Part 1: Intro, Background
For several months, we have been collecting data for a major equipment acquisition cleanup project. This has a much larger scope than the wonderful work we did improving the years-out-of-date material pages.
For details, please see these related links, full of editing ideas and in-game data collection effort:
*Wiki Editor Forums: Basil Information and development of Basil Template
*Wiki Editor Forums: NPC Bazaar Inventory Data Collection and MissNice's huge data tracking efforts
We love the idea of implementing a master acquisition template system for equipment - we've already made the system. It allows us to have very consistent wording, and change minor things very quickly for multiple pages (such as linking something or adjusting phrasing). This was proposed by Hexzyle, but we had to split it off into item types because of the sheer amount of data. Looking at around 12.5k+ bytes for the larger templates, we don't think size will be an issue in the near future, unless the game releases hundreds of new items. Other types of items have their own acquisition systems. For example, we involve DoRSource for aesthetics in junction with a sortable table, and Material/Acquisition for materials.
Part 2: One small issue holding us back
We have enough data, and it is time to push changes through. Making this more complicated: the nature of this data is tied into the format of equipment pages. Before we start "bulldozing implementation," we must agree on one thing:
Page format justifications and potential:
Option A or Option B. I have moved "Notes" above the Combat section for option B (and prefer this option), because I feel that "notes" bleeds well into combat, and combat bleeds extremely well into the Gallery, as combat is describing the major files within the gallery.
Many game wikis I read have a few consistencies (while still being inconsistent and making me be cry): acquisition is right at the top where pretty much everyone wants it (similar to finding a company's phone number on their web page -.-, this has received a ton of positive feedback), and galleries are at/near the bottom. For our wiki, due to forum discussion, I have maintained that galleries are followed only by "lists that can potentially expand infinitely" if relevant and See Also. Staff has specifically stated via support that we must have External Video Links located where it is, so that subsection's positioning in the ToC order is not up for debate.
Other sections should be intuitive. Recipe is part of acquisition, as such, it is nested under that section. Damage and attack descriptions are nested under Combat, and are not included in armor/helmet pages.
There is some desire for a damage section for shield bashes, and might be something we look into for the far future. This is not overly critical information, so it does not have our focus at this time.
Part 3: Editing
Of focus for this project after agreeing on the Notes section location issue:
Update the acquisition section of all combat equipment pages (except trinkets, leave those alone for now, they need some more work with infoboxes) and clean up pages regarding ToC order and content, making them clean and consistent.
*Refer to Reskin/Acquisition, Page/Shield, Page/Armor (applies to helmets too), and Page/Weapon for easy copy pasting.
*Add acquisition templates
*Put ToC into consistent order and with consistent names ("Acquisition" instead of "Vendor" etc. - pay extremely close attention to ToC subsection organization, or "nested" format, and do not add extra spaces/line breaks/whitespace)
*Remove wayward files (pending galleries with high quality animations, yes, this will be a ton of work, no, we're not asking anyone to do it, but ThePC and Hennils have done a lovely job getting the vast majority of the tooltip rotations done, and adding the process to the Style Guide. Yes, this means simply removing those gifs, pngs, and jpgs that are scattered around some pages. This "ancient editor work" will live on in spirit, because we definitely will include this information in the future at some point in higher quality/consistent file naming format)
*Make sure there are no links in the descriptions, and make sure they are italicized (because they are a quote). While links are useful, we can cover terminology in the Notes section if necessary, many of us completely agree that links in descriptions are distracting and potentially biased when it comes to lore.
*Double check Acquisition information to make sure it is correct and formatted consistently. Edit the appropriate template to fix if you find an error.
*Edit summary/comment should be "Acquisition template and uniform ToC format - see node 112858"
*Always preview before you save changes
*Always copy your entire work in the edit window, paste it into a plain text editor before saving to avoid edit conflict sorrows. Not all browsers can go "back" and keep this information. Better safe than sorry!
*If something is confusing, don't just go in and make edits. Ask us here.
EDIT: made sections more clear for forum reading
...Option B looks exactly the same as Option A for me. "Combat" is still above "Notes" in both.
I understand what you mean with the format, though.