SK has been bought by ex OOO employees.

304 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Krakob

Thanks for the update! I'm glad you're not being (that) secretive.

Portrait de Valoiz
Happy bout the chance this

Happy bout the chance this game can reborn and move on, soo much potential as mmorpg

Portrait de Gbotx
Maybe we get new content :O

Maybe we get new content :O

Hope they correct some things...

Still have this game installed, but I don't play it anymore.

Remove the HoH from the game.

Energy system was fine the way it was.

Add an option to select between the New and Old UI.

If you remember, it was since the massive UI and HoH update that the playerbase has been shrinking so much...
What made this game fun is gone.

No recipe runs.
Vana gets boring because you have an instant shortcut.
New monsters are badly coded.
And the new crafting mode is an apaling thing.

This is my opinion.
If they decided to remove the HoH and make the recipe runs good again, I' would join again with some new friends!

Portrait de Voltorian

im glad this game won't be going down at least for a while, but i do have some suggestions

bring back the share hp revive

put in the new sprites to make valestone and moonstone useful

make new pvp modes

take out alchemy orbs

remove forging

add more missions that don't just contain tiny arenas with tons of monsters


I honestly don't know why people despise the change that involved Alchemy Orbs in comparison to what it used to be.

I mean, back before it was implemented you had to pay raw CE in order to even upgrade/craft something. Now with the addition of Alchemy Orbs, you have a chance to avoid that entirely by finding them instead.

If they take out Alchemy Orbs, I think they'd probably slap the CE prices right back on, giving you no chance but to grind out crowns to purchase the CE from other players (In which the prices have skyrocketed hellishly, as everyone knows)

However, plenty of people and including me agree that the forge system would be better if it wasn't even present.

(Or at least make Radiants not agonizingly painful to collect, but that's just me.)


CE prices skyrocketed because no one is buying it!
If CE becomes like it was before: used to everything , it will become much more affordable.

The forging system was perfectly fine, I really dont know why they changed it.

I miss the times I grinded crowns for crafting , while only being able to play 10lvls...
I think the energy system was more profitable for them the way it was before!

Even I , that im skeptical about buying things, bought many elevator passes!q

Portrait de Skylarx
In my opinion...

In my opinion the "new" energy and crafting system are very positive aspects.

No elevator costs -> more completed levels
more completed levels -> small (but at least existing) chance for getting orbs -> saving energy

If I do not get any orbs I just buy them with the larger amount of crowns which I get by being able to play more than 10lvls.

I guess the forging system was changed because it was to easy to heat up just by playing and it would've become even more easy after the changes because of "being able to play more than 10lvls a day".

And please correct me if I am wrong but if I remember correctly the energy prices were lower when there were more active players who bought energy.

I don't know if it's just me but I really like it the way it is.
Just wanted to share my thoughts. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

Portrait de Veridiandynamics

Exactly my thoughts from point to point.


You are forgeting about the HoH , that screwed the game so much.

Im fine with the crafting system, I just hate it because I got used to the old one... Which was far better imo.
And the amount of radiants required is just outrageous!

And the older UI was great!

No elevator costs have its drawbacks.
You play play play, and eventually you start to get bored.
With the older system you would have to manage your "addiction".

You are right, but that was a time where CE was used for everything.
Surely, a wider range of players selling would make prices more competitive, but there was a hell of a lot more people looking to buy CE.

Portrait de Bonjourhippo
These "old UI" rants are

These "old UI" rants are getting awfully old. Get over it.


Excuse me if I liked a cleaner, lighter and tinier UI.

Its an opinion, you will have to deal with it, the same way I have to deal with yours.

Portrait de Enclave-Xz
Havent played for 3 years now

Havent played for 3 years now and just got back last week. My first time with the new UI and all the changes. I must say I completwly hate the fire crystals and the whole forge thing, not as a concept but the way it is executed.

I sold all my stuff when i left the game, literally all i had left was the war hammer and I've slowly been rebuildig my once great arsenal , which has been a complete pain due to the forge system. I've already bought some energy and got some UVed weapons and I was all ready to craft and get back into the game, until i figured out how the new heating system works. Its very exhausting to collect those crystals, it takes all the fun of it when all i'm doing is counting how many more crystals i need until i get my grand flourish to level 8.

