Whatever Happened to ....

7 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Guin-Aoiichi

Hey, i just came back to SK after years of being gone....

I want to know : What happened to stacking of Gear abilities ?

( i am playing on PC don't know if that makes a difference ? )

For example before i left , i had an Undead Loadout .

Argent peacemaker
Cold Iron Carver
Deadshot Mantle
Deadshot Chapeau

Barbarous Thorn Shield

With the exception of " Barbarous Thorn Shield " all my Gear had/has an Undead DMG Bonus..... And top of that i added my Sprites Undead Bonus....

> it used to be that those bonuses would stack .
Let's say the Sprite bonus was Low , Helmet Medium , Armor Medium, Gun Low, Sword High.....
SO , when i looked at my weapons abilities in the " Current Equipment " window
The stacking of the bonuses would make my gun " High " and the sword would read " ULTRA or Ultra High " ....

Did they take that away ? when ?

Or is the stacking still there , and all i am seeing is a visual glitch ?

Because if the bonuses are not stacking... then how are they being applied ? Are they even being applied at all ?

Imagen de Bopp
wiki page "Abilities"

Welcome back. Your question is probably answered by the wiki page Abilities.

Your Argent Peacemaker should have undead+6: +3 Argent, +1 sprite, +2 Deadshot, +2 Deadshot. So that is +8, but it caps at +6.

Your Cold Iron Carver should have undead+6: +3 CIC, +1 sprite, +2 Deadshot, +2 Deadshot, +2 BTS. So that is +10, but it caps at +6.

Imagen de Guin-Aoiichi
Thank you

Thanks for the info.... I guess they nerfed the abilities ? Well.... that's disappointing.

Imagen de Bopp
sorry, no

No, they did not nerf the abilities. I don't know why you say that.

Imagen de Guin-Aoiichi
Because i see there has been a change...?

Like i stated in the OP . abilities used to stack .

You said that now abilities are now capped... ( to me that equals nerfed , meaning they made them less effective ) They no longer stack past a certain point.

So before , my peacemaker would have stacked up to " high or very high " . But now , with everything equipped it's just at medium ( the default of my gun ).

But if you say that it's not nerfed . So , what do you mean by " caps " then ? And if they are not nerfed and caps don't matter , why won't the abilities on weapons go up ? Is it just a visual glitch ?

Imagen de Bopp
the same for years

Abilities still stack, just as they always have.

Abilities are capped, just as they always have been. "Capped" means that you cannot go beyond +6, even if you have more than that. That's why +6 is called "Maximum!" in weapons.

I think that you are mis-reading the user interface. If you look at your gun in your Arsenal, the user interface might tell you just about your gun --- on its own, without bonuses from your other stuff.

Imagen de Guin-Aoiichi

it was the menu . There is an extra menu that pulls out towards the right . That's the menu i was not seeing. It's the one that shows the stacking.

Imagen de Bopp

Good. I'm glad that you see it all now.