the other day i have posted a post about asking for assistance in contancting developers in some way as i wish to speak with them about the game and my future plan to remake spiral knights/create a spin off game but the post is now... gone? a link that i have claims i have no access to this post.
Whats happening?..
My Post/Request for help was taken down?...
I will try sending a mail and hope for the best. Any other info like facebook groups or pages, Discord, twiter or anything of that kind would also be appraciated. Im still puzled to why the post was removed but all in all i wish to work on a Spin off spiral knights game or remake the game in the future... i wish to contact devs and inquire about a thing or 2
They have a Facebook and Twitter Acc, but both are unused if you wanna find more look for "Grey Havens, LLC"
Yes, it would be polite for Grey Havens to respond to, or at least acknowledge, your message.
That said, it's pretty clear that they're not interested in your message. A good use of your time would be to drop the entire idea.
Nah... ill drop the idea only if my life goes horribly wrong and im stuck doing dead end jobs or they refuse to let me use game rights, and even that can be mended in ways..
The hunt is on.. ill look into few more sources and ways i can contact the Gray's. I appraciate any and all feedback here too.
If nick had a dream back in the day and his dream was this wonderful game i have played for 7 years.
Then my dream is to give it new chance. I want to pick up a sword and face the clockworks once again.
and someday i will...
Think of it this way, Grey Havens is a business, you posted "my future plan to remake spiral knights/create a spin off game". That's like walking into a store or location of business and saying you want to take their customers/ideas. I'm sure you'll start off on the wrong foot with them approaching it like that.
I'm a little surprised if as you previously said that you played the game for 6 years and don't know how to contact the Game Masters, most people by that point would know how to I would assume.
I'm not trying to be mean, just laying out the facts. I do agree they should of sent you an in-game mail or something and not just made your post poof. Also a side note, and from experience, if you do send an email to that address, it generally takes them some time to process it. And by that I mean it could be a week, or a few depending what else they have going on.
it is not my intention to "steal" the money or the Community they have built over the years. If anything my goal is more to preserve the game, lore, memories and make something people like me could come back to in the future and enjoy. a blast from the past if you will.
In honesty i never did social media... i only got into it recently as i am becoming a frelancer, so you wouldnt be bold to assume i was living under a rock.
Hance why i thought the forums would be one way to try to get in touch, or ask the community for advice.
Dont worry i didnt take it in the negative or wrong way. Perhaps my approach did sound wrong at first and it gave out wrong intentions, if that is the case i am sorry. I am however in no rush with the response.. i wont be working on the project for a while still, as i got other real life things i must deal with and gain enough experience to make the game into what i want it to be. I just thought starting early would be better then starting late.
They've said multiple times in the state of haven discussion thread that they will be defending the copyright of the game even if they happened to discontinue it
State of Haven Discussion:
State of Haven Post:
They actually answered a lot of questions in these 2 posts and I'd highly recommend you read through it. And yeah the answer to your original question of getting the game's rights is a big fat no.
What I would suggest is creating an entirely new game from scratch with similar mechanics to SK but with your own twist on it of course. With a similar art style but not a carbon copy. Like a spiritual successor.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is Important information, i will have a good read trough them soon.
If there is a slightest chance out there, id be willing to take it.. sometimes its just worth a try, it will be a passion project should it come to it.
For the most part, remaking Spiral Knights is bad move since that's literally taking their intellectual property for use on your own. Making personal fan games or projects that you don't plan to sell and don't invade their market area should be fine. For example, if you made a 2D platformer that you made your own art assets for but used the same settings, story, and/or sound effects/music from Spiral Knights but didn't publish it on any platform, they probably wouldn't mind. If you try to remake the current game we're playing though, that's when they'll get involved.
I will note we have a pretty big Spiral Knights Discord community on over here if you're still looking for one:
It's not sponsored or ran by Grey Havens, however you may find other talented people in here who share your vision of a spiritual successor to Spiral Knights, and can help with asset creation to make something new instead of reusing old things that are copyrighted.
Fangel quit promoting your Discord you're making me uncomfortable it's like if I walked into your house and took off all my clothing and asked for a butter and honey sandwhich you would say no just leave us alone ok haven't you already done enough harm to the world
If you want to contact Grey Havens you can try sending an email to
(DON'T use this page for sending the email:
I don't know why they chose to delete the post. In my opinion they should at least notice the poster why they removed it, otherwise it only leads to another post asking why it was removed and/or the original question.