No AT Weekend

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The-Judge-Xz's picture

Anyone else notice how all the best ATers are still the best without AT? I thought this event was supposed to help the "legit" players.

Is it time to stop complaining about AT when you guys can't even hit the broad side of a barn?



Zero-Chill's picture
What does AT have left to do

What does AT have left to do when you already have ASI VH on all your weapons?
I suggest making no AT weekend to be no AT no UV weekend.
Now that's more fair don't you think?

-Sk is ping heavy.-Low ping

-Sk is ping heavy.
-Low ping = hard for others to hit you, easy for you to hit others
-The current "best" ATers have low ping, they keep playing because the game is easy for them vs everybody else.
-Take away the AT and guess what that does to the game?
-Anyone that has low ping can still hit everybody else easily
-Players with meh->high ping struggle more
-So in general the game stays the same, nothing changes except like the few that still play "legit"

If you want an event that will help players, that event would require the servers to be moved around. If servers were moved to the west coast on US, everybody from the west coast would become monsters and everybody from east coast would just be meh. Elk would be replaced by a west coast Elk. Eu probably won't be able to play on US anymore because server is further away now.

I see it as bm when you see someone with <100 ping using AT, but the usual complain is some pleeb crying not knowing how sk works.

@ Gen , there is Ttooyk that already runs around with no asi rolling over ppl with asi max lol.

Sigle's picture

Here's my two cents
People played much worse this weekend than normally, high numbers are neat but sloppy play was apparent. Even with some neat numbers, the average was below the norm for a good handful during this time. If you care about numbers in damage and not hit ratios and play style which were actually horrific, then owelll, kudos~


I'll make a little correction to what Sigle said:

People played much better this weekend, because it was actually them playing. When they are ATing they aren't completely playing so...

Now, if you think you do as good without it, then what's the point in using an aim correction cheat that would get you banned in any normal game. Need to get that 40k for the egirls to pay attention to you or something? Honestly, you are all so stupid that sometimes I don't know if these threads are serious or jokes.

Theirillusion's picture

@post #2
If all you do is combo spam, then I can maybe agree on UVs mattering at all if you count in AT and ping. But all other playstyles has AT and ping as the far superior factor.

Fun fact: Did you know asi doesn't correct your faulty aim, while AT does? *head exploding* I KNOW RIGHT, IT'S MINDBLOWING HUH?!?!

Theirillusion's picture


No, I haven't noticed that. Because they switch from acheron to ff+gf/da and play just as any other player that only knows how to abuse having lower ping but stays out of the other server because then they become "I wish I was meh, but I'm more trash than meh". While some players from EU play on the US server even outside of these weekends and still come up as mvps without AT.

Might wanna throw out names that doesn't apply to my description. Naming elk is pointless, we know he has single digit ping. Keep in mind how you said "all the best ATers".

If you fail to do this, please move to graveyard. Purpose of this thread no longer exists.

Knowing you'll probably name AT-noobs anyway, that just gives me (us?) something to laugh at.

Ill-Iowol-Ill's picture

I actually believe that the only people I've seen complaining about AT are people with low ping...
It's because people with high ping can't always exactly tell if someone's using AT or not.
best ATers=good players who someone can be seen as using AT (probably meaning that the player is better then that someone who has high ping)=skilled players.
I don't even get what being a "legit" player is.
I think some people know me (some, I've actually never met Theirillusion in-game before...)
I use an asi vh ff, but live in japan so 1 bar EU and 2 bars US.
Result: My highest dmg in rld was 13k (hammer only [no ASI]) during no-at weekend (EU), while my highest score using a ff was 10k using AT (US).
Does this make me a legit player? :P
Ping, UVs and AT might make your score better.
But that's not always the case... there's always luck and playstyle differences that change your scores.

@Theirillusion Do you find using AT as a bad thing? Also nope,I got nobody in mind as an AT-noob. :/

Top-Platinum's picture
Lockdown is divided in 2 community

1. Smart skilled players that know stuff
2. Kids that quitted clash of clans to play spiral knights

Now look at this thread and guess who's who!

