New Cyber Monday Sales Scheme

Hello fellow community members, and hello Grey Havens.
To preface: I know at a glance this reads as speaking out of emotion (partially), but please try to read through the whole thing to understand the logic and reasoning behind it. I speak here with the game and overall community's best interest at heart.
I just wanted to make a quick note and rant about the new forum post about the new method of hosting Cyber Monday Sales, because really, this is terrible. Can we please see what community feedback is being referenced for this? Because majority of the players last year HATED last year's Cyber Monday for being too Auction House centric, and not being able to get any good or rare items for cheap.
I can't stress this enough, that what Spiral Knights faces with item is less of "rarity" and more of extinction. There's a plethora of items that are simply unavailable. And putting them on auction house provides no solution to this, since it only puts one single copy of the item into the economy. I have no idea who even said they wanted more items to STAY rare and be auction house exclusive, but this literally only satisfies the merchants who overpay on an item on featured auction, idle in haven all day, and play hot potato with the same item, letting it inflate to the point where nobody ever gets to use the item.
In fact, in last year's Cyber Monday sales, majority of the items were won by Watergoose as he'd posted a screenshot of it on discord. And let me tell you about Watergoose, as everyone knows, he is famous around Spiral Knights for hoarding items and only selling them at unreasonably high rates. Consider the amount of spiral soakers sitting in his inventory, the last remaining unbound dangerous hound coat in the game of his being sold for 150k energy, and much more never to reach players' hands.
To top this all off, featured auctions like these serve as both reason and a way for people who exploit with scene hopping to offload their crowns and get all the items on it, leaving us fair players with nothing. And what happens when these players are caught by Grey Havens and banned? That's right, the items are gone forever as well.
Whereas with more focus on supply depot sales, every player has a chance to get an item they may have been waiting over a year for (Dangerous hound coats for example), and this produces multiple copies of the item. This puts them into circulation in the economy, allowing them to be sold at a later time for players who want them.
The concern about timezones for getting items from supply depot is moot, because if the items are on depot, there's always the reassurance that at least someone may have been around to buy a copy or two of the item, which you can buy from them at a later time. If there's only one copy of said item produced via auction house however, people who could not afford it on auction will never in their lifetime be able to get the item. This just effectively kills items and the player base, telling us to stop having hopes for these items and "just whale more".
This is the unhealthiest thing for the game's economy, the player base is already dwindling enough, and inaccessibility to items by gatekeeping them on auction house which whales and merchants would swoop up and let sit in their black hole of an inventory to never see the light of day unless you pay an absurd amount is only bound to kill the player base even more.
Many community members and I have been trying for many years to make the game more worth playing for the other players, both old and new, with community events, tools like Kozma's Backpack, and more, but to see the game being actively ruined like this by the developers is just an insult to any of our efforts.
Kindly hire a real community manager, because it is clear Grey Havens has no clue what this community even wants, nor sees the potential and benefit that it has to them. We, as players, want to give this game a chance and want to show it some love, but it's just becoming harder to do so over the years. Spiral Knights has all the potential to be a great game and produce mountains of revenue for Grey Havens while also being money well spent for the players, if only there was a little bit of effort put into actually interacting with the players.
And I am sure it is not only me, but many other community members who feel the same. I request you all from the community that I have cared about for the past 12 years to speak out against this, because this is genuinely not okay for any of us.
Do better.
But I think the economy ingame has reached a boiling point.
There is an issue with inflation since there are a large amount of crowns overall across the community, the issue is that a vast majority of the crowns are held by 1% of the playerbase who can basically strong arm other players into getting what they want while also overselling what stuff they do have to the point to where getting anything cool or interesting is practically impossible outside of pure luck.
I have red-green colorblindness, and certain levels are harder for me to see in, sometimes I lose my character amongst the colors. I wanted to get myself a few sets of armor that would be easier for me to see. Anything with yellow/tan and blue/purple would have helped massive but I couldnt find anything in AH that appealed to me and/or felt functionally visible enough for me to see; meanwhile merchants had what I needed/wanted, but were selling it as heavily marked up prices that I would never be able to realistically afford unless I spent actual months (not days, not weeks, MONTHS) grinding for.
I have a life outside of Spiral Knights. I have college. Other games. I cannot take the time to spend months to get literally a single vanity helmet (not even accounting for the fact that Id need armor as well to further increase the distinct visual different between myself and the environment). SK has no colorblind settings either, it lacks most modern accessibility, because keep in mind this isnt just about appearance this is about functionality bc I struggle to see things.
It's just frustrating.
(To prevent confusion, Im not necessarily agreeing with every OP is saying, I generally think that Supply Depot might be better since there is a higher yield of items. Albeit the prices could maybe be checked so they arent super expensive.)

