A thread to discuss the State of Haven thread located here.
State of Haven Discussion

EDIT: Fixed! Thankyou.
Other than this thankyou for taking the time to talk to the community and tell us what to expect for the future of sk.

In the last Q&A you said "continue to expect pirates to adhere to them"
Ooops. As you can imagine, that same question was asked over on Puzzle Pirates. Copy/paste fail.

Well you've just given me another post to hold up on a stick when people ask "what has grey havens even done".
Thanks for listing all this. For future content, is there any potential for collaborating with members of the community? This can range from voting for new prize box colors (along with returning old ones) to helping design entirely new enemies, levels, or armors.
I'm also waiting for the day that purple and awesome/evil (depending on who you ask... mwahaha) fuse to become a reeses peanut butter cup. Then find their way into a bucket so we can throw them at people in haven.

Thank you.
This game needed the opposite of radio silence, even if it's not positive. It was at the point people lost hope even with no negative news coming out. It was doing more harm than good to not do these announcements.
If possible, please try to interact more actively with the suggestion forums, maybe even do a monthly poll to stir the game direction pot.

As you may or may not know, I'm a somewhat-known person for my tool that converts models from the Clyde library into the WaveFront OBJ format.
I've always been personally interested in the storyline for Spiral Knights, and one of the biggest things I've wanted to see with SK is more lore. One of the ways I proposed this would be possible was user-engagement with the game directly, though the FAQ outruled that.
To get right to the cut: Is Grey Havens ever going to open source/allow unofficial modifications (As separate games) to Spiral Knights some time in the future? I always get this great feeling of "Wow, this is amazing" every time I visit the surface or depths of Cradle, and I just want to make my own little version of it.

Not affiliated with the folks at grey havens, but I'm pretty sure fan-games are A-OK as long as you aren't making money off their IP.

Also I'm pretty sure they previously stated they didn't really want people messing about and modifying game files because of potential hackz.
I don't really know if you plan on doing anything with the game files, It is a little unclear in your post.

Q: For future content, is there any potential for collaborating with members of the community? This can range from voting for new prize box colors (along with returning old ones) to helping design entirely new enemies, levels, or armors.
A: Yes, that's certainly a possibility in the future. However we don't have any immediate plans to request this type of collaboration given the amount of items currently on our list. That doesn't mean we wont be listening to the forums or wont solicit feedback on something specific.
Q: Is Grey Havens ever going to open source/allow unofficial modifications (As separate games) to Spiral Knights some time in the future?
A: Not at this time. Our assets are currently covered by our copyright. As a related side note, modifications to the game client are still a violation of our Terms of Service. As I mentioned in the FAQ, if you do have real world skills and may one day like to contribute, please feel free to let us know by emailing support. While we are not currently looking for help, that doesn't mean we wont in the future.

This was kinda answered in the Q&A since it falls under the content question but can we look forward to seeing any nerfs/buffs to weapons and armor? Like a nerf for Acheron or a buff for GF since the Acheron outclasses it in almost every way. Another one that I think would balance things would be a buff to the DA. Like the Acheron the other brandishes outclass it way to much. Finally I was thinking about shard bombs, the once great weapons that got practically trashed and also a nerf to chaos.
I understand that you guys might not be able to say exactly what you are going to be doing but I just wanted to know if we can see some re balancing to gear in the future.

We prefer to speak through our games and thus will not be offering a comprehensive list of our staff members, our company structure, details about our offices, or similar information.
Oh great, Spiral Knights is owned by the mafia. Every time you buy a promo box, a stool pigeon gets some new shoes.

Every time you buy a promo box, a stool pigeon gets some new shoes.
So this is all a ruse. We all knew Cronus could become a snipe, but little did we know he controlled the snipe mafia.
I'll have to go round up the members of the kat mafia that I created the last black kat event when I went crazy from lack of kat spawns.
On a totally unrelated note, does anyone know how to quickly gain a Boston accent. I need one for... reasons.

