Im tired so for awhilr this will be work in progress, but still these thkngs can be very silly! Like the shadow dragon being instant killed to Moola being turned into a chicken! Anything can happen in these random stories! if i make typos i am very sorry about that, but lets move to seasons and chapters
Season 1:The lost lands
1. The islands of chaos (meet Kian Slime Master and his 2 members to help defeat enemies)
2. An attack preparation (Kian starts an attack on the Dragonfire Peaks)
3. The WAR! (Attack on the ancient shadowdragon, name refers to Matikclockers game named The WAR!)
4. Whats up at the lunar lands?
1. The islands of chaos
Meet Kian Slime Master, Kian-Slime-Lord and Titanium Destroyer
They are some people who love destroying their antagonists, Kian Slime Lord and Kian Slime Master are slimes but UVs dont work on them, whole Titanium Destroyer is a VERY destructive robot
The story
They were in there fortress, planning on something to do to destroy the ancient shadow dragon, but they needed some powerful weapons amd more destructive battle bots, who would they find? We wont know yet! Just wait and see, anyway tgey started a conversation
Kian Slime Lord:i think i remember some one i heard in my VERY cold hall
Kian Slime Master:Who is it?
Kian Slime Lord:Hmm...... Matikclocker
Titanium Destroyer:I remember that battle bot!
Kian Slime Lord: we should call him when we have the chance
Kian Slime Master:DO IT NOW
Kian Slime Lord:dude, we need to wait
Kian Slime Master:NOOOOOOOOW, you know what? Would you like to see the new system?
Kian Slime Lord:yes
Kian Slime Master:PLASMA IN THE SKY! *Mortars plasma onto Kian Slime Lord*
Plasma aliens... Referencin' to Plasmanator and O.P.Lasma...