It seems the unattainable achievements have been removed from Steam! Never again will Master Miner taunt me.
Honestly, that alone happening so quickly has already given me a favorable view of this acquisition. All we're really missing now is an "undecorated window" checkbox so I don't need to guide people through using extra.txt to run the game in Not Full Screen mode.
I have over 700hours of playtime in this game, and I remember from YEARS ago I've always looked to this game for serenity and fun. I was even a beta player but I lost my old steam account :( . Anyways, I remember all of the changes, they were huge but not always good. I lost so many friends, so many forgotten memories, so much sadness and loss. I remember how it used to be. A vibrant community of fun, trading, excitement in every day. Then the big changes happened, the Missions, the new Guild halls, the excessive grinding for loot. Many people became rich. But it wasn't fun anymore. I would always come on from time to time hoping there would have been great change, there would be none. Months passed, no change. I was only one of the few veterans of SK who still held onto the past and the greatness of the old SK world. It brought me great sadness, but now, there is a new hope for SK. And I really hope that SK can be vibrant again, and all I can say is, my dream has finally been answered, or at least now seems possible. It may take a lot to bring SK back. But I have great hope for the future.