I woman-like challenge Blasthawke for #15 rank
2021 Lockdown Rankings - Finished - (05/03/2021 to 05/10/2021)
sachaitz uses full bkset under costume - turbo-nano autowins
illu autoloses vs sachaitz
snarbo wins 5-3 surgi
tempas 5-3 boogiy-woogiy
2021 Rankings are finished. No more challenges are allowed. People that has been inactive for more than a month will be removed from the final ranking. But I will create a list with everyone that has participated and was not banned, with their peak rank. It is a lot of work so it is going to take me a few days to make such list. I will be sending prizes for Top 3 and Top 4. Top 1 and Top 2 still has to be decided as the last remaining 1v1. Deadline will be removed from that challenge since it does not affect anyone else. However, it they take too long to play, I will decide a winner myself.
Thanks everyone for having participated, and congratulations to the winners. Lots of people have played this year so it was a tough competition. I have no plans of organising rankings next year. If anyone wants to use this format, they may contact me.
Tempas 5-1 Snarbo-Cult, Making Tempas the 1st winner and Snarbo-Cult the 2nd. Congratulations
here's the prize i got. Just to prove that grey havens did actually sponsor :)
Challenging Sackaitz