A few updates that will help the game to yet become successful again:
1. Add unlimited arenas and as you go deeper into the arena, you get bigger rewards.
2. Balance weapon update for gunners and swordsmen.
3. A rank till 11-1 having the title GUARDIAN
4.100K prestige badge with a sword or 2 crossing swords.
5. Be able to design a personal house on SK using crowns and energy. Not only a guild hall.
6. be able to make the max playere of a party 5-6
7. Add more weapons and and armor to the supply depot.
8. Patch the solo kat trick and increase the chance into finding the BK by 10%.
9. Add a new expansion making 5star daggers the reward of the tier 3 expansion.
10. Stop the forging system and make the levels of weapons and armor level up on their own while collecting heat. Xp gets larger once the item levels up.
What do you think about these ideas?
Remless *IGN*
1. I've already suggested that :P
2. Gunners have already had a huge update. Did you mean to say "bombers"?
(In all seriousness, though, swordies do need an update even if bombs need it more)
3. That means that they'd need to put in some more rank missions, and since we haven't had any more since DaN which was like 2 years ago(???) so I doubt it's going to happen
4. Eh... I think that instead of just adding a shiny new badge they should either give prestige some use or give prestige missions a reward for completion.
5. Nah, I don't think that's really necessary, I'm not sure that'd fit the style of the game.
6. 4 people is fine, and it's hard to even get 4 people in any mission that's not called "The King of Ashes" or "Dreams and Nightmares" anyway.
7. Why? Supply Depot sells ridiculously overpriced stuff. (I'm almost in favour of requiring you to use recipes)
8. Heck yes, we need to make Black Kats more common.
9. I'm all for adding another expansion, but what would these "5* daggers" act like? Would it be a cutter variant or a new weapon type?
10. Nah, they just need to increase the radiant drop rate. Forge is a fine way to balance the free elevators.