Buy from Gremlins? Ha!
What? A free toaster, you say?
Eh... what could go wrong?
IGN: Lmaoboat
CLOSED - Gremlin Haiku Hijinks Competition - Summer 2011 - CLOSED
Lighten your spirits!
Fanged merchant friends can help...
Just bring your wallet.
IGN: Hecatoncheire
IGN: Comradeer
Knight wants Menders dead
Gremlin Merchant sells him sword
Sword breaks at first hit.
Please let me know if I got the syllable count correct.
Bombs are confusing.
Spiral Knights look like they know
what to do. Here, catch!
New gear in Bazaar!
But so expensive... Damn them,
Those greedy gremlins.
IGN: Markosmesh
IGN Sipher-Mashai
Gremlin Fire Flows
Valkyrie Knight Moaning
On Fire Again
delete me plz, edit function broke ):
An Ironclaw Demo?
Going nuts behind that gate!
I'm on this side though ~<3
IGN: Dayte
Once, as they huddle
Scorchers, Menders, and Demos
Slain by one blade
TheBadger updated the Haiku and Fun-ku to post #160.
I decided to use the SECOND HAIKU. Consider the other three bonus. :-)
All work and no play.
Building contructs through the night.
Built strong. Built to fight.
Clockworks tick as we
tow the pieces of machine.
Our hands bring forth life!
Blood, oil, sweat, and tears.
Crafting, building, filled with fears.
Fighting for our lives.
Menders, please spread out!
Bombers, run around and shout!
Go forth! Have no doubt!
Gremlins are very easy
Except for Gremlin Demos
I hate them so much
I fix broken things
Knights like to make broken things
I make knights broken
IGN: FelXaga
Lots of explosions?
Michael Bay must be down there
In the gremlin forge
Okay I'm sorry that was horrible. here's a real one.
Bark Modules tempt us.
Gun puppy or lumber boss?
We will soon find out.
Kral on Spiral Knights. Cheers.
IGN: Kuritaro
Technically these are all Senryu. (^_^
It's the gremlin boss
mender fly; I have no gun
hijink win this time..!
4649matt, how did you know that I just started playing with bombs this morning and was having fun blowing monsters up?. But since this is Gaijin Haiku, gotta convert it to Engrish.
When we get around to entering your haiku for the judges on Wiki, since they primarily speak English, it will be romanticized like this:
Bombs whisper haiku
Tick talk tick talk then KABOOM!
Laughter everywhere
Bombs are literally a blast to play with.
I suspected this was english only, but I wanted to write it while it was fresh in my brain.
Here are English senryu using the same idea:
The bomb is now set
like the mirthful smile I wear
what a blast this is!
The Big Angry Bomb
explodes in angry constrast
as laughter explodes.
Different theme!
Scheming, "Love" Puppy
finds reverse psychology,
the cruelest technique
Though we covet coin,
you can keep your gold monsters.
No thank you, we say
Gremlins come to help,
But you see their tricky ways,
And run, run away!
IGN: Coolsoul
Since Nick announced today that the new boss stratum and new gear arrives, I'm setting the Gremlin Haiku deadline to July 14, 2011. Any haiku submitted after July 14, 2011 11:59PM Central (GMT-5) will be considered Fun-ku. We'll also be adding to the prize pool.
Enjoy the new boss stratum!
Its all about trust,
Gremlin Merchant fits or not?
Only time shall tell...
IGN: Doom-Dude
Old Gremlin Motto,
A Manual reads as such:
Dodge, Toss, Toss, Toss, Dodge!
Can't wait for new Boss
New levels, this is so cool
Too bad I can't win
IGN: Lawlol
I decided to experience the horror and/or pleasure of the stratum before creating a Haiku, so here goes:
Factory today
Rockets from the darkness fly
I hold X and pray
IGN: Snipeh
Gremlins one and two
Spies or merchants, which is true?
Guess it's up to you!
IGN: Drakexxq
Explosion echoes
Another wave of Rockets.
They had to make two...
IGN: Teferi
This would be my official entry, thanks.
Sounds of Tinkering
Bulky Metal Canines Rise
Endless Projectiles
IGN: Scissoleo
I'm going out of town this week I think so... I don't think I'll be able to help with the acting. =(
Anyway you can change the date or we do the acting early?
Useless Archeron.
Roarmulus Epilepsy
Burning Computer
IGN: Wfawwer
Rockets, Missiles, BOOM!
Beware big towering twins,
Or face destruction.
Mysterious place,
Darkness lurks every corner,
No light exists here.
TheBadger just updated the haiku and fun-ku on the Wiki to post #182.
He picked one of Matt's own themed English translation of the Haiku written in Japanese character set.
To the volunteer actors:
If test subjects aren't available when we need storyboard actors, we'll just kidnap a friend or 2 and apply crime scene duct tape as needed !^.^!
Just as an fyi, I had decided on my second haiku as my entry. My first one was put in there instead though! I just want to make sure it gets changed before the deadline.
Thank you for letting us know about the entry error. Although , it would have been easier for the librarians if you had CUT & PASTE your entry at the top rather than embed it into several haiku. Our librarians may need BIG SIGNS to highlight THIS IS MY REAL ENTRY due to lack of sleep or not enough flogging. I'll tell TheBadger to redo the entry. Please be kind to the data librarians, that's alot of data entry into the Wiki.
Best regards,
ZI do apologize about that. In my defense, though, I've been on vacation and don't have access to a computer. I've been posting from my phone, which in turn effects how well I can format posts. I can assure you that if I was at a PC, though, that I would have done a much more proper job.
Sorry again! And thank you! :-)
Acrid smell of oil;
Twin hounds bereft of mercy:
Leave me alone, jerks.
If we act 2morrow or the next day I'' still be able to do it. Mad at OOO since judging is whenever and mine was about the merchs... looks like I don't have a chance of winning. So much fr my bankrupcy going away. =(
Anyway, add me Raspberry. I'll be ready whenever 2morrow or the next day.
Crafty Scorcher pair
Now the Bazaar is aflame!
A fire sale
IGN Knightydood
I've added the two most recent Haiku (to post #189). So many good entries; I sure don't envy the judges for when it comes down to decision time.
New post!
Burn Haven they say?
The Twin Roarmulus awaits!
Things just got hotter!
IGN Knightlancer
Missiles everywhere!
The summer sun shines above.
Knights, we shall prevail!
IGN Pula
We stand together!
Their hatred burns very hot!
Knights of Haven go!!!
There's an exclamation point after the word aflame in my haiku that isn't reflected in the wiki. I wanted to mention because I edited it in later, and it might be important for proper haiku-ism. :)
With shady conduct,
"View our wares, curious one"
The sly Gremlins snarl.
IGN: thezeronumber
Past countless missiles
Prepared to strike down the twins
Oh god lag I'm dead
Mechanics is all
Gremlins enjoy to work hard
Hunting alien knights
IGN: Silfrith
From fog, Twins emerge
Roaring, missiles and bullets
Air becomes as death
IGN: Lhykos
Where two gremlins twine:
A place sublime and divine,
What is to occur?
More and more missiles,
Flash...and the big puppies come,
The battle begins!
Delete plz.