-Small dark eyes glaring
-Scaly claws grasp your money
-Ripped off once again
IGN: Azerk
-Small dark eyes glaring
-Scaly claws grasp your money
-Ripped off once again
IGN: Azerk
Gremlins are so cute.
But may be spies! awww so cute...!!!
Too cute *Frogpalm* dies...
IGN: Ibubble
Gremlin over there!
Draw my sword and charge right in,
just to realize that it's a merchant Gremlin.
Hope that's correct.
IGN: Brischli
Merchant's watchful eye,
Coldly watching as knight dies
Trust them you cannot
IGN: Dziurka
IGN: Mynarde
Haven, Tinkinzar
Covert means intentions hide
Service knight for naught
Gremlins gremlins, what
y'gonna do? What y'gonna do
when they come for you?
dunno if you read my earlier post but if you still need photo actors I can help
Hi there Spiral Thespian!
We will keep you in mind when we are ready to shoot the haiku wallpaper.
No knights will be harmed
In the production of this...
Film at eleven
ok then. thanks. is it ok even though I entered a haiku?
As judging will not
Be done by the contestants
Or their guild members
Ok. That's what I like.
That is really good to hear.
When will this happen?
No deadline as yet
To be determined one week
From new boss release
deceit in haven
war machines rumble forward
according to plan
ign: the_magician59
(steam user)
Mail me when to act.
I'll probably be online.
Be sure to add me.
IGN Bigfootm
I might not be here if its one week after... hoping I can though... Here's an idea
Even though we don't know either the winning poem or when the new update is coming out, is there a way we can somehow act it out sooner? Maybe like the day the new stuff comes out we take pics of us in the bazzar by the SPIES ER... MERCHANTS... and also in the ICMF and with the new boss.
Six star sword, you say?!
I'll buy it! Wait… just a fake.
Need more Scam Resist...
IGN: Thunderbunz
We build new constructs
with new thwack hammers in hand
we fight to mend
IGN: Itep
Updated the wiki to post #117 except for the conversation-ku. I need a fun way to add those that don't jar the formatting. (not feeling particularity creative at the moment :P)
In the factory
Mischievous eyes before me,
But treasure, I seek
IGN: Vestrum
Dogrock, you are a blessing. Don't worry about the conversation-ku...that's just me going overboard and forgetting to eat breakfast and lunch. Haiku is just too contagious, too tempting to resist. It's like cheesecake and cookies.
I may do some creative upgrading to the wiki page, but for most part am letting you slave over entering the bulk of the haiku to avoid double posting or accidental page breaking collisions. But wow, even with the ShowHide template, that page is growing like a viral infection! I hope the new Tier2 boss content is released soon before the Haiku develops in to it's own tremendous lichen colony.
Warmest wishes,
The forum timed-out on me and spit put a duplicate post.
This seems like an interesting event...
(Lol I use that for everything...)
Tell me if Im able to do it (Even though I am)
Brave knights be ready
For their love for knights are as
Cold as winter nights
I hope this will do and Iceni,
are you aware of the kire-ji
If yes my kire-ji is "as"
And my "ki-go" or the season is Winter or "fuyu"
My haiku is a "niku- gire" right?
And is it possible to submit more than just one haiku. Please send me a reply here and please tell me about what you think of my entry. And also you only said that the objective should be about the 2 gremlins and said nothing about the season we should put in. So is winter fine?
IGN Whitelancer
Munching on sushi roll for dinner...typing with one hand.
Any season is fine. Traditional haiku uses imagery from a season as a hint. Thus, a line like "cherry blossom petals rain" denotes a wabi sabi sentiment of beauty, sadness and the brevity of Spring. However, as this competition is dedicated to the Spiral Knights Gremlins, you could use a stratum like Fire, Ice, Shock, etc. as a fleeting simile of a Spiral Knights season in The Clockworks. Just be clever and adapt the haiku convention to gremlin merchants or the Ironclaw Munitions Factory boss stratum. I hope that made things a little more clearer for you, DarkKnight17. This is more a Spiral Knights fan-ku poetry event than the more ultra serious traditional haiku I would display with my bonsai or spring hina matsuri heirlooms.
(Hmmm...unless I made Spiral figurines masquerading as hina matsuri dolls... Time to go to get some Fimo at Michaels and make ultra cute Spiral hina matsuri!)
Anyways, people are throwing Fun-ku, Pun-ku, Geek-ku at each other in this thread and on facebook. Dogrock is trying his best to document them on the Gremlin Haiku page.