Portrait de Skylarx
Wait what?

@Veridiandynamics I am glad to see that you agree with my opinion.

@Fight-Men So you basically want a limit (like in any f2p mobile game) to prevent your self from playing too much?

I am sorry but I totally disagree with this argument. If I want to play more than 10lvls I am not automatically addicted or the game gets boring.
I am glad they removed the old system. Now it's up to us to decide how much we can play and as mentioned above this solves the orb problem. I am fine with the radiant farming, would've taken much more for being able to play more than 10lvls.

I do not think you can blame a game for NOT stopping you from playing it because you get bored of it if you're allowed to play as much as you want.

No offense but in my opinion this isn't an argument against the new system.
I can understand that you liked it more because you were used to it but I feel like it was a huge gift to the players.

But ofc I respect your opinion. :)


I did liked the old system, I got used to it, so it brings some nostalgia to me.
But i didnt wanted to limit the game by any means... But the limitation that the energy provided was perfectly acceptable.

Sure , now that you have no limite whatsoever to explore, its awesome.
And now that I begin to think more about it, its kinda good. (I was way focused ON the energy system, and overlooked the biggest issue).

Whats the thing about making exploring free, if you remove the exploring objective? (Recipes!).

I do start to agree that the energy was a gift to us (after reading your post).
But you have almost no reason to explore the clockworks, because you can get everything from the missions...

Portrait de Voltorian

pretty sure one of the reasons why CE prices went up so much is because the alchemy orbs. i used to make decent crowns by crafting a few items each day and then selling on AH, then i would use that money to get CE. alchemy orbs are far harder (at least for me) to find than it is to get CE

i can hardly find radiants. thenly place i've found them abundantly is in dreams and nightmares, and i'm too weak to solo that, and i can barely find parties to do it with

the need to make a minimal version of the UI

Portrait de Bonjourhippo
My point is if you ask most

My point is if you ask most new player their opinion on the "new" UI (which is the only one they'll have seen being new players) they'll find that there's nothing wrong with; you're just being nostalgic which is in no shape or form a valid criticism.
These "old was better" arguments have no substance; I have not seen anyone here so far making a point of how beginner friendly this game became since the energy system revamp and how it avoided early bird issues such as running out of mist after half an hour and just moving on to the next game, which were common back in the days.
The new UI features all the elements of the old one and more, and therefore is not a downgrade. If you want an example of downgrade, quote the disappearance of health share revives instead.
Orbs didn't really influence the energy prices; what did change however is that in the past, CE was strongly related to the ability to make crowns, since you had to pay to dive in the clockworks; with clockworks being free, crowns became more abundant. That broke the balance between both currencies. It's been mitigated for a while thanks for Punch which created a huge crown sink, and if overtime the rates have been climbing it's only because of the ever shrinking supply of CE from P2P people. Prize boxes bundled with energy often caused temporary CE price reductions as players were given a strong incentive to buy energy, therefore increasing the supply; on the opposite, flash sales caused CE to increase as great deals in CE were given to players for a limited time.

Portrait de Voltorian

and that's why there should be an OPTION for it. new players can keep the UI if they want, but old players should be able to switch back if they want to. both should be able to switch UI freely, like in Tf2

Portrait de Poothis
Compromise on forge system?

Since I don't know if they'll ever make drastic changes to the forge system, would a nice compromise be make the amount of fire crystals to level a piece of gear each time consistent at the middle level. So if low forge chance costs 10, middle costs 20, and 100% costs 30, then make the price be 20 no matter what star level or heat level the gear is as well as always making the forge chance 100%. Cuz the fire crystal prices in order to get 100% chance of success is what I'm pretty sure is driving people crazy.

Sorry if my explanation is crap... I'm bad at explaining things.

I know why CE prices went

I know why CE prices went up.

Just, just stating it. I knew I should've said it after Fight said something.

Pretend like I don't exist anymore.

Portrait de Rustre


in general, and about the forge hate:
Doing an arcade run because you find the game actually enjoyable would be too much. You must finish heating that fang of vog today otherwise you will explode from the sheer lack of radiants.