I know for a fact that Cronus did not consider the possibility of players saving up and buying E in bulk to prepare for Supply Depot sales. If he did, he would've known that a sudden change so close to flash sales would heavily screw over players that are prepared for big Supply Depot listings. Even if this change was made at an earlier date for players to prepare, nobody asked for the change in the first place. I get that people don't want their investments to be devalued, but that’s why it's an investment: you're not guaranteed to profit or for a prized item to stay expensive while you have it. When prismatic scarf was depoted in 2020, I was hurting as an original owner of it, but it was necessary because only 10 or so existed beforehand. Depot sales can be very important so supply doesn't become an issue for certain items, so I'd heavily reconsider this change Cronus is proposing.

I'm going to be completely honest here, and I'm not trying to be rude and mean but: These changes make absolutely no sense to anyone but merchants, who already have a stranglehold on the game's economy. Everything said here is true.
This game has a huge problem with the extinction of items due to the lack of reruns of old promotions. I'm talking things like the Dangerous boxes, which haven't been rerun in the game for 8 years. Whilst I'm aware it is not possible for some promotions to return, the Supply Depot sales allowed for extremely rare or even extinct items to return to circulation, by allowing people to purchase multiple copies. "Item Rarity" via Featured Auctions actively exacerbate these issues, as the merchants with a bunch of stockpiled Crowns and Energy will be able to dominate the listings for Rare items and win them via driving up the prices into the millions. After that, they then have control over the market by having the only copies of the item, and will demand however much they dumped into obtaining it as a *bare minimum* in return for selling it on.
Last year's Cyber Monday was the boiling point for all of this, and I cannot believe you (Grey Havens) have looked at the absolute mess that happened last year and come to the conclusion that what is needed is MORE item rarity and insanely high priced Featured Auctions.
I am that person who got shafted by Goose's 150kE Hound Coat, so yes, full disclosure, I have been personally slighted by this happening. I spent months grinding for the last known copy of an item, only to have it sold out from under me just a few days before I would have been able to purchase it. I fully acknowledge I have personal biases that influence what I'm saying here, but that doesn't make the reality of the situation any less true.
I've never been a hardcore player, or a merchant, so I missed my opportunity to get the Coat on the rare few occasions it popped up since the box was discontinued. Personally, I'm angry because I have spent the last YEAR saving up Crowns and Energy to hopefully have a shot of getting the Coat again this year, because I've been searching for 8 years now and there is, as far as I can tell, no unbound copies of this item existing anymore. With us unable to unbind our costume pieces, and these items not being reissued, the idea of preserving "item rarity" via reissuing a single copy makes no one happy except the merchants.
This game has a small population, and I get that, but the vast majority of the few people left are not people with massive inventories or huge stockpiles of Crowns and Energy to be able to blow it on artificially inflated items. I have a decent chunk of Energy only because I have spent well over a year amassing savings through selling small items on the Auction House and grinding levels for cash, and now I have to mass-convert all of that year's worth of stockpiling in FOUR days, for Auctions I have very little chance of winning. In no way is this a fair system.
I am NOT a big ticket merchant with a huge stock. I come back to SK for the nostalgia, and for the fun of creating costumes where there is no other new content for us to play through. As Sylvieon has rightfully identified, doing this will only further drive away what few players you have left. I've met tons of great people who I love dearly through this game, many of whom no longer play due to the lack of content or community support.
You cannot keep appeasing the small few. Please.
Do Better.
This decision to change the Flash Sales structure is very contradicting to the current reality. I have no idea whose feedback even it is. As a non-merchant player I feel like i lost every chance to get what i want from the sales right now. More featured auctions means more items in merchant's inventories to overcharge normal players that ACTUALLY want to use a specific item. Please reconsider your decision and actually listen to your players.

