Event: Wisp You Were Here! [Winners Announced]

That was fun. Thanks for the Spark and the sexy Fireworks. And thanks for this event, I hope we do more in the future.

I love the participation reward! Most events in the past have been a spark of life runner up prize and an accessory main prize, so it's nice to see another item thrown into the mix as well! I can't wait to see more events like this in the future!

I actually won?!?
Well my very early morning just got made. :D *Happyhappyhappy*
Congrats to everyone in top winners! And everyone else too! I liked every entry whether they were funny, visually well made, or had some great artwork in it. So good job everyone! *Salutes*
~ Angel-Girl the Valkyrie

Logged in finding the prize and I was like "wait...I won?"
I looked through all entries and you all are soooo good in multiple aspects! Looking forward to seeing you all again in the future contest! (If there will be one)

Stuff like fireworks is perfect for this sort of thing, since it's aesthetic and doesn't necessarily have much impact on actual gameplay.
I haven't actually claimed anything yet due to school, but I do have a proposition:
When giving out forum-event prizes, would player-bound, unique fireworks be at all possible? Like, purple or indigo fireworks that exploded into a Spiral Order symbol or something else different from the norm to signify forum participation.
They'd have to be bound items to truly have no impact on gameplay due to being consolation prizes. Or at least that's how I'm looking at it.
Just a thought, not really much more. Regardless, I'm loving the fact that the forums are becoming more active.

@Hera (or another GM)
So I got on SK to claim my prize, but when I opened the message there was a love puppy pocket, not a mewkat pocket which I'd asked for. It's still sitting in my inbox and I haven't accepted the monster pocket, in case then I wouldn't have been able to trade it.
If it's not possible to get a Mewkat Monster Pocket and give back the Love Puppy one, I'm okay with it. I had been debating between both of them for my prize. :)
(Should I have contacted support for this?)

@Angel-Girl - oh dear, apologies! Please leave it in your in box and I'll sort this out for you today.

I'm glad you won. When i looked at your entry, i thought it was really good and was hoping you'd win :D

Wow! Congratulations to those who won. It was nice!
Hope the GMs would put more events like this.
Happy running guys.
P.S. (How do you guys put profile pictures? Sorry. I'm new.)
Edit: nevermind... I googled it. XD
Congratulations winners and Runners up!
I'll use that Spark of Life well, promised! ;)
And my thanks to Hera for hosting this event. I had fun participating, which I think is the most important thing.