Fellow creators of Spiral Knights, I thought that I would bring up a few things that I would really like to be changed soon. This game, is starting to get really boring. Where are all the new levels, gear, weapons, sprites, etc? I'm sick and tired of hearing about these prize boxes. Does it look like we actually WANT to see those? NO, WE DON'T!!!! Now, I would totally understand why you would be giving out new boxes if you actually LET THE COMMUNITY KNOW WHAT YOUR PLANS ARE COMING UP FOR IMPROVING THE GAME!!! But, no why would you do that? Instead you are letting this game gather up in dust and soon, nobody will be left. I'll be surprised if you even manage to make this game live another year. When you bring out these boxes and don't tell us any updates about new content, it makes us think that all you care about is money. Is that what you want us to think about you? You are starting to become just like the rest of the MMO's when it comes to money. But, at least the other MMO's actually give updates. Not to mention the lag in your servers are horrible. The is the only MMO I see it in and I think that it's bad customer service. Now, I don't care about any excuses for the lag, I just want it fixed. I'm sick and tired of hearing "Oh, it's probably on your end" or "It's because of your internet provider". At this point, I can tell you that it's not on my end, but on your end developers. I think it's about time that you spilled and told us your plans. It's not fair to us as a community if you don't share your thoughts of what you could do to improve this game. There is so much that you could do and if you actually gave the community a chance, they could give you some cool suggestions as well. It's not that hard to give out new content and actually respond to your community that takes time out of their day to write suggestions to you. But, you just ignore all of them. I've never seen an MMO do that before until I reached this one. How sad is that? I think it's time you pulled it together and brought back the fun in this game once more. Only you can save it from its demise. It will be gone before 2018 even arrives if you keep it up.
Message to Three Rings and/or SEGA (aka the creaters of Spiral Knights)

Pffft, what do you expect?
Don't worry about it. You'll get used to it.
Why should we have to get used to it though? I've done enough waiting. I think it's time that something is put into the light.

Yes, we all know that OOO is a bit slow on new content. But I can assure you there's a huge, huge update coming out soon. Remember that list that Nick gave out? Yeah, that's probably what OOO's busy working on.
The prize boxes are almost done and done. The reason for the prize boxes is because OOO wants to complete the annual gemstone pattern, and odds are the prize boxes will stop during the month when the first gemstone box was released.
It is possible for an admin to reply to this thread by assuring us there is stuff in development, but don't count on it. Keep waiting, but focus attention on other stuff other than SK instead.
Ever heard of Final Fantasy XV a.k.a. Final Fantasy Versus XIII? That game has been in the air for 10 darn years. It's finally going to release this year. Compared to FFXV, this wait is nothing.
Yeah, but still. I would feel more comfortable if they actually told us what they are trying to do right now instead of being silent. It just bothers me.

I've heard it a million times before. Blah blah no updates, blah blah its boring, blah blah they only want money. If you don't like their ethics then just quit, it's simple. As for me, I signed up for the ride in 2011 and have no intent of jumping off it anytime soon.

Do you also remember when Nick left OOO? Considering he was so excited about those ideas, what could have possibly caused him to leave before realizing them? Perhaps the people in charge decided to go a different direction and he didn't like it.
The gemstones are part of prize box frenzy, not the other way around. OOO has more graphic designers than game developers, so they're using cosmetics to carry us over until an actual update.
When was the last time a developer actually said anything to the community that isn't a bug fix/technical issue? If they really have something great brewing, you would think they would at least say something along the lines of "be patient, we're working on something big". Aphrodite is probably the PR person, and she's not even saying much. Surely she can see that many players are frustrated, yet the most I've seen her disclose is a hint about the new Winterfest tokens. Maybe because there is nothing comforting say?
I don't think it's nice to say the game is dying, but we need to periodically remind OOO that players are losing interest due to lack of new content.

I think the reason Nick left was because of how Sega began to treat OOO. SK has essentially become Sega's game, not OOO's. Just like how Puzzle Pirates is Ubisoft's. Nick, as a result, wanted to leave and form an indie company which he is working on Slime Rancher. Though that's all speculation...

Puzzle Pirates is held under Ubisoft?
I thought they only published the box edition.
I agree 1000% with this post. Finally I meet someone who understands this game's situation like me.
I believe we could boycott the promos? We would just need the word spread. I think that would effect SEGA.

"I believe we could boycott the promos? We would just need the word spread. I think that would effect SEGA."
I expect that this would just reduce the amount of content updates further, if not entirely stop them.
Unless, of course, you start buying energy and/or things like the Guardian Armor Pack, Deluxe Starter Pack, OCH, etc. instead...
Then what? We just stay here and just whine forever?

look buddy, people have been complaining a lot about this game since umm dunno 2012? maybe even before of that, one complain wouldnt do something about the state of the game, neither buying/not buying stuff from the game, we dont even know if part of the funds from past promos were used on the failed game called: "Rise of the Knights" which was a spin off from spiral knights which basically was a game for tablets and what not and no, wasnt a big thing anyway, just a reskin of plant vs zombies with spiral knights graphics. of course we also dont know if was funded by other means and not what they get from promos, so thats why no matter if people keep buying / stop buying promos. (boycotting promos not gonna work pal, because some whales will still buying any promo OOO throw at them).
you want to know what to do? well... your guild its bored of spiral knights? none of your friends from facebook, skype, steam or any other IM service you have plays spiral knights anymore? well do what i did with my guild, i told them move to another game, and stop waiting for something spiral knights not gonna deliver (maybe never, maybe not so soon). basicaly my guild spent now in other games than just pay for reskins, recolors, or shiny dress from this game.
you have plenty games around there i moved my guild to maplestory, TF2, Dofus, League of Legend, Dota2, etc. We at the moment moved to Wakfu because the F2P (some of my guildies cant add funds to their steam) and while maybe dont have Spiral Knight gameplay (and remember this: its something that OOO will take advantage of it, because they dont have any other MMO that would compete so OOO will sleep at their laurels always) we really enjoy Wakfu because we love to play as team and its something that Wakfu give us at the moment, we also still looking for the release of Tree of Savior Which look honestly a lot interesting than spiral knights (and i never played ragnarok which many fans call this game to be the real ragnarok II).
Trust me buddy, complaining, trying to boycott promos not gonna work, nobody will support you and OOO white knights will always tell you stop. dont waste your time giving yourself a hard time with this game, take a while away from this game and try something else with your friends, trust me you will start to see that was a better choice and you can always can take a look at the forums to know how is going (or just to say Hi to friend in game).
I doubt that an admin will respond to this message either. It just proves my point that they don't care anymore.