**--==// Official Lego Inc. Shop \\==--** [Updated on: 7/23/2022]
Hi interested in that caladbolg of yours hope the pricing is negotiable

Not sure when i will, rlly it just depends on when my Spending limit goes away

which pirate set are you selling cheapest? (crowns)
emphasis on set.

Apologies. I am out of pirate promo items at this time :(

Added a few things i'm looking to buy, if anyone has them, let me know.
Sold a few things.

Grey items added. and updated.
Update: Flash sale items listed

Legoooo I don't see any grey items on the list! :oo

@Cinoa, Sorry! I had put them up, then sold them, but have a few leftovers that I have now listed!
Edit: Updated list.

Hi Legobuild! :)
I messaged you in-game. I am interested in purchasing your Heavy Side Blade & Volc Whiskers. Please let me know when you'll be online, otherwise, ill be on at various times today.
My IGN: Nara-Shikadai
Thank you,

@Melon-Kush: Willing to sell it at 6k e.
@Silver-Hawke-Alt: I can do 130k cr.

I'd Like to buy
Blitz Needle [asi vh, ctr h]
Venom Veiler [ctr h]
I'm kinda interested in
Cool Node Slime Crusher [ctr h, asi h] - idk why I just wanna try it out
Black Kat Raiment [shock k, shadow med]
Msg me ingame: Elrondss

Sent you a mail~
Edit: Updated with new promo items :)
csgo keys number updated
updated with a few celestial items.
updated with surprise box items, not all listed, just higher end items, ask for specifics of more common things.
Added you on steam to discuss your silver personal color.

Hey! I think you'd be interested in this. I'd like to know what a merchant like you thinks of this. I'd also like your feedback on it.
Thanks in advance ^vvvv^

Pretty interesting, it is always about luck in the end though~

As the title says. I would like to make offers on some materials.

Hey, I'd like to offer a trade for both your solstice rings, the golden and the silver ones. Since I don't have any cash on me at the moment, I'd like to trade my kat hiss mail fire low with prismatic cat tail for both of your rings. I'll get online on 15th or 16th of May. Thanks in advance.

I appreciate the offer, but will have to pass. Gear is one of, typically, the hardest things to sell in game because you have to find just the right person wanting it. I also do first come first serve, so I don't hold things for anyone generally, so saying you'd 2+ weeks out is quite some time.
Edit: updated listings
hi i'm interested in the celestial shield is it still available?
ing Mithral-Sky

How much for these items? Mail me in-game. Thank you!
So you have a Dusky Chaff Pack?! I've been searching since 2 months ago. How much is it?

I was looking to get the Prismatic Halo and the Twilight Aura off you if you would be willing to give me a price you were looking for because I dont know how much they are really worth.

I sent you a mail in game~
Updated list.
Wanna buy cool devious horns, do you have that too?

I do have those~ Send me an in game mail, or I can send you one to discuss price ^_^

How much are you looking to sell the Volcanic Wolver tail for?
IGN - Microbolt
^ if you'd rather mail me a price
alright so I have the bottom half of an Owlite costume(colour heavy) and I'm looking to buy the top half! I have 47kcr anyway I could buy Sagacious Owlite Mask or Astute Owlite Mask in the heavy colour?
Toomuchdog is my in-game name msg me through that if you are able to sell them to me
Updated. Contact me for some good pricing on equipment!