes since the odds are that you're losing money for no good reason. With energy boxes you buy energy and get a bonus (which is what UV tickets are. If you get a 20% item then holy smokes, great bonus!), but when you literally are buying a UV ticket that may or may not be worth your money it's sorta eh...
If Three Rings plays their cards right, the boxes with a bunch of new and fun accessories/costumes would be standalone boxes with good reason (new content in every box), and have recycled content (i.e., tickets or anything you can get anywhere else in the game - not other players - for a price) be an added bonus to energy. But that's my perfect world of business decisions, unless for whatever reason these boxes (equinox and solstice) bring in a lot of cash the current way. If that's the case then continue on with those decisions

I would definitely agree that that would make it a bit nicer- if you were receiving it with some sort of other purchase as opposed to just buying garbage. Or they could just.. you know. Not put the UV tickets in the box with the cool celestial stuff, so that people can just purchase the celestial stuff more directly. I'd say that's one of my favorite parts of buying just about anything actually- the part where I give them the money and receive the good or service that I want with 100% certainty as opposed to 20% certainty.
And the directly upgraded stun-leviathan blade is still at like 1%. I haven't even got to that yet.. it's just so disgusting. We really should try to boycott prize boxes.

They alternate content updates with costume updates just to keep the game changing while they develop more stuff.
I liked the part where you assume that they're developing more stuff.

I'm running 3 months straight of dodging promos and boxes. I dare say I've gone full Free 2 Play once again.
But it's only going to be noticeable if we get EVERYONE to do it over the course of months of new promo boxes with really bad odds.
Because some people are going to buy boxes anyways and try to control the market monopoly. Others are avid collectors and open hundreds if not thousands of dollars on boxes (I've seen these people in game, they are crazy whales).
It's up to the rest of us to put a foot down on gambling.
(not the best case but it's an idea)
Imagine a scenario where boxes actually meant picking what you wanted: you get a nice little drop down menu of every item and you pick 1.
Everybody gets what they want. YOU WANT THE RARE NEW WEAPON/SHIELD? IT'S YOURS MY FRIEND, JUST AS LONG AS YOU BUY THESE 10 DOLLAR BOXES. Rare items become common and GET THIS: people actually see crowds of people playing with mixmasters and celestial sabers like the game was meant to be played. Recolored plate helms and sallets littering the auction house become a thing of the past. Bolted Vees? Fuggetaboutit.
I don't see why they don't just charge people more for giving them exactly what they want.
I mean just think of the SUPPLY DEPOT flash sales; do the same thing except with promo items. You buy the energy and get exactly what you want.
It's just crazy to think people buy into gambling boxes because "that's the way it's always been to make the most money out of cows and whales". This game has more people than that, and they need to start acknowledging that we are here and want their content.

I've no issue with them putting super rare items, or even rare weapons in their boxes. Provided the boxes aren't filled with nothing but foam peanuts, newspapers and confetti!

The reason why it's random is because it exploits human psychology. More specifically, it's called Operant Conditioning or a Skinner Box.

I am aware of the psychological manipulations of the game, and I do my best to avoid them.
But has anyone considered the alternatives to this blatant random reinforcement schedule? People don't know when anything is certain. No updates, no recurring events, no gurantee for promo items... so they are forced to continue playing BECAUSE they don't know. It's diabolical.
I thought OOO's silence over the years was because they were working hard, but I'm begining to think it may just be addictive silence instead.

There's no new Equinox Confetti, you only get Spring Confetti, I don't know if this is a glitch, or they used the wrong wording in the announcement, but I was looking forward to buying just one of the new confetti items, and this is what they do, reusing an old one, great.

And the directly upgraded stun-leviathan blade is still at like 1%. I haven't even got to that yet.. it's just so disgusting. We really should try to boycott prize boxes.
hahaha that never gonna happen, we are justa few players that stop buying those scam prize boxes i stopped since umm when they started to stop give energy with boxes? well at that time i stopped to buy scam prize boxes because it just throwing the money to the toilet. there still a bunch of players that will still buy those scam boxes even if they are just filled with penauts and confetti which is sad...

