Abilities for the lackluster Demo suits/general demo suit ability

Currently almost know one uses the bombastic demo suits and the chaos set just outshines the mad bomber set in almost all regards.
First of all to get players to situated with the bomb abilities the 2-3* sets will drop 2 small weak bombs (basically tier balanced proto bombs complete with stun, 2x2 radius) in random directions ( these bombs are reminiscent of the Bomb Bandolier bombs), 1 bomb per rank of this ability.
___lets call it Demolish Dash(DD)___
--Each 2-3* piece of armor gives DD low (2 bombs on dash)
At 4 * the sets get DD med and the ability to drop 2 high damage bombs(about 150-200 damage 3x3 tile radius) in random directions when damaged(think gremlin bombers dropping bombs)
___lets call it Ruinous Rebuke(RR)___
--Each set has DD med and RR med ( 2 bombs on dash and 2 bombs when damaged)
Time for the 5* sets( ALL HAVE THE DD AND RR ABILITIES)
Volcanic/Starlit demo set gets the ability of when a bash attack hits a monster it sticks 2 orbital bombs (100 damage,1 bomb per rank,2x2, high flinch) that act like the old gunner update catalyzer shots that explode when any damage is dealt to the monster.
___lets call it Blast Bash(BB)___
---The full set has has DD med, RR med, and BB med ( all rounder 2 bomb set)
Bombastic demo set has the ability to drop 2 medium damage bombs(100-130 damage, 1 per rank, 2x2 rdius) in the direction of a attacker when the shield is hit, also bashing leaves a trail of 4 medium bombs behind you (2 per armor piece).
___lets call it Blast Rebuke(BR)___
---The full set has DD V.high, RR V.high, BR med ( 4 weak bombs on dash, 4 strong bombs when damaged, 2 medium bombs when shield is hit, 4 med bombs on dash)
Mad Bomber set has the has all previously mentioned abilities excluding the shield bombs and orbitals of BR and BB, all the bombs deal random status 's (it has 3 bombs per piece((high)) for a total of 6 medium status bombs for most moves)
___lets call it Cry Havoc(CH)___
--- The full set has CH MAX ( each special action and getting hit drops 6 bombs in random directions, even bash)
Mercurial set gets the ability to move 7% faster when charging a bomb/reduced charge setback when hit per rank of the ability
___Lets call it Metal March(MM)___
---The full set has DD V.high, RR V.high and MM MAX(4 small bombs on dash,4 strong bombs on taking damage, the idea was to be able to be able to move at normal speed while charging a big angry bomb but slow down as it becomes fully charged, maybe it should also go fast when a bomb is fully charged)
Thank you for reading this, and suggestions/tweaks/advice would be appreciated :}
I am worried about a few things but it is a nice idea
1) Bomb spam might cause lag and crashes
2) Dropping all those bombs might be really powerful even for non bombers. This bomber set with 3x +2 gun damage from trinkets and perk might make gunners with good UVs on their weapons even better.
3) It is a large overhaul and if it doesn't work out, is a lot of time that could be spent making new levels or something which is less risky. But maybe it is not that much work to implement this feature, only the devs that know the code can judge.
Otherwise cool idea

@ Promos-Are-Content Ill be checking on that
@ Zincamania-Forum I had some of those concerns too, my thought process for them were....
1) I thought that too, then I remembered the 3rd area in wrench warfare arena can be nothing but gremlin bombers and healers, soo solution: give the bombs a low poly model and a less flashy explosions( maybe like the old fire vs new fire looks treatment, I dont think people would mind bombs with sharp edges)
2) Im thinking about how I make special abilities for gunners/blade-masters to be on par
3) I was hoping they could recycle code from mostly gremlin bombers and the old gunner beta catalyzer, Im still a little worried about the mad bomber and mercurial sets though
It's a good idea. I'm starting to think that class armor shouldn't be a thing outside of perhaps fun challenge armors (max stats for one weapon, negative stats for others) and that instead mechanics like this one should be employed as well as truly weapon altering mechanics.
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