Also what is the current topic of this thread? It seems a bit derailed.

Portrait de Autofire
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

I like the turnout of our party!

This is promising indeed! Maybe it's not a whole playerbase, but this entire group is ready to back you, Grey Havens! We all wish you the best of luck, and many shinies!

Portrait de Voltorian

we are posting random suggestions that we hope Grey Havens will do because OOO/Sega didn't

Portrait de Bonjourhippo
Yeah I get an option for the

Yeah I get an option for the old UI would be cool, but there's reasons to be concerned with this ever happening as some of the old graphical resources may have been long lost now in the switch to Grey Haven or prior; on top of that, any new item would require a new UI and old UI icon, which doubles the effort on that end. That doesn't sound like a priority, most players wouldn't be affected by this feature existing/not existing.

Portrait de Vohtarak-Forum
factual incorrection detected

Your entire hall of heroes opinion is based on "ruining recipe runs"
yes, the average gear can be gotten for free, but this made recipe runs even more valuable
there are a lot of basil-only recipes (which you seem to have forgotten about completely) that are more difficult to get, which is why their prices are so high now, so recipe runs actually net more profit
you seem to be against the HoH by thinking that it has every recipe, and its very obvious that it doesn't

Portrait de Krakob
@UI debate

I just really miss the old icons. Nostalgia? Probably. But there was something about them that makes my heart melt.


So tell how many parties can you find exploring the clockworks?
I can count them with one hand.

I am not forgeting about the rarer recipes, I am just talking about what I experience.
The most bread and butter items are so easy to acquire though the HoH!

Its just my opinion.

Portrait de Iamnoone
~waves to Grey Havens~

I've been passing on the word to all my old time SK friends since this was announced. I am sure everyone else has been too. I wish you well on you endeavor and hope you have the best of successes.

Portrait de Voltorian

nono, i'm not saying make the items have their old icons again. i am saying to make it have a smaller, more clean UI, while still using the current item icons. current icons are better because you actually know what weapons, but the current UI takes too much space

Regarding party finder

If I'm running for recipes it's not likely that I would open it up for other people to join. That's guaranteed time added until I reach the midpoint. Besides, wasn't the hall of heroes already at the start of t3 before missions were added?

remove rank req at the tier gates

i totally agree remove hoh and the dame forge system. and put least back you can rev each other with you hp. but put those a side as old player like me i cant go to tier 2 or 3 anymore because you need a dame rank instead of gear. add the old system back you need 4 and 3 star gear and remove the rank
req for gear

(note squire ranked and run with ful bk set )

Portrait de Veridiandynamics
You know

HoH will stay im pretty sure.
And lets just say for the sake of argument that they remove it.
Im pretty sure most players would start to complain about it, demanding to bring it back (just like the opposit you guys are saying now).

Maybe you guys dont realise why, cuz you actually dont play the game anymore, so i'll crack it down for you.
HoH became a must have after gunner update. With the new unlimited gunner recipes flowing in it became much harder to find a specific recipe. It takes really long to find that one recipe you are looking for.

Myself wouldnt really mind it, cuz i like to play the game, but im certain that the oh-so-impatient average player ( see for reference: whining constantly cuz of forge system, and "shortage of radiants" ) would be pretty much butthurt about it.

The real gamechanger and good idea about the HoH would be to actually keep it, plus remove all of HoH's recipes from Basil's list. That way people could actually hope for nice recipes and would probably make more recipe runs than before :)

Getting back shared HP system is something i can approve ( would make Spark of Life totally useless tho' ).

The idea of removing rank req in arcade is interesting i never really knew why it was existing in the first place. But it can be super easy to play around it with low ranked knights. Just make sure you got 1 high ranked who can invite you after passing the rank req gate(s). So its not really a big problem. However sure if it helps some people, so be it remove the thing :)

Portrait de Vohtarak-Forum
thats an even more ridiculous reason

The arcade is less popular because there's always at least one mission that suits someone's needs better, not because of recipe runs becoming useless

And I'm not sure about you, but I do find a lot of arcade parties, try looking more into things (dont trust party finder, it leaves out parties that aren't open and ones on even depths)

Portrait de Poothis

I mean sure, it'd have benefits to removing the HoH as it makes doing arcade runs more satisfying when you find the right recipe. However, I do agree that with the gunner update, pretty much HALF of all the recipes that Basil will have in one run are freakin gunner armors that all sound the same and are REALLY irritating to sort out.