It's insane to me to see the negative feedback towards the Featured Auction debacle last year, only to then see y'all double down on using it this year, now as a seeming replacement over putting highly-desired items on the Supply Depot. What exactly is the point of item rarity in a game where the playerbase has dwindled to maybe ~200 on a good day? Who's feedback were you taking to have went with this course of action?
Grey Havens, you want the players to trust and respect you for keeping our favorite game afloat, but it's really hard for us to do so when you consistently make such baffling decisions such as this, especially so soon after the ban wave around people
checks notes
fighting an event boss that is available at any time using an item that is available and usable outside of the event it can be obtained in.

So, because of some nebulous "feedback" that you've gotten from someone or multiple people who we have no clue who they are, you are changing how the Cyber Monday Flash Sales are done so that there are less items in the Supply Depot -where everyone at LEAST has a chance to get the items in the time frame- and more items in the Auction House -where the uber-wealthy will almost immediately snatch them up and hoard them away in their black holes of inventories because, IMO, I think that only they are the ones who should have certain items.
And if those uber-wealthy merchants have to part with those items, then they sell them for absolutely obscene prices where no person that plays the game normally (Read: HAS A LIFE OUTSIDE OF THE GAME) will be able to afford.
Some of the items on the Flash Sales have been from Events that have not seen re-runs in Bahamut-only-knows how long, and this is one of the few times that normal people can even have a chance to get these items if they're in the Supply Depot. You're telling us that we're moving away from this and going to the mechanic where the uber-wealthy can black-hole even more items that they don't even NEED?
Seriously, Cronus, where is this "feedback?" Where's your proof that made you and the rest of Grey Havens change how this year's Flash Sales will be handled?
Give. Us. Sources.

I vote Top-Platinum as the new CM of the game. He definitely deserves it.

yeah i'm bringing my forum account out of retirement long enough to point out how blind this is considering it turns a set-priced item into a bidding war and artificially drives up value by proxy. i realize the playerbase is only a fraction of what it was but all this conveys is that players will now have about three days to consolidate all of their buying power into one or two items they want rather than the small handful they would have gotten if Grey Havens went the Supply Depot route, and pretending that this was the desired outcome of a majority of the playerbase is a bad faith argument to justify it.
like yeah i get that more CE purchases equates to more longevity of the game and there's probably metrics that justify the position of "putting items on the AH results in more CE packs purchased in order to convert to crowns for AH buying power" but good lord is this tone deaf as far as market decisions go. you could even meet in the middleground and put big ticket + desirable items up on the AH (grey themed gear, snipe auras, twilight auras, etc) while still leaving the supply depot for more general/non-exclusive items (seasonal items, various gemstone themes, techcolor gear, etc) and at least try to bridge the gap on big spenders and more frugal shoppers looking for a good deal.
as is though, this is just going to be a flop if it's truly as described.

Though the calls for community manager and "being better" are too vague and impractical to notice and address, the Cyber Monday can be the one thing they could fix easily by empowering Supply Depot instead of Auction House.
We will never know what kind of feedback pushed the change and it's useless to demand to reveal it, but can we at least have the issue of Item rarity addressed properly? There are dozens of boxes, costumes, accessories and weapons that could be rerun easily, even for short periods of time or for extremely high CE prices at supply depot. Surely making them available to the community won't impact the economy negatively? What is the point for GH to keep the vast majority of the game's cosmetic potential closed off?