The-Judge-Xz's picture

A few names that come to mind are Elk, Fendrix, Manlet, Pawsmack, and occasionally Zeus. These guys always get the top scores and control the flow of the matches. They're also known to use AT excessively, except Zeus who seems on and off about the whole situation.


Zeus is as bad at the game as he is making secret knights to praise himself on forums

Lmaooo the Bley savagery is

Lmaooo the Bley savagery is godlike

But from my experience, back in 2012 the only way I could deal with tmdals was in vog cub set to compete with his asi. Our pings were low and stable back then and the game ran smooth without latency problems.
So I understand the ASI perspective counting that my quickdraw was faster than his but he could outtrade me with his faster reset and lock me in a rush attack

On the elk single ping

On the elk single ping comment, I'm sure it's not single ping but low is guaranteed, however he does clearly suffer from latency issues and ping jitters like the rest of us. Sometimes his game being unplayable yet he's still able to perform really well.

Clear reason being he's a strong player. I of course cannot praise him for flashy outplay or performing high skill techniques because his playstyle is very monotonous and his footwork very simple and direct, relatable to exile's, but I do acknowledge that he can far outclass the regular player that isnt able to outplay.

@judge-xz i vouch for elk and

@judge-xz i vouch for elk and pawsmack still having a higher skillcap than anyone worth noticing in current age lockdown, ATless as with AT

i vouch for your mom having a

i vouch for your mom having a higher skillcap than anyone worth noticing in the current age of lockdown.



Lord-Painblade's picture
About all of this

Well, as i know AT helps people to aim, i also think that people that complain when they get killed by AT is because they are bad, as ASI vh cost 15-18k E , AT is free, everyone can use it, now ,i have asi vh right now on my acccount, but i think ASI, AT, ping, are all BONUSES, they help, yes, but they are not everything in this game, for example, put on AT and asi VH on a random vanguard that plays LD for the first time, he will hit like 6-7k dmg , in my case, i dont really need AT, but is a good help to counter things that can be abused, like for example Arcana BK set spam running all the map, a lot of ppl think thats skill, while no AT you would chase him like 15 seconds, with AT you kill him in 3 seconds, which makes the match more enjoyable for the one with no Arcana BK set spam so , in conclussion AT is a good HELP, but thats it, its a good help for killing the preys that like to run a lot abusing broken things like MSI xD and ASI is also a help that make you get 4-5k + extra damage per match, so....dont complain.... just enjoy the game, and get used to the meta xd
To prove my point i have here this 2 videos, of me doing 27k dmg and 23k dmg with no AT acheron, pretty much same damage ppl get using AT

Ty for your added input. I

Ty for your added input. I agree, but like Retequizzle said: what’s the point of competition if every model player banks on using AT?
Also this game just has a shitty pvp balance, can’t really say it’s a meta.

Manlet's picture

Pain with that truth. To be honest, if you know someone is using AT and it's for some reason bothersome, change your style to combat it. Dude is AT gunning? Move and it will never hit anything ever. Guy is AT swording? Run around and shoot his ass. If your ping is trash, then that might be hard, so sorry if you're in that category. The way I see it, nobody wants to adapt to shit, they just wanna get free kills without thinking about their situation. There's no point in bitching and moaning about a mechanic that you literally can't control.

lol yeah Manlet, adapting to

lol yeah Manlet, adapting to that in 1v1 situations is very plausible. The issue is: lockdown often is not a 1v1 situation, it’s rarely the case actually, so how do we adapt to a barrage of players AT swording and AT gunning? One problem at a time is doable, but once those two groups are together you’re mostly forced to take it in the ass. Even more so with all the unbalanced and overtuned gear most of LD players equip.

Their choices being not to our control is true, but it’s a competitive game, at least act sportsmanlike so it’d be competitive.