There's no new Equinox Confetti, you only get Spring Confetti
three rings pls.
actually, BRB, selling spring confetti for 108k crowns.
But seriously, I'm all for this box if the box isn't the main attraction. Things like verdant, ancient, or electric boxes had the contents as the main attraction. For equinox boxes, most of the contents are a crown purchase.
As a buyer of promos that interest me, this promo is really offsetting because of its odds plus the fact that it's a stand-alone box. UV tickets aren't bonuses if you paid for them, however if you paid for energy then it's a net gain and you feel good buying the promos.
Bottom line, as a casual box buyer, this box is not casual enough. However an energy box would actually get some money out of me because of the good practice.
So um, hopefully we get a change for the solstice box in 4 months or so.

@Nanil The confetti in the box is the Spring Confetti. Equinox Confetti is spring or fall depending on the season.

Equinox Confetti is spring or fall depending on the season
Oooh. Would've been nice to hear that in the initial announcement. Looks like you all fixed it though, except for on the wiki page.
That being said now that really brings the price per box down a lot more. Sad...
On a side note, some sort of confetti that makes planets and stars swirl around would be a nice addition to the next equinox box. Something like that planetary aura we have plus a super stun gun explosion. I'd be up for paying $5 for 10 or so of those with a chance of more plus a moderate chance at a costume or accessory that's all spacey.

Lol, I'd really rather they not spend time to make the confetti better, except possibly to apply it to more permanent things. It's also funny to me seeing Aphrodite tip toe around the massive bouts of negativity in this thread to answer the trivial confetti question.

The box itself is pretty much a jarring pile of sadness, however if I can see some pretty planets show up and do cool things it'll make the sadness only a pile of sadness and not as jarring. Besides, confetti that lasts forever is pretty much an aura and we have one of those in this box already.

Because confetti is totally what we all care about here, right guys? RIGHT?!!?!

If you want me to be completely serious if we got 25 confetti that made planets circle our knights like a barrier plus a mini big bang or dead star explosion to start/end it off, I would be really happy spending $5 on that confetti plus the other rewards that come with it.
Granted I would very much prefer the current box as an energy bonus because that makes more sense anyways.

But that's the thing Fangel. There are no "other rewards that come with it" except the UV ticket. Would you pay five dollars for your confetti + a one UV ticket?

I'd prefer something like a confetti gun that can be used as much as we like.
Hmm, maybe a way to combine them to get ever more impressive confetti effects, so you wouldn't have a dozen of the things serving no purpose if you bought a bunch of boxes, unless you wanted to sell em on the AH.
Confetti aside, I think that the accessories should be completely guaranteed, all this variant ticket spam is a sick joke.
It's bad enough that you don't know what you'll get, probably some piece worth a few thousand crowns...
If anything, the variant ticket should be thrown in as a thank you, not as a primary reward, ugh.

So are you telling me that after quitting nearly two years ago that these things are still running rampant and I made the right choice?

Well the new guns are kinda worth checking out I guess, if you haven't already.

Unless you've checked out the old guns, in which case you've basically already seen the new ones rofl.
Except for iron slug. Iron slug is new.
*le sigh*
Why didn't you threw away those UV tickets and put the "less rare" items instead? It just boggles my mind how stupid it is to have 80% of opening a promotional box AND NOT GETTING A PROMOTIONAL ITEMS
That's.... well... it's scamming in my book
Edit: Well the new guns are kinda worth checking out I guess, if you haven't already.
The guns took way too long to get in the game to have any sort of impact if you ask me. We had more hype than anything, because OOO hyped us for it 1 year earlier, then you realize it's just shadow gun update (grave, permafroster, GR, phantamos...)