Q: Can we look forward to seeing any nerfs/buffs to weapons and armor?
A: It's possible that we do something like that, especially over time. However keep in mind that retooling existing things that generally work is not as high of a priority as the other things I mentioned.
Q: So this is all a ruse? We all knew Cronus could become a snipe, but little did we know he controlled the snipe mafia.
A: No, that's Hera. Her department is shoe repair and squealer squashing.

Q: Can we look forward to seeing any nerfs/buffs to weapons and armor?
It's possible that we do something like that, especially over time. However keep in mind that retooling existing things that generally work is not as high of a priority.
Thank you Cronus for giving me all of the ammunition I need against Draycos and his one man crusade to make the game into his image.

Lure jempire back in with superficial leaderboard topping rewards, and you'll get cash. Regular superficial login rewards for normal players.
You know, what someone thinks as working might still in many others' eyes as not working. Like how compounds got published despite making most people avoid gates with them.

I have two rather pressing inquiries.
1. Would you consider removing the invincibility frames from shard bombs? Surely you've read all about that by now. I know that things that vaguely work isn't a priority, but their bug cripples them.
2. Would you consider moving the danger missions to end on D28, so that they can be farmed for radiant fire crystals more effectively? They're the hardest content by far and yet lack the hardest rewards.

There is nothing wrong with compound, once you memorized the pattern and know what would spawn, they are fine. The only problem I have with them are:
-Respawning minis in some of the end section really cheapens the challenge of the compound, in a game in which you don't have exp system in place, fighting them is just an annoyance with no worthwhile reward.
-Compound seemed like a way to proliferate bombs, but with bombs and the gears related to them so poorly adjusted, there is no incentive to make an arsenal of gears just to be used to moderate effectiveness in a particular dungeon when you can just avoid them.
-Risk versus reward ratio of compound is completely broken (and don't expect 4 boxes at the end is going to change my mind), there is a reason why people would rather play FSC 100 times over playing a single instance of compound, sure, vana grind is tedious but you get what you paid for. 9000 cr, 3 vana token and a good chance for rads.
I think compound itself is fine the way it is, it is just the external factors around it is off.

I think it's just not worth the time to farm and/or too spread out, even with those extra 4 boxes added in the end. It's not about the risk, it's about the reward.
So, Cronus, I want to ask a few questions, since you're taking some time to answer them. I'm very glad GH's getting a bit more active in responding to the players about the game, it's state, & such.
That said, here are some.
Question #1: It was a thrill for OOO to be partnered with SEGA for the past 5 years, I think, and it was quite sad to see it end, but, we see that they had business decisions to make, and shuttering OOO in the layoffs was inevitable. What were the fond memories and challenges that the people who formerly were OOO staff had while they were with SEGA? Do share some.
Question #2: Now, that GH is going indie, there's not gonna be any more plans to be acquired by any other game studio, yes? I truly think and feel that doing indie development, even in the MMO venture, would provide a lot more freedom and time to do content updates without being bothered by other old big-time game companies that way.
Question #3: Since we're gonna have new content to SK, does that include going back and adding new bosses, including minibosses to available missions, like how it was with Mission 4-3, Shocking Sentient Sentries & the tutorial level, and even secret bosses? If I remember right, I did submit my ideas to adding new minibosses to the second levels of SK's first 2 Danger Missions, Compound 42 and Legion of Almire, 'cause, with Heart of Ice and Ghosts in the Machine having minibosses, I thought I would send in suggestions to add new minibosses to them. Also, I did send an idea about a secret boss involving the Golden Slime Casino, 'cause, with such a popular addition, it should have a random section in specific levels to hold a secret boss in the Golden Slime Casino.
Question #4: I know you're not looking for more people to join GH, yet, do you think GH may need a storyboard artist on the team? They're what build the game's story and the amazing story cutscenes that really bring it to life, even in-game, so I thought I would ask you this question. Hope you have one or a few onboard sometime soon.
Cronus, if I have more questions, I'll let you know. Thanks for reading and answering!