In other words, let’s all spam at each other. Whoever spams best wins


pray so i dont get tired of aiming and i start killing every lobby i see

Manlet's picture

On that real shit, if you're fighting a squad who's rollin out in AT, you can literally choose to not fight and move to a more favorable position instead. Problem I see with a lot of players is that they try to fight in extremely unfavorable situations. If you got 3+ dudes trying to get in that ass, best course of action is to get into a good spot where you aren't an easy target for literally everyone who rolled out. Typically, this is somewhere that isn't in the dead center of the mosh pit, which is coincidentally the place that people choose to be when they fight a mob. People try to fight too "honestly" and get fucked on cuz they didn't use their head; they were damage hungry and just wanted action. This isn't even AT being a problem more than people seeing a bad situation and choosing to undertake it in a horrible way.

Funny thing is, AT isn't even as broken as people claim. If it was, we'd see more 30s from random players instead of from the same ~5 people [in the current era]. AT guns literally gets combated by moving around. If you sit still like a doofus, obviously, you're gonna get shot in the head. I see all too often players who get hit and are literally smashing their attack button like a maniac, praying their swing works. This is how you get lit by AT guns... It isn't even the AT, it's just the player choosing an obviously stupid option. But of course, they're going to complain about AT because them mashing and standing still didn't work out. AT swords are a little more difficult to avoid, but it's still doable if you use your head. I'd recommend bringing a gun, but alas, 90% of the community don't like guns cuz it's for pussies or something. Wanna know what's worse than being a pussy? Being dead and waiting 20 seconds while watching your killer bust ass.

What I'm trying to say is, people are playing too damn comfortably. They'd rather bitch about AT than learn how to fight against it. They'd rather sit on the sidelines and watch this "scrub shit" because it's too hard to figure out an answer. Nobody wants to think anymore, they just want that free shit.

I keep that coordination and

I keep that coordination and planning shit for GvG. In RLD, I rather take it in the ass like a real man because like my team, I ain't no bitch.


for those who don't want to read what mAAnlet said i'll resume it:

if you die to AT it's your fault i'll keep using it lololo

Thats-Rough-Buddy's picture
Alright, let's clear this

Alright, let's clear this up.

If you RELY on AT, you are inferior. That is not opinion, that is definition. This doesn't mean you can't change though. A kid using training wheels is inferior to a BMX pro, but that isn't a static classification. The kid can improve, once he takes the wheels off.

I have played LD long enough, and found that the people who don't rely on AT are superior in terms of cognitivie ability (prediction and dodging). This is a consistent observation.

Countering AT is a steep curve that few can overcome though. It is possible, but requires some nonlinear thinking, of which (by definition) few are able/willing to do.

Manlet's picture

@Skeptics: To each his own then, I guess. As someone who doesn't really have a guild, I wouldn't know how that feels. Winning and losing LD isn't my top priority since I have hundreds of thousands of energy; 200cr means little to me. I play LD to beat people and prove that I'm better/smarter.

@Bley: Finally, someone gets it.

@Flame: Thing about that last portion is that most of the players who are considered "good" in LD have been playing for like, 3+ years already. They've had ample time to figure it out, but they chose to complain their whole lives instead. As often as I use AT, I enjoy the Hardcore Weekends cuz I get to prove that I don't need it to win. I just use it cuz it's convenient. Results are the same, regardless.

All this being said, I expect no changes in people's mindsets. They'll believe what they wanna believe and hold themselves back their whole lives. It's what they chose and nothing I, of all people, say is going to change that. Just like everything else in this world, people would rather bitch and moan about their issues than buckling down and fixing the problem head-on.

Outrages's picture
I like how you guys made a

I like how you guys made a thread about No AT weekend and about Asi VH or low ping you guys complain about this game its almost 2018 uninstall it and stop whining about the dumbest things in the game ffs this is the 300000x ive seen someone complain

Bomboi's picture
@ Dark-Flafy

lol wtf


Lol I mean I don't really mind your run-and-gun tactics and all... but using a gear set that enables you to move at double the striker boost speed and using it only to kite your opponent by consecutive blasts with an overtuned quick-shot weapon (arcana) isn't going to help your case to say you're better/smarter. Your passiveness isn't challenging, just obnoxious. There's a lack of excitement when swordsmen try to outpower other players, and you're there to force the adrenaline to die :L

& I know it's just a different form of playstyle and there are quite the bunch who disrupt players' footwork. But there is also the "I don't wanna bother with this guy" feeling when there's a person who is constantly refusing to battle. And to make matters even worse, when we find that entertainment with other players, there's always that guy shooting in the distance ruining the moment and fucking up the spotlight you deserve.

