I just feel we are on hiatus all the time…
Even though Grey Havens said they just wanted to keep the servers up, they definitely have brought (or tried to) some changes every now and then to (try to) improve the game, like the small Auction House update, so it's really confusing from me when I attempt to see what they are really aiming for. It's even more confusing knowing they don't even seem to try to listen the community, so I just do not understand why they try to change things for the better if they are not even considering what fans recommend (in terms of relatively easy-to-do quality of life changes).
And not only that, but also add the fact that fans have actually managed to do some client-side changes by themselves that improve the experience of the game (that once again, should be relatively easy to make for the ones who actually own the un-compiled version of the game).
I don't wanna say that Grey Havens it's doing a poor job on maintaining the servers for as long as possible, the simple fact of keeping the game up and running it’s actually a thing I’m very grateful for, but sadly they really are not doing any good improvements that can help on convincing players on spend their money on the game like balance changes on weapons and armors, server improvements (the game really needs this if I may be honest) or some quality-of-life changes like being able to buy now on the Auction House when the sum of money between what you are biding currently and what you have on your inventory is enough to pay it or things like the actual damage or defense values in numbers of the weapons and armors respectively.
We, the community, do not ask for big content (at least not the ones who know about the current state of the game and company who owns the IP), we ask for small things that can improve our experience and that can make us rethink if we want to spend money or not into helping to keep the servers up and running. Grey Havens, I am certainly sure you definitely can do something about this game's current state, and many people on the community can do something to this game to be something better. Just, please Grey Havens, don't let this game die so easily...
You probably won't see any of those things. Much of Grey Havens' updates were in the works under Three Rings, and we haven't even seen much since the switch. With the big stink made about Shadow Lairs being ignored, along with any balance issues like Sealed Sword charges getting stuck in walls and Book of Dark Rituals drops being preposterously rare, all three of which could take mere hours to fix, some have wondered if anyone in Grey Havens plays the game at all, or expects it to go anywhere but toward more loot box promos.
It's all made worse than it needs to be, because Cronus and everyone else have almost never responded to constructive criticism.