This might be a lot to ask but if you ever make any re balancing do you think you could think of making fixing the shard bombs your top priority? They where my personal favorite weapon before they got nerfed and they are so bad that I haven't touched them since, and I really want to have a reason to use them again.

Hey there! I've got a question. Is it possible we will ever see the fish costume from the promo video added into spiral knights in the future?
I would really like it if it did, it looks awesome. It does a good job to show just how dangerous and intimidating spiral knights can be.

"Irong" Guild Hall Update.
That is all.
(Thank you for the information.)

I'd like to express my thanks for your letting us know what's happening. It's what I'd been expecting, but concrete affirmation is extremely appreciated. I'd venture to say it's the single most effective thing that can be done to boost community morale/understanding of the situation.
As far as updates to the game go, "new content" has been given a variety of meanings now that GH is running the show. Missions are one, but also Arcade-content, weapon-additions, Guild additions, and tech-updates like UI tweaks. Promo boxes are in there too as an obvious one.
Is there anything from this list we can look forward to currently? You mention that technical issues are the biggest issue at the present, but is there anything the team agrees on as far as what would be "cool to have in the game"?
I know specific answers aren't exactly the team's type, but this question seems vague enough to not spoil anything.
That leads me to the topic of spoilers for the game. The way they work for SK is pretty simple; show a screenshot of anything at all related to an update and people go nuts. It doesn't require much to set people talking from this game, and that in itself is a way to spark word-of-mouth advertisement. If anything that the dev teams have done or are doing is considered suitable enough to leak via photo or even hint at through text, the community would love to see it.
I feel that everyone who works within GH hasn't received a whole lot of credit for the work they do. Advertising even the tiniest scraps of what's in-dev is enough to reassure players who haven't gotten to the endgame meta-phase doomsday prep that GH is in fact alive and well.
Again, I and a multitude of others are incredibly grateful for the development announcements you and Hera put out, and for the entirety of what you've pledged to keep running. I look forward to seeing and playing through the developments that the teams you've mentioned can dream up.

Had a thought this morning, since not too long ago we got the steam region lock in Asian removed, would it be possible to get Spiral Knights on the linux Steam library?
Steam and Linux work together. Spiral Knights and Linux work together. Spiral Knights and Steam Linux don't work together.

Surprised that had to be explicitly asked for in this thread. We've been asking for steam/linux a million times.

I'd just like to drop by and draw everyone's attention to this:
If/when we are able to launch a substantial update of some kind, we will look into various options.
I'm terrified for the future of SK. Why are you guys already saying if as if there was a suggestion that you won't make new content? (yes I do realize it says "substantial update" but seriously...who actually considers the Iron Guild Hall Update to be actual content)

Unless I read this wrong, do you really believe that shard bombs, sprite ultimates, the Kataclysm, and a long list of other ancient complaints "generally work"?
Why isn't it a priority to make existing material better? Why dream of magnificent updates when you have plenty of holes to fill already? Are you under the impression that giving people more tools via minor tweaks to what's already in the game, to use anywhere, won't add as much longevity to the game?
edit: things like plugging memory leaks are more important, don't get me wrong, I just don't like this "SHINY NEW THING" mentality I'm inferring

@Draycos: I agree with most of what you just said.
Shard bombs are stupidly far from working in any situation in the game, the Kat spawn rate are stupudly terrible as well. I don't really understand what you mean by sprite ultimates though.
On the other hand it is fine for them to ignore stuff that isn't completely working for a bit, but eventually something should be done. Now I am all for making bug patches and stabilizing the game and I know that they don't have the biggest of team or have much room with the money they make in the game but it would be nice that they sneak in a few tweaks to gear while they work on the bugs.

