You have arrived at The Crossroads at the Bazaar.
✦ Crossroads at the Bazaar ✦
This section will take the format of:
[ Spiral Knights IGN ] // [ Steam if available ] // [ Forum shop ]
[You can use Ctrl + F / Cmd + f to easily search for people]
Aandy // Steam // Aandy's Store!
Andescot // Steam // Andescot's Shop
Arcknightdelta // Arck's Small Weapons Shop
Aretii // Steam // Aretii's Shop
Avengeful-Knight // Avengeful-Knight's Shop
Basin // Basin's Shop
Blast-Bro // 💣 !Blasty's Booming Bargains! 💣
Bullpig // Bullpig's Shop
Cheshireccat // Steam // Cheshireccat's Alley
Chikamatsu // Chikamatsu's Wonderful Emporium
Daili // Daili's [WTB/WTS] List
Darkarkangel // Steam // Dark's Devilishly Tempting Deals!
Dimothy // Dimothy's Shop
Doppy // Doppy's Rare and Exotics Costumes, Accessories and Gear
Fishysh / Nerdy-Knight / Voltduck // The Big Daddies' Bargains
Genras // Genras' General Goods
Glasscanon-Redmoon // Glasscanon-Redmoon's Shop
Goldenknighty // Goldenknighty's Shop
Hadesrebellion // Steam // Hades' Gate to Purgatory
Hawkyi // Hawk's WTS/WTT List
Im-Raku // Steam // Im-Raku's Shop
Kazangen // Kazangen-Forums' Shop
Kingtinkinzar // ◈The Gremlin Kingdom Castle's Yard Sale◈
Knight-Bazaar // Steam //Knight-Bazaar's Shop
Krns // Steam // Krns' Quitting Sale
Legobuild // Lego Inc Gear Shop (OP Gear)
Lilla-Gumman (Krakob) // Steam // Lilla-Gumman's Shop
Mechzhar // ~~♥▲Mechzhar's Shop▲♥~~
Meep-The-Bank // Steam // Meep-The-Bank's Listings
Melodiia // ~𝄞♫Melodiia's Musical Market♫𝄞~
Omgshrooms // Steam // Omgshrooms' Store
Partai / Zedmaster // 상점 ~{Zed and Partai’s Skylark Emporium}~ 商店
Poetry // Poetry's Shoppe
Program // Steam // ➪Program's Shop
Quickslice // Quickslice's Shop
Ragga-Prince // Steam // Rag's To Riches
Rahaner // Steam // Rahaner's Shop
Rebel-Ex // Rebel-Ex's Shop
Reqy // Steam // Reqy's Shop
Serazia // Serazia's Quitting Sale
Shinyespeon // ▲ △ Shinyespeon's Shiny Treasures! △ ▲
Smashworthy // Smash's List!
Teddysmacker // Ted's Hobo Store
Theirillusion // Illu's Mega Sale
Timmykimchi // Kimchi's Stall
Trefluu // Steam // Trefluu's Shop
Turtletalks // Steam // Turd's Talking Thrift-Shop
Ukino // Ukino's Shop
Veridiandynamics // Veridian Dynamics Marketplace
Vokster // Vokster's Quitting Sale
Waterbeat // ✾ Cutter Shop ✾
Xinkai // Xinkai's WTS List
Xx-Bubba-Xx // ~Bubz's little shop~
Yikill // Yikill's Sale
Zurmar // Zurmar's Store
Juselius // Flaming Pulsar, Plated Firefly Sentinel Armor and Plated Firefly Shade Helm!
Kingtinkinzar // Any as long as requested!
Snarby-Slasher // Any as long as requested!
Egomaster's Steam Games Shop Selling 200+ Steam Games for ENERGY!
Meep-The-Bank's Steam Game Inventory Clearance
Sidra's Steam Games Shop ♥☻★ Rates 700-1200/$! ★ Any Game in Stock//Order / Buying Tf2/Cs Keys For 1800-2000ce ★☻♥
Got something that someone might want to buy?
Here are some listings:
Kazangen-Forums Perfect Mask of Seerus Shock Max, Magic Hood Shock Max and Swiftstrike Buckler Fire Max.
Menish Mission Reward accessories
Ragga-Prince Power Stars (118)
Reedneir Hunter Hood
Unforgiving-Tear UV tickets + Solstice items.