Now imagine that with people

Now imagine that with people you'd actually enjoy fighting, and then there's a guard to cockblock everything in addition to Manlet buzzing around.

Get me out of this match please

Theirillusion's picture


Eternity-Terminal's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

First of all, we need to dispel some myths.

Now, I want to ask everyone still here posting on this thread: Are you sure AT is at fault for anything? Now, I'm not going to call anyone out, but it's likely that at least some people are blaming AT because they're incompetent.

I understand that a lot of your are really passionate about this topic. After all, you're still playing the game, even despite this issue. However, it's important to keep cool. It's not good to come here after losing a few matches. Then you are angry and stop thinking rationally. (Trust me, I know this from experience.)

At the same time, some of you are might be concerned about the competitive spirit in the game. It's not about the fact that these people lose; maybe they are good at the game, but they feel that AT gives players an unfair advantage. But then they come off as angry when they come to post about it.

Cool your jets, all of you. It's fine to discuss the issue, but fighting over it fixes nothing. Even if we convince everyone here that AT is good or bad, there's still the rest of the LD players out there.

And yes, I'm trying to stay neutral. I haven't played in a long time, so any opinion is from old experience. I never tried the "no AT" Lockdown.

Ill-Iowol-Ill's picture

Do you see any difference between Manlet spamming arcana with AT and elk spammingarcana with no AT? (ye, I think elk ain't using AT recently)
AT or no AT, I'd want to leave the match (ToT)

Top-Platinum's picture
This thread is about at, not

This thread is about at, not arcana. For unbalanced weapons, open another thread xd



ELK is a swordsman with a gun, he gets the fight over with without overextending it.

Manlet is a gunner with a sword, he avoids close combat and keeps his distance.

AT or no AT is pointless to me.

I'm not angry at Manlet, I've dealt with more annoying gunners and spam than him alone can do. My issue is he's not on fighting on fair ground to claim he's better/smarter if he's abusing the double movement speed boost against players that don't have the same. From what I've seen, the people who do have fair ground with Manlet's movement boost don't even have an issue dealing with him unless he's being helped by a nearby guard.

Personally, when I want to have such claims I'd be competing with having lower ASI or anything to reduce my advantage and still take the victory, not by putting myself with the advantage. Equal ground isn't interesting.


I don't tell you how to live your life!

Ping doesn't matter
Master-Sixteen's picture
The only people that can beat ELK

These two are the only one in my eyes who can actually beat ELK because they can counteract faster than any other LD players atm and can adapt to different play styles and movements to throw of there opponents

the only person that can beat ELK

nothing else to add, hes just perfection

Is Talsam a meme?


The real truth


Deleted-Knight's picture

Glad to see the Lockdown community hasn't changed! Stay classy y'all.

Manlet's picture

@Rebel: My mentality comes from that of a fighting game player’s, so the way I view the game is just different from yours, I guess. People play with the “cheapest” tactics imaginable to win. As a result, the entire community grows stronger by figuring out ways to beat it. That’s just the culture; abuse everything until you’re ready for everything.

As a result of my 10+ years of being raised this way, I translate that same mindset to Spiral Knights. I’ll do what it takes to not get hit but still give hits, if I can help it. I’ll take the safest, “cheapest” tactics I can think of to get the job done. Why? Because it’s smarter. If I’m weak in one aspect, I will find a solution to my weaknesses. People try to fight for some weird sense of honor, but there is no honor in dying/losing consistently, especially to the same shit. I actually compare this mindset to people who refuse to play top tiers (in all genres of gaming). Everyone has the option to do so, but they actively choose not to. Once they lose to people who use top tier characters, all of a sudden, that top tier player is a “fucking scrub” for making the better decision. It’s nonsensical to me.