Some sprite ultimates "work" in the sense that they do in fact have an effect, but it's laughable. Haunted Haze, Violent Heart Attack, Drakon's damage output in general without even considering ultimates, etc ..

Bugfixes to a few things are certainly needed. I do believe that there is an array of flawed content.
That doesn't make the game bad by any means; however OOO going under means that GH gets the responsibility of fixing those bugs.
Shard bombs,
the Iron Slug's charge attack being buggy,
Fangel's account of the Orbitgun,
Tortofists being underpowered,
Bombs as a whole being underpowered,
the ability to get stuck in lava during Vana,
Catalyzers' underperformance in multiplayer,
The infamous Polar Halo/Grasping Aura/etc "White-Box" glitch with certain weather conditions,
Embers affecting candles directly behind gates in Keep levels,
Minimap glitching in Dreams and Nightmares,
Lost Soul spawn mechanics and hitboxes,
Projectiles originating on higher vertical levels still registering on lower ones despite being higher than their targets,
are all notable examples. And yet, the game is still functional in its majority.
I won't lie; I'd love to see these fixed. And I trust that in time GH will provide. However, I'd love new content more than having GH patch up every single bug in the SK code. For now.
I disagree. You can't keep trying to improve something if it has a weak foundation. I would say getting better servers, and fixing bugs would be the way to start. Once complete, and the game is running optimally (maybe a transfer to a gaming language would be cool), then from that new stronger foundation a better game could emerge.

I do agree with Lethal here. I imagine they're focusing on fixing major bugs because it could break new content once said bugs are fixed. Honestly, it could create a lot more problems doing new content first. Suppose they add new content, then fixed major bug afterward. If fixing said major bug promptly broke the new content perhaps not just in a big way but perhaps in multiple ways, it'd create more work for them in the end. It makes more sense for them to fix the larger bug first, then try adding new content that they've already tested with the larger bug out of the way.

I hate to ask, but why does ironing out all of the bugs take so many years? As much as I want to beat over Draycos' head by showing him exactly what the devs thought about his suggestion (which is the same as mine, 'wait dude, we have more important things to do'). But does fixing bugs truly take that long? SK is not the biggest MMO by any means and I think with a year of nothing but promos, the devs would be fixing just these bugs. But I guess I was wrong.

Q: What are your priorities for the upcoming few months?

I'd appreciate you not bringing up a one-sided vendetta that you don't even understand.
I'd be perfectly happy with the focus on technical fixes if there was something to show for it (like merely ADDRESSING the mysterious server outages I keep hearing about, or optimization, or ...).
Watching and waiting.

Q: Since we're gonna have new content to SK, does that include going back and adding new bosses...
A: We're still very early in the creative process. I'm afraid I don't have anymore information than that.
Q: I know you're not looking for more people to join GH, yet, do you think GH may need a storyboard artist on the team?
A: Not at this time.
Q: Is it possible we will ever see the fish costume from the promo video added into spiral knights in the future?
A: Anything is possible.
Q: Would it be possible to get Spiral Knights on the linux Steam library?
A: This is an example of how we need to prioritize. Spiral Knights currently works on Linux, so we are not stopping people using that OS from playing the game. Keep in mind that less than 1% of Steam users currently use Linux. Making SK work on Steam using Linux would take a significant amount of time - time that can be used on more pressing matters. So while we wont discount the possibility of doing this, it's not our highest priority.
Q: What are your priorities for the upcoming few months?
A: For the most part we've already answered that. As always, our first priority is to maintain the game and provide technical fixes to keep it running. Beyond that we do several things, often simultaneously. We need to be sure we have things that players enjoy seeing like events, casinos, etc. We also need to tackle a few technical issues, many of which are not player-facing. Additionally, we are now digging into various options for future content and what direction we want to take the game. I do not have any details on what the new content might be nor a timeline; it's still to early. We have a small team, so this type of update will take a lot of time.
Q: Various questions regarding technical issues or bugs.
A: As we've already noted, we have a number of high priority things that need to be taken care of (see above). This does take a significant amount of time particularly when there is a technical issue of some kind. We understand how frustrating a bug or a feature that works sub-optimally can be, however we do not believe that it's best to devote all of our time into squashing bugs when we can be creating content that will reach a much larger number of players. This still means we will be looking into bugs or other smaller issues, but it will not be our highest priority.