Snarby-Slasher Chapeau of the Amethyst Rose
Zedmaster Magic Cloak, Wolver Coat, Wolver Cap with specific UVs.
Meep-The-Bank's The Meep Mercantile Got Steam, TF2 and CS:GO stuff to sell? Want energy? I'll buy them!
Tryhardbanana's Secret Stash [WTB] TF2 Keys 1700ce! [WTS] Refined Metal 120ce!
/amaze :O
Now I only need to keep the node for this thread :D
Awesome idea man, ty for the effort. I'm sure that everyone whose name is on the list above will chime in to keep this post bumped up. But I do realise that this post will require a lot of editing from u, to keep track of new items, merchants quitting SK/quitting merching, etc. Keep up the effort man!
And ty for including our shop here :D
Could u add that I'm looking to buy a few items?
I'm looking to buy (is also posted in my Skylark Emporium):
➪ 2★ Magic Cloak (Shock Med/High) or (Fire Med/High) or (Shock Med/High + Fire Med/High)
➪ 2★ Wolver Cap (Freeze Med/High) or (Freeze Med/High + Shadow Med/High)
➪ 2★ Wolver Coat (Shadow High/Max) or (Shadow High/Max + Normal High/Max)
Could you find me a BTB recipe? I'm willing to pay 5-10k extra.
I like this idea a lot.
Thanks for adding my shoe in there, much appreciated. Also:
I am looking to buy a few things that I would love if you could add to the thread:
Overcharged Mixmaster - [20K E]
Surge Hood - [15K E]
Extra-Small Height Modifier - [20K E]
Pill Eyes - [1K E]
P.S. Senior-Jackpot doesn't play anymore ;_; I want his Hood
Thanks for the Add, looks like this is gonna be a huge success
could you add my thread 110313 and im looking to buy a regal gremlin helmet
Not looking for a BTB recipe anymore. I am looking for a GF recipe.
And thanks Meep for adding my name there. Great idea.
Ok then. I'll buy it from you tomorrow. Having a technical issue with my laptop.Send me a frend request in game. Same username.
4 for sure cause you first see what shop it is so people will start knowing the shops names
then you se the features so when people know the names theyll be like ok i know hat in there
and if they wanna proceed for a purchase or trade they can just see the ign on the bottom which imo is the best layout
unforgiving-tear not unforgiven-tear xD
You can remove my name for GF recipe.
I was wondering whether Kingtinkinzar was buying or selling dark briar barriage recipe, if he is buying I can sell one for 30k to him, also I am looking for a wicked toupee for my alt Kirrito-kun for 90k crowns
Also can you add Omgshrooms' shop to this list?
Derp. Should have fixed that title. He's selling recipes.
Anyways, I'll add that request to the list for the wicked toupee however, won't be able to add Omgshroom's shop as I don't have a link to it.
Edit: Nvm, found it.
Could you add mine and Snarby Slasher's shop? The forum's number is 110595
could you change the name of my my shop too ◈The gremlin kingdom castle's yard sale◈ and i have steam check my node, and my recipe list is also updated thx in advance + BOEMP
You can remove Thagx from my shop as that is me.
Edit: Please add our shops name in the buy your recipes here section and remove Snarbys name.
I would just like to say thanks for doing this thread, you are doing a good job with it although through scrolling down I can see we are a demanding bunch. Also I just thought I'd like to show my appreciation for making things alot easier. :-)
You spelled my name wrong, and me and Snarby are working together so add our shops name altogether in the Recipe area
Do I know you? O.,@ (How'd you know my catchphrase? D:<)
What are you looking to buy?
Gear / Accessories / Costumes
Steam Games
Or are you looking to sell?
Gear / Accessories / Costumes
Steam Game Items
Other stuff:
Hi! As you may see, the pages are starting to get clumped with a lot of information and so I'm redesigning the format.
[Updated 22/06/15]
The purpose of this thread is to help both sellers advertise their threads and buyers to get their items as efficiently as possible. It'll help combat the times when people may have problems finding a specific thread of a reputable merchant and so, solves the problem of rarely-bumped threads easily getting lost within the many pages of the Bazaar section. Sometimes, I even have trouble finding several threads due to the fact that my browser can only list the previous 10 I've viewed.