As for the competition, please submit one Gremlin themed haiku only as we have many entries to judge. If you have more than one haiku, choose your favorite. Dogrock will put the extras in the Fun-ku section for people to enjoy and ponder.
Best regards,
I like how people
are abbreviating words
amusing it is
..Nah I'm not gonna participate.
Ironclaw crisis
Blast surrounding munitions
Fireworks await
Alright, fun entry time!
How to prepare for
New Tier 2 exploration
By breaking the rules of the haiku genre, and probably getting a gran faust, preferably with a UV giving an attack bonus against gremlins, and maybe some other shadow weapons too, maybe a Vog Cub Set, maybe a decent shield
...does that even count as a haiku anymore? MEH.
IGN: Tornspirit
The wiki page is now updated up to #127.
Just as a reminder people, Iceni has added a note that requests that others should please refrain from editing the page at all. If you have any grievances please drop them off here instead.
two gremlin merchants
selling, passing their free time
scorching and bombing
Fire crackle and roar
Three heroes stand on button
Afk knight snore
IGN: Frozyn
I hate those gremlins
deadly wannabe humans
need we any more? -_-
IGN: Azafran
We welcomed them in
All was well, until we heard
Those dire words, "Stay Close!"
IGN: Brysonic
IGN: Nekosniper
I for one welcome
Our new Gremlin ov-er, uh
I mean these merchants
The Gremlin is hiding
They come to watch, Eyes open!
The sale begins!
IGN: Farewells
PD:Sorry, bad "enter", update please.
IGN: Mysticfury
Enter dis :D
Thunderfist Arenas
Shocking experience
Piercing through metal
Big Ol' Tinkinzar
Not another Jelly King
to run this summer!
IGN: Migake
A Gremlin outcast
Stranded deep in the clockworks
He seeks redemption
I am Spiral Knight.
Thwack! Thwack! Coin! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Coin!
Gremlins sell good stuff!
Gremlin transmission
Says, "Burn Haven to the ground!"
We prepare for war
IGN: Final-Crescendo
I've updated the wiki page to post #139 now. What a lot of entries.
My firotech gun,
Is in need of a replace.
Flamethrower melt face!
IGN: Sparkyspro
Knight In Skelly Helm
Sinister Grin Charges Sword
Flash Of Light Corpse Dust
IGN: Geil
Dogrock goofed again.
There are two G's on Wiki.
Griff is mindboggled.
The one who
Owns a thwack hammer
Fears not
(Gremlin merchant's advice to buy one, ofcourse.)
IGN: Fordring
All fixed up and up to date for post #143 now.
God, I love Haikus...well, here we go:
Two little Gremlins
New arrivals in Haven
Are they friends or foes?
IGN: Noxis
I've updated up to post #146. No more updates out of me for a while. It's time for a long weekend vacation.
Thank you Dogrock.
TheBadger and I will take over till you get back. Although, we do have a big war game miniatures event with the crew this weekend complete with BBQ and fireworks.
Have a delightful weekend everyone and thank you all for your participation in rallying the Spiral community with your Haiku.
Best regards,
Asking me to stick to just ONE haiku is unfair, especially since when I start with haikus, I cannot stop! (Seriously, one Monday I ended up doing a 81-haiku serial that chronicles the Lord of the Rings as seen by the Ring itself, who is portrayed as a rebellious teenager with a penchant for sarcasm.) As such, of the following the first one will be my entry haiku.
Rumoured new stratum
Gremlins with guns, they sell them
Buy cheaply, or die!
Sell me some ammo
Please new merchant, sell me some!
I need it so bad
Wait, what’s what? Oh no!
Your face is no Stranger, no!
Gremlins all around!
Why - how - are they here
Are we dead? Not yet, not yet
Tenderfoot friendly
What is this surprise?
Gremlin good, Gremlin bad, or
Gremlin spy backstab?
Ironclaw or Darkfang?
A Thwack-mend-scorcher gangbang?
Die with demo bang!
(While writing these haiku I kept hearing the tune of We Didn’t Start The Fire in my head and therefore realized that that song could be put entirely into haiku format. o__o Amazing.)
IGN: Teferi
Preferred Edit:
Explosion echoes
Another wave of rockets.
They had to make two...
Clockworks hum behind
patter of feet, Gremlin laughs.
See you soon Haven.
Factory is a go!
Stay a while and listen!
Shields are wise ahead!
IGN: Exnem
Steam user :)