Most SKers are casual gamers who haven’t experienced real life competition before, so I try not to knock too hard usually. Some concepts are hard to grasp. Once you start, you get to realizing that nothing is off-limits and you better adjust. Words aren’t going to stop the things you hate.

If you’re really bored, these are some examples of a normal day in fighting games/Smash: – Chris G doing his signature Soul Fists – Wobbling in Smash Bros (An Infinite) – Double Snap in MVC2 (An Infinite) – Unblockables in UMVC3 – Lightning Loops in UMVC3 (An Infinite) – Justin Wong beating a kid with 1 button in MKX – Outdated, but more Unblockables in SFIV – TAC infinites in UMVC3

I understand all of that, I'm

I understand all of that, I'm just saying we won't respect your claim to be better/smarter than us if you don't actually fight us lol and it's not honor either, it's respect. I acknowledge what you do and I acknowledge your means on why you do it, I just don't respect the claim. If you didn't want to get hit, just kill them. Skybrandon went for full matches only healing off his kills without dying or ever returning to his base, and he didn't do it by running around the map avoiding combat and shooting a gun that does melee damage. '

In regards to the difference in playstyle, yours being purely defensive and his being purely offensive, there's still no record of outplay in your databook. And I've seen outplays from defensive players

Manlet's picture

I guess we just have different interpretations of how this game should be played then. Nothing you're saying makes any sense to me and you likely feel the same way. From reading this discussion again, it appears that most players are looking for a fair fight, but I'm not. You guys are looking at this game with 1v1s in mind, where both of you can see each other. I'm trying to get you when you least expect it and when you're in a weakened state. I'm going to abuse the fact that people get mentally destroyed by trivial shit, like AT, to win my battles. In my mind, there is no point in an honorable fight; all's fair in love and war. I don't fight with my dick like everyone else in the game. I fight with my head.

Zero-Chill's picture
Manlet is right

Manlet is right actually...
Also Skeptics, wear some elemental defense instead of just eating his Arcana (Mad Bomber FTW).
This whole discussion is useless IMO, everyone got their own playstyles and your definition of skill is different from everyone else's (or at least most of them) as some guys see that spamming Polarais till someone gets shocked then get in range for some Acheron hits is skill... some guys see that spamming ASI: VH Divine Avenger is skill... some guys see that abusing the range and the speed of the first hit of flourishes is skill... some guys see that switch shooting status alchemers is skill...
I don't see Manlet any more annoying than y'all actually.
But still IMO using guns in general IS cheap (except magnuses and autoguns). You're just spamming from a distance while being mostly safe and Manlet admitted it IS cheap and you know what? It's actually also smart that he won't bother to compete to be the "best" (or alpha) skolver-clone. Keep up your good spamming Manlet, I support you.

Zenphyre's picture
Rolling uphill and sidewinding to jellies.

Been watching these threads for a bit and it's hilarious to see the conversation and replies of everyone lol. But in being serious, I don't see anything competitive in LD anymore besides the 1v1 tourneys that some started and yet they never got to finish because of timezone issues or lack of interest. If they kept on going then competitive LD would be more active but no one bothers to finish the tourneys besides the first one Contri did and Tempas ended up winning. I don't join them because they either become disorganized, everyone complains, or like the recent tourneys they don't end up being completed.

I'm neutral when it comes to AT/no-AT because I play with and without it depending on the situation, heck I don't even argue about it because it's just an endless debate. The only times where it's "fair" grounds is during hardcore weekends where everyone plays using their head and pretty much those that played a long time with huge egos will only degrade those that are new to the game mode because it's usually in their nature.

