The Theme
Wealthy silver knights (who also control the Spiral Order) are spreading propaganda to the poorer multi-colored knights about the gremlins in order to take the gremlin's oil for themselves! To do this, they blame the gremlins' economic model- socialism... even though they are the ones that put sanctions on the gremlins, making it impossible for the average knight to purchase gremlin made goods.
But you know.
Tinkinzaar is a real bad guy that starves his people, and wasn't properly elected because the opposition, Herex, refused to run against him in the Stranger-deemed fair election. Rather, Punch, who no gremlin has heard of, should lead the Crimson Order, because this is more lawful and he wants to forcibly give the silver knights the oil.
This sounds like a fair and just system. What do I produce for you?
I want one of about two things from you-
1.) Fan fiction that fits the narrative in any way. This can be news shows, conversations, anything... but it should be relatively short, because reading walls of texts makes me angry. Unless your entry is good. Then it can be longer. Keep in mind that a scene from a play can be written as well, or a poem, or anything, really.
2.) Propaganda posters, videos, whatever artistic thing you desire to make. I'm honestly not going to bar anything from this.
Keep in mind that..
This is not a pomo contest, meaning that plagiarism etc. isn't necessarily good. You can submit art that isn't yours etc., but it shouldn't be an existing entry, and it needs to somehow fit the bill. Bizarre, off topic entries are also less likely to get you something good.
Extra credit if you...
-Fit a vuvuzela into your art or fanfiction
-Continue the narrative and incorporate real world figures under pseudonym into the picture
-Are woke
Up to three entries can be submitted.
Deadline is April 19th. Which is the next full moon, barring the one on March 20th, because March 20th is too soon. I'll judge it within a couple of weeks and mail prizes, just like last time.
Link to last contest-
I will rate your entry and give you something great. This is subject to change. Not that I'm going to like bait and switch you but like, I might add stuff/improve pools if something cool comes out.
Winning Items Pool
-First Prize = Weird yet valuable blue wings from the celestial box. The blue firey ones.
-Other First Prize = Caladbolg
-Second Prize = Rainbow Dragon Wings
-Third Prize = 3-UV tickets. I have 2 of these, and you will get both.
Other Entries
Will receive between 50 and 500 energy, depending on how many good entries there are and how good the entries are and how good your entry is. I'll probably buy a pack or two of energy, so you'll probably get a bunch. If your entry is particularly good I may go over 500???? If I run out of energy you'll get like some random item from my inventory ROFL.
Off topic things that failed
Probably like a random clover. I have a ton of those.
I got bored and opened some luck boxes and got a caladbolg so I'll add that to the prizes also I bought the energy needed k thx