Could you perhaps say something regarding radiant fire crystals? The way I see it there are two major issues with the game that scare people away when they come back-
1. They can't make and heat gear at an acceptable rate to them.
2. Lack of new areas to explore; i.e. the arcade and missions people grind are still mostly the same set of areas.

So, you guys finally decided to open up with the community.
Good play, I know some people that were very skeptical about SK's future even after GHavens took charge, so this update on the situation is refreshing to say the least.
That being said, I'll certainly look forward to what you guys will do in the following months with a keener eye. No pressure though.

Any Chance we can have back Energy + Prize Boxes promo as we used to have before? ???
i dont like the new "prize box" only system because i feel it kinda unfair if i get only "trash" items that dont go for more than 5,000 cr. with the previous form of promo i could at least used the energy to buy a good accesories.
Prize box only promo its the reason in first place why i stopped to buy promos

What Sweet-Hope said, if the goal is now to ensure more players come in and stay this is by far the quickest win. The energy price is known to discourage lots of players and that would certainly help bringing it way down. Hopefully Grey Haven has some insight on the struggles of players when in the game. Threads complaining about energy issues have been around for about as long as the game, this is definitely worth consideration!

Seeing how new maps/levels are still in the preplanning stages still 6 months after the GH switchover, why not task that to players with a map builder? I'd rather spend time building maps constructively for this game than walk around with a pile of salt from lack of new playable maps.
Also, I'm not sure if a GM is aware, but the game is in a state where doing more content-wise, if done right, would net more profit than spamming promo boxes. Leaderboard weekly rewards for pvp, login rewards for general populace. 1 random day every month with 100% chance bombheads for pvp bribe. forge pass. Making shadowplay give more cr/rads than FSC. 1 day with rare depo sales a month. pvp lobbies. Cronus, if you get jempire lured back into sk, that'll give way more money in return than a reskinned promo.
I also figured out how to fix the mineral deposit issue that caused its removal. Make the crystal mapping to monster type rotate, and weight the lesser used ones more such that a small change in mineral depositing overall can completely change the expected outcome. That way using the same crystal on a different week won't result in the same strata type being selected, but will stay at a type setting for a day or two.

Q: where there be any use for moonstone and veilstone in the future? Because its beem 3 years and these stones have absolutely no point in being collected, and I have to keep reminding new players mever to collect those minerals, because theres no benefit to collecting.
Q: Will you get rid of all the remaining texts, characters, etc that regards to mineral deposits to power the clockworks?
Remember that we all need to have different antagonists, even if one day we may defeat the focused antagonist once and for all & for a new one to take the defeated antagonist's place.
We all need to have something to keep the storyline going, with more new places to explore and new villains to fight and defeat. I like Cradle, but we can't just stay there forever. We've still got the Morai Wars, Isora, & lots more places in SK we've yet to see, & stories to know.
The universe in SK is supremely massive, and, no doubt, ever expanding.

Fixing the absurd framerate issues would definitely affect everyone, just saying

In response to the tidbit about steam linux, it's good to know that it's not a "flip of the switch" sort of deal. Unlocking the region lock and removing legacy achievements from steam seemed to take little active time, so I wasn't sure if it was something similar here.
Thanks again for taking the time to do this. Really is helpful. :)

IKR, it CPU bottlenecks my 6700k that's OC'd, even when using the iGPU.
Any opportunities to volunteer? I'm a SteamWorks developer and would love to help, particularly in getting Linux support for the game onto Steam.
Edit: My bad, missed the volunteering section of the Q&A.