Also how can it be competitive if everyday one usually plays with the same people over and over again? When I play I only see 8-12 people during the week and probably around 20-30 max on weekends and on holidays, yet the trend I see is that they're the same people over and over again. Literally being able to go against these people it shouldn't take much time to figure out their play styles and knowing how to counter them (unless they adapt to different ones). The fact that everyone's arguing about it as well is just plain dumb since I bet they're losing to these same people over and over and over.

Yes they'll also be using AT but really what can you do about it? GH has heard the community and introduced hardcore mode weekends to compensate, yet everyone's still angry. There's nothing much you can do with an optional game mechanic than to just deal with it and stay quiet. Heck with me if I get beat by a person using AT all the time I stay quiet, I don't complain or anything because I don't have a huge ego like most. I also have a strong sense of sportsmanship and playing fair (heck I play with mixed defenses and don't use status weapons at all, sometimes but not a lot), but hey I don't get butthurt if I lose to people that use AT because it's part of the game.

The other trend I tend to see is the issue between USA and EU players on who uses AT often. Sure the EU players are more honest in terms of not using it and playing with honor while most of the USA ones use it and don't really care about it, though some don't use it at all, but it doesn't matter because we're all playing on equal terms where there isn't any privilege taken away from us, besides server connections and latency but that's another story.

For those with respect and honor, where the heck is it? Literally almost all the matches I see I just see the chatbox where everyone talks bad to each other and even those that know each other very well. Like what is that? Sure you can say 'oh we're just messing with each other' at the end but I tend to see those types of conversations escalate even worse and I know some of you do it often too because I've been in your matches, but I won't talk about it.

If you want to enforce no-AT competitive LD then why not tell GH to have sponsors come in so they can set up official tournaments where AT is prohibited. Every other PvP game out there has things like that and they have a far larger player base than in SK up to the thousands and possibly millions. Heck I already seen suggestions for lobbies and a no-AT LD game mode that's separate from the main one but so far they haven't done anything like that besides hardcore weekends.

The arguments I see imo can be because either this is the only game you play and not others, have a huge enough ego that even cooked steak offends you, or that you have god-tier equipment and are butthurt that you're losing to people that don't have the luxury of even affording it. I swear everyone has to grow up and just deal with it, not everyone's an adult in the game. Heck with the first part of the statement in this paragraph, do you guys even play other games to blow off some steam where you're possibly better at it than in here? Or are you only bringing your rage here because you're also getting your butt whooped in those other games? I betcha those other games have better sportsmanship and honor since they have a larger player base but it's the same result in losing to people that aren't as tuned as you.

Tl;dr (sorry for the wall of text btw): everyone has their own play styles, ways of playing, and it's their choice if they want AT or not because it's optional. Not everyone is gonna have the same mindset where one plays overly competitive, one just wants to troll people, or the other just wants to have fun playing. If you see something you don't like then just deal with it because you can't assume control of one or more people and tell them not play like that because it isn't honorable. If you die or lose, just suck it up and move on, heck if you don't wanna hear any drama from them there's an ignore function for a reason. I've seen some people where their play style is something I wouldn't like but I don't tell them to stop doing it, I mean if it works then it works. And if you're still angry and butthurt about dying and not getting the highest damage (also the other debate), just play another game. SK isn't the only game out there and there's way better alternatives anyway. xP

Zenphyre's picture
Rolling uphill and sidewinding to jellies. Part Dos!

And to answer OP's question, it depends. For me I'm still proficient without AT and don't see much of a difference in match results while not having it enabled. It doesn't take much effort to know how to aim properly and it doesn't take a lot of time to get the hang of it, but everyone learns differently at a different pace so some may learn slower than others.

One of the reasons for pro-AT arguments is that it's needed for those that don't have good connections because otherwise they'll be missing all the time, for the anti-AT arguments it's because there's no actual skill being implemented since the computer's aiming for you. Funny thing is that even with AT one still has the tendency to miss because the opponent is variable in movement and not fixed.

In the end, this argument just needs to end because there's nothing you can do about it. Argue and argue all you want, it isn't gonna change unless you move on to another game or stop playing LD and play Arcade runs or so which is the main point of the game btw.