Whatever Happened to ....

Hey, i just came back to SK after years of being gone....
I want to know : What happened to stacking of Gear abilities ?
( i am playing on PC don't know if that makes a difference ? )
For example before i left , i had an Undead Loadout .
Argent peacemaker
Cold Iron Carver
Deadshot Mantle
Deadshot Chapeau
Barbarous Thorn Shield
With the exception of " Barbarous Thorn Shield " all my Gear had/has an Undead DMG Bonus..... And top of that i added my Sprites Undead Bonus....
> it used to be that those bonuses would stack .
Let's say the Sprite bonus was Low , Helmet Medium , Armor Medium, Gun Low, Sword High.....
SO , when i looked at my weapons abilities in the " Current Equipment " window
The stacking of the bonuses would make my gun " High " and the sword would read " ULTRA or Ultra High " ....
Did they take that away ? when ?
Or is the stacking still there , and all i am seeing is a visual glitch ?
Because if the bonuses are not stacking... then how are they being applied ? Are they even being applied at all ?

Thanks for the info.... I guess they nerfed the abilities ? Well.... that's disappointing.

No, they did not nerf the abilities. I don't know why you say that.

Like i stated in the OP . abilities used to stack .
You said that now abilities are now capped... ( to me that equals nerfed , meaning they made them less effective ) They no longer stack past a certain point.
So before , my peacemaker would have stacked up to " high or very high " . But now , with everything equipped it's just at medium ( the default of my gun ).
But if you say that it's not nerfed . So , what do you mean by " caps " then ? And if they are not nerfed and caps don't matter , why won't the abilities on weapons go up ? Is it just a visual glitch ?

Abilities still stack, just as they always have.
Abilities are capped, just as they always have been. "Capped" means that you cannot go beyond +6, even if you have more than that. That's why +6 is called "Maximum!" in weapons.
I think that you are mis-reading the user interface. If you look at your gun in your Arsenal, the user interface might tell you just about your gun --- on its own, without bonuses from your other stuff.

it was the menu . There is an extra menu that pulls out towards the right . That's the menu i was not seeing. It's the one that shows the stacking.
Welcome back. Your question is probably answered by the wiki page Abilities.
Your Argent Peacemaker should have undead+6: +3 Argent, +1 sprite, +2 Deadshot, +2 Deadshot. So that is +8, but it caps at +6.
Your Cold Iron Carver should have undead+6: +3 CIC, +1 sprite, +2 Deadshot, +2 Deadshot, +2 BTS. So that is +10, but it caps at +6.