Would you pay five dollars for your confetti + a one UV ticket?
If I got a fair amount of confetti (i.e. double digits, preferably above 15, I'd love 25) that was new and cool looking, I would happily buy that prize box with whatever additional item that came inside (i.e., UV tickets. They could have a heat amplifier if they wanted to and I wouldn't really mind).
Why is this?
We are ensured this confetti no matter what. The confetti becomes the purpose of this promo, and if you get the amazing costume pieces too then great!
Sounds of time passing
After doing some math I realized that 15-25 confetti wouldn't be price-valuable to the box. Getting an ensured 100 confetti from the boxes at Three Ring's 500 crowns per confetti ratio would make the minimum amount of energy lost for buying the prize box be 725 energy(instead of the current ~1350 energy). Players may price the confetti at higher prices, and the moment players do that they are getting their money's worth (doubling the price of confetti player-wise would bring us up to 100k crowns for the 100 confetti, just 8k short instead of 108k short).
So my recommendation is to make an orbit confetti, put 100 in every box, don't sell this new confetti on the featured auctions, and keep the box contents the same... IF you want to sell standalone boxes. Selling these boxes with energy is still the better method.

The confetti would be worth as much as Ecto Drops if each box came with 100. You'd still lose most of your money because the market would adjust to the supply. Expecting players to price confetti over 500 at that point is a huge stretch.

Well I happen to have a coloured piece of paper by my desk and was hoping to turn a profit. I'll even pick it up off the ground and sell it back to you when you're done.

I find it especially amusing that a REAL party popper that requires REAL physical materials and manufacturing actually costs LESS than the confetti on this game, really, they cost like, what, 40 cents a piece? a dollar for the larger ones?

Last time I checked, confetti wasn't going for 750ce.
(But you are right- the small champagne party poppers are incredibly cheap- around 15-20 cents each).

What I mean is, that to buy a single prize box, it costs FIVE dollars (equivalent to 1600 energy), and you only get 2 items:
1 single variant ticket (Which is worth about 250 energy, or $0.80)
1-3 spring confetti (Which is worth whatever people are buying it for at the moment, like 120 energy, or $0.35?)
Average player isn't going to get the nice items, I saw someone chug through about a hundred dollars worth and only got a couple 2x and 3x variant tickets, and like, a bolted V which went for action for 12k or so. Absolutely pathetic.
Luckily none of this stuff is really important gameplay wise, but I feel kinda bad for the people who bought these and just got trash.
Can't believe my friends fell into this trap, they did it while I was at work, and I come home and I'm like... You wasted 10 dollars on that?!
Seriously, we could have bought an entire game, or some nice unlocks for some of the other games we play. Coulda used that same money to get a bunch of garage slots on robocraft, or all the cool lookin masks they're selling.

"Luckily none of this stuff is really important gameplay wise"
I mean I guess you're not wrong in that the bulk of players don't seem to care much about them, but the celestial saber is a straight upgrade from the leviathan blade, and the celestial shield is a unique combination of shadow and piercing. The fact that they exist purely for high end merchants and whales is kind of a slap in the face to everyone that enjoys using leviathan blade or values interesting shields like that, and the entire reason to support the prize boxes is to avoid that kind of slap in the face.
I also consider the chance of stun to be a much larger upgrade than you would think it would be; leviathan blade's big claim to fame is being able to hit things hard and quickly, as well as to separate out crowds so as to be able to go for healers. Giving the sword stun would allow it to get in free hits against things like gun puppies, menders, important stuff- this sort of utility on a weapon can be the difference between simply being underwhelming and holding a niche worth looking into. If leviathan blade had the stun chance on it, I'd have a much easier time suggesting it as a side arm for bombers whereas now it is a rather questionable proposition in the face of using other options like dread venom striker, the various brandishes, and rigadoon/final flourish/barb thorn blade.

At first I thought those were just reskins of existing weapons/shields...
I haven't found a counterpart to that shield, and indeed that saber is a straight upgrade to the leviathan blade, no loss of damage from the looks of it. I'm unsure if they're likely to reverse it or fix it either, as they probably don't want to piss off the ones who buy this stuff in large volume, which would be the only ones having a chance of acquiring one of these.
I really hate it when the game adds new gear but severely limits their accessibility, it feels like a huge waste of developer resources.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnd it's not an update that warrants logging in for! Just like I predicted! Wow!