I feel like the hate on the forge is BECAUSE of the radiant drought. I've never had a problem with anything 4* and below and never had a care for the forge. I still think having the fire crystal costs from levels 1-10 should be kept constant with a 100% chance of forge success... meaning just keep the cost the same and removing the stupid forge success mechanic. It's so that once you get to say levels 7-10, you don't have to freakin pay 90+ crystals for your 100%. I was thinking it should be more like 20-30 for all levels.

Portrait de Neueragon
@Vohtarak: yes.

lets think about why. missions offer many things over arcade. one of them is reliability, you always know how many rarities and how much cr you are expected to get. you also have special levels for event grinding (looking at you, BK). additionally, with missions you can (with some limitations) skip to whatever depth you want to farm. this is actually quite significant for cr farming too, as uneven strata (where you start in towns) pay significantly less than even ones.
so, how could this be solved?
well, you could always nerf missions. but nobody likes nerfs. so lets buff the arcade instead.
first of all, raise uneven strata payout for the arcade, so that going through early levels doesnt feel like a waste (this might also boost the recipe market). then we still have the problem of rarities. the important ones are sparks, orbs and radiants. making sparks and orbs a little more common should already suffice. for radiants, you can raise drop depth (maybe up to the whole S6) and make boxes drop only radiants, not shinings too.
if you consider these changes for lets say FSC, mission FSC would be better for making a quick buck (you skip S5, which still pays less than any FSC lvl), while arcade FSC is better for rarities.
this way, both the arcade and missions would have their use.

on old UI as an option, yes please. health bar placement in old was middle bottom, much easier to glance towards in a heated fight. turning off gear models would be great as a performance boost on older computers, hovering over an item can make the game freeze for a second if your computer isnt great. also, I dont like the shiny look, I preferred the plain one of the old one.

Portrait de Veridiandynamics

I dont know anything about any radiant drought :)
Started the game after that so called drought happend ^^
Now i have more than 20k useless radiants in my pocket.
So... how is the new forge system hard exactly? Beats me.
Its not hard. Its just not that super easy what it was before. Thats all.

We are all making sugestions

We are all making sugestions and discussing improvements, but I bet everything will stay the same way.

They will ignore most of the feedback, like in the good ol days.

Grey havens: "What do you guys think about this?"
Community: "We love it!"
Grey havens: "Good, we wont do any of that. Instead, let us give you reskins and promotions."

Portrait de Sciger

Sega's way of thinking =/= Grey Haven's way of thinking. Give 'em a chance before we make any judgement calls.

Portrait de Hera
Game Master
Quick Reminder!

While we appreciate the suggestions, this thread is not the place for them. Suggestions go into the suggestions forum, not here. If this thread isn't kept on track, it may be locked.

Portrait de Fangel

EDIT: ninja'd by Hera saying the entirety of my post shouldn't be here. fml
Still keeping my post here because I wanted to keep my last 30 minutes of writing saved because I put effort into it dangit.

Since there are suggestions flying left and right in here I can jump in.

First, free elevators are amazing. So many players were turned off by mist elevators in that you turned players away before they even got into the game. That's bad, you don't have a hook to keep them coming back.
However the forge is a byproduct of this. But think of it this way - you're now progressing via playing the game, not sitting around doing other things. If you want to progress you have to play the game, not wait 22 hours to get your mist back.

Second, hall of heroes is good. However, I would recommend increasing the hall of heroes recipe prices, or reducing basil's recipe prices. It must be a considerable amount so that players will buy and sell basil recipes to players for cheaper than the hall of heroes value. Outright removing the hall of heroes would be an even more harsh jolt and players wouldn't know their weapon options, instead going for full cobalt and then dying all the time because cobalt isn't great.

