Question : Can treasure boxes still drop Gear?

I saw on the wiki that Green boxes can drop gear, but it hasn't been edited for 2~ years and in my 200ish hours in game, i have never seen that happening once.
Just to make sure : Can green boxes still drop gear or they dont do it anymore?

Right, as Bopp said they are incredibly rare. I surpassed 1000 hours in this game recently, and I have only found 1 piece of gear from a treasure box.

About 120 days of total playtime and only found a Force Buckler (1*) on the second floor of In Cold Blood on Elite and a Hot Edge (1*) on the second floor of The King of Ashes on Elite. Seriously... Why does T3 drop T1 gear that's not even upgradable. In the meantime my friends were getting 4* gear drops from the arcade. Gear drops should be waaay more common and actually match the satrum they're dropped in.
I heard in vana there's like a .0000000000000001% chance that an overcharged mixmaster will drop, I havent seen on though

I have actually got a skelly shield 3* at baba the same day I posted here after posting. Post in this thread for lucky gear drops.

And I got a prismatic pipe the same day after posting my previous comment. This is the luckiest thread I've ever been into. Post here for good luck and may the RNGesus be on your side.

I sold stuff worth 10ke the day I posted the previous post. Thanks lucky thread again.
In my 3k hours of playing Spiral Knights i have never picked up a single gear drop from a treasure box.

Apparently I haven't seen a drop since 2016. They're not very common.
I haven't seen a drop recently. But I haven't been logging as many hours as I used to. There haven't been any announced changes in policy. So you should assume that treasure box equipment drops still exist.
200 hours is not much, to observe this kind of thing. They're rare.