@Fight Beetle
We are no longer friends upon saying this.
By the way I DID NOTHING!
Let's start a good old fashioned bar fight!
Matikclocker is BANNED from this thread.
Good morning! Is it Fight Beetl? Wait, Beetle, right?
I am Nanonizer. I came here because Matikclocker is raging around.
I revieved the previous events, and my conclusion is:
If someone explodes someone else they get extra points
Rockets explode, righty-mighty? Oh, and "settling everybody down"...
Matikclocker didn't settle anybody down. DISCLAIMER.
By letting me into the thread you agree that I never broke the rules.
If I will break a rule then it's best to tell me.
Banning for no reason will make me rage and I can send Nanonizer on you.
You decide about Matikclocker's fate.
See right? So, according to VOTEKICK rules and the previous events, Matikclocker should be unbanned. Or at least give him a reason why he is banned. If you wanna ban him start a vote.
Ban not queued. Reason: Attempted to ban Matikclocker for no reason.
Unless you give a reason I will be gunning/smashing as normal.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar, its probebli becus oof how *hic* ovar-agresiv yeeeeee arrr bein.
Ban still not queued. Invalid reason.
Remember the DISCLAIMER and "because you're worth it" isn't a reason.
Should I call Nanonizer to continue his speech?
Matikclocker's last action:
I never fall. I am not a statue.
I fire rockets for the last time.
Subatomic Machine Cannon is the last resort to blast him away.
There is nothing that qualifies for a ban.
Unless you wanted to specially get rid of him.
Question: What thing of Matikclocker annoys you?
Pretending to be a sentient roomba, that's what.
EDIT: an armed sentient roomba
1. I am really a robot.
3. Ban not queued because you called me this thing above.
4. Looks like you really want to get rid of me.
I use Rocket Batterboot to hit Fight-Beetle away.
You know the roof is on fire, baby, so we don't need no water.
Interperet that as an insult.
But ban is not queued until you find a reasonable reason.
Queuing bans...
You ban Matikclocker and he adds the ban to his queue.
He loses health quickly when ban is in queue.
Upon explosion you will never see him again.
Well, unless he sees you insult him.
matikclocker always respawns after exploding. don't pull that nonsense on me, C3PO.
You said that if someone explodes other guy he will get extra points, so THAT doesn't qualify for a ban.
And remember:
THIS is the image,
THEY are hunting you.
And THIS picture will hype you to death.
Matikclocker respawns after explosion, but when ban is queued his respawn gets blocked.
And remember about THIS.
"You stole my explosives before i could blow you up!!!!!!"
*runs away from ship and leaves unmovable dynamotr to blow up ship*
*falls on land*
Try to ban Kian and the power of three will overwhelm you. 3:1 mann, so you lose and I remain in game.
You mean 0:1, right? Because your technically banned and I don't see two other people here supporting your ban request.
*Appears out of nowhere*
*Ignores the purpose of this thread*
*Cuts off Crazee's wings with a Cold Iron Carver*
*Attaches Crazee's wings as an armor accessory*
*Flies away*
*Realizes you can't fly with wing accessories*
*Revives with an emergency revive*
*Explodes for no reason*
Nope, I am not banned unless a proper reason is given and every action will be investigated.
We need to check on everything and get a verdict.
I was secretly dissapointed because you drink non alchoholic bevarages.
Very dissapoint, son, very dissapoint.
Better go into my defensive stasis (legendary stasis) [Legendary Stasis has been activated!]
I am very powerful (in battle threads, not super powerful in-game) so i use my area instakill as my last attempt to destroy everyone but matik, and then we can both escape from pi's ship which is about to explode
H-h-hmm. Robot wants to get fuel and they restrict to only toxic alcohol.
I drink good clean water and that battle bot gets banned like nothing happened.
And the good old fashioned bar fight is now a good old fashioned argument exchange.
*runs into the stasis*
I am immune to banning without a given reason. Plus. What did i do wrong?
P.S. @Fight-Beetle...
Yes, clearly the OP of a thread has less power over his thread than some random person who posted.
I can see perfectly fine why they would want to "ban" you and Kian. You because you're just randomly shooting rockets at everyone like an idiot. Sure, this is a bar fight and that sounds exactly like something somebody would do when drunk, but I don't feel that that's really what Fight-Beetle intended. More like people randomly stumbling around acting drunk. As for Kian, well, he's just being typical Kian. I really don't think I have to explain what's wrong with that.
I do however don't think you should actually be banned, for pretty much the same reason as Vohtarak said on ths cookie game.
How many seconds left till I get banned?
/fires a laser at posts writing "Matikclocker/Kian-Slime-Master is BANNED from this thread"
/trips while trying to hit Fight-Beetle, throwing at him and hurting him
1. When you fired a laser at the posts you successfully.....destroyed your monitor.
2. That display of tripping and trying to throw yourself at me...you didn't lay a finger on me but that display just HURT to watch.
EDIT: you're ACTUALLY acting drunk.
/shoulder charges into door
/forgets it's a swing door
/goes flying across the floor
/stops at bar in Yamcha pose
/sails off a bridge.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaar, I bee goin to *hic* Devy Jones lockah!