Third, old UI making a comeback might be nice, however it's not the old UI we miss so much as the placement of it. Allocating "UI slots" that players could customize would be amazing... However, the new icons and colorscheme should be maintained, even if items are moved around.
(I really hate the weapon wheel and so when I get cursed I play a mini game of russian roulette and hope I don't hurt myself. Old system allowed me to see what was cursed at a glance, new system doesn't. That's all I miss from it)

It looks like you're really looking back on this game with nostalgia goggles and not wanting to know it changed. As an active play with over 5000 hours under my belt, I would still recommend this game to anyone who is into a cute, social MMO with old style and easy to get into combat that also has advanced tactics. The core game hasn't changed, its systems have.

Really, the biggest issue Spiral Knights has is pacing. The beginning of the game moves you along too fast, the end of the game moves you along too slow, and the hall of heroes grind walls completely halt progress once you hit them. Before missions and all that, you had your own pace, which was "arcade". You could run 10 floors, as long as you didn't revive... Unless you were exploiting the system via mist knights.

If the game put more emphasis on creating your own adventure - ie, the arcade, and then you unlocked missions as you explored, that would allow players to pace themselves, love the game for what it is, and gather resources so when they end up at the next hall of heroes they have enough wealth to overcome it quicker.

Portrait de Vohtarak-Forum

I wasn't suggesting anything about missions, I was just explaining that the arcade wasn't killed by the hall of heroes, I think thats it for derailing, unless fight-men has any more logical fallacies

Portrait de Jenovasforumchar
back into rails

As Klipik guessed in post #44, the official Website of Grey Havens is

But this site is still unaccessible.

So my question: is that page only temporary down or is it the wrong page to begin with?

It would be nice to have an official link here since this Forums and the whole Domain is still using the old references to sega and Three Rings.

Portrait de Vohtarak-Forum
theyre still working things out with the switch

I'd say give them a month to settle in, then we can start pestering them about websites

Portrait de Jenovasforumchar

It is not like they came to life just yesterday - they existed before SK got bought. So they should have at least an Internet presence. Probably without Spiral Knights on their list at this moment, but it would give us more Background Information about Grey Havens itselfe.

By what People posted till now, Grey Havens has been a Museum in the past and thus they should have a Internet page when they started existing.

Because what we know till now about GH is only this:
-They have Ex-members of Three Rings inside
-They take care of certain games (dont wonna list them here, but you can check them up in links of page 1 and 2 of this Topic)
-The Name is a reference to Lord of the Rings
-It was a "Museum" in the past, but this is not the case anymore
-They bought Spiral Knights
-They are currently buisy with the transfering procedure

You are right when you say that THIS Domain is still refering to OOO and sega, but this has not been my question.

I asked for *their* Homepage.

spiral knight is saved ?

so in other words a company called Grey Havens bought spiral knights and now they own it ? are they going to add big updates or they are simply going to keep the game alive and nothing else ?

Portrait de Fangel

are they going to add big updates or they are simply going to keep the game alive and nothing else ?

At this point we don't really know. With SEGA's decline there was a feeling of doom looming over the game, uncertain if it would be pulled at any moment. With the Grey Havens acquisition, we know the game will stay alive for much longer.

I would say don't expect any large content updates, however there's no reason we couldn't see a large content update in the future.

So, to make things clear,

So, to make things clear, Spiral knights its now totally free from SEGA's claws? They are free to make new content, rebalance everything and decide by themselves?

Portrait de Bonjourhippo
Considering the employees

Considering the employees have been laid off by SEGA and reformed together as Grey Haven to re-acquire the game I'd say it's a safe assumption to make; an even safer assumption to make is that if not for them, the game would have been shutdown.

Portrait de Fangel

Whoever is still around with Grey Havens after the acquisition is free to work on whatever they want for the game. If they have the desire and funds, they can hire new staff, commission content (ie, get Ian's beautiful work into the game again), release content as they wish, etc.

On top of that anyone can feel free to chat with us without as strict overhead, as noted by Hera and Cronus peeking around here on the forums a bit more. It's great to see that bit of interaction.

Transfers will likely take a while, so don't expect anything new soon. I'm sure after the transfer is complete and stable, we'll get word from a staff member.

Portrait de Morigh

Lucky me, stumbling upon this thread after being inactive from SK for over a month and the forums much longer! Glad the team is working on things that will most definitely help the SK community become more active! Best of wishes!

Morigh :3