I don’t have much to add; I agree with what Sylvieon said.
That being said, we did give feedback about last year. The announced changes to the sales are basically the exact opposite of the feedback given.
Do better.

This needs to be adjusted better.
I do not think we asked for more items to be present on AH due to being difficult for many players to buy the items from Auction House due to being only one set of item available in Auction House.
The solution is simple, just add the items to SD instead, Auction House should be mainly items driven by the players, not Grey Havens.
To add ontop of the what Sylvie already mentioned, the way of handling this just discourages trading as a whole between the majority of players because we essentially have only one stop shop retailers this way, that can as best described "Extort" any kind of money from players from an intentionally rare kept item.
It reads both as a poorly designed economy solution to flush Crowns/Energy out of players inventories which has led to not only a massive decrease in crown to energy value over the past 6 years but an additional inflation of prices across Player to Player Trading in forms of Energy.
Nobody is advocating for these rare items to be kept rare except the very people that try to resell them for double to triple their original price and if anything it just makes the amount of different costumes that the community made stupidly rare to the point of frustrating alot of people when they ask about a cool looking one, just to be met with a reply along the lines of: "Sorry, this was only available 4-5 years ago and is now extinct"
Even if by the slight offchance that you do care and read this Grey Havens and specifically you Cronus, why do we even have these "Special and rare" occasions outside of Event Boxes instead of available at all times, are we banking that much on the Fear of Missing out from a loyal playerbase that would rather not play anything else and even start playing a sequel of the same game if it ever came out?
Do better.

I won't add more fuel to the fire that's already been thrown on but instead I'd love to know what Cronus meant by "There will be several interesting throughout the weekend in auction house."
Several interesting what? Please finish the sentence, I can't read minds
Do better

I am relatively new to the game, when I heard things about the Cyber Monday I got really excited that I may get the chance of getting neat accessories without bidding more crowns than I made throughout my entire playthrough (and that's despite spending some real money on energy). I don't like that only select few get to have cool stuff just because they were here longer than me and can easily afford them. I am college student at the moment, I don't have enough free time to run through Firestorm Citadel a thousand times to save up crowns for a single accessory and in the end probably get outbid by hoarder and I would have to wait months for another one to show up on AH. Let me have nice things too.

I very much agree with Sylvieon's perspective here, considering I am a merchant who tries to pick up everything specifically on supply depot, no matter how profitable or unprofitable they are, just so I can ensure I have one on hand if somebody in our small community needs one if they're able to find me. I am literally one of the main people who try to make sure supply depot flash sale items stay relatively affordable and available year-round.
The only people who care about maintaining the rarity of items over their general availability and affordability to the public are people who already own them, and even then that's not a reflective perspective of everybody who does own them. It heavily discounts the desires of people who prefer to freely build costumes and accessories, but cannot afford to do so or simply just cannot due to the sheer inaccessibility of many accessories in this game. As economics go, the main reason things get so expensive is precisely because they're wanted but generally impossible to find for the average player.
If you want to preserve the rarity of an item, you throw it on featured auction. That's fine, you might get some backlash on that but it's inevitable due to the nature of featured auctions. But don't take down what we get from supply depot along with this perspective. I think a vast majority of players would dislike this change if they understood just how much this would affect the prices of things that they may suddenly need to accent their new costume.
If this decision to make this change was based on feedback, it's very easy for many of us to believe that it wasn't; but in the chance that it genuinely, truly is, simply why? Out of everything that is going on, management chooses to follow feedback that is overall detrimental to the game's economy, well-being, and causes an even bigger hit to GH's reputation regarding Spiral Knights. Kindly invest in a poll system because a vast majority of the remaining players value the game's state of being over whatever people were thinking when they sent you this "feedback."
Lastly, to make this change a week before flash sales? Really? If this was the route that GH was intending to follow anyway regardless of what the players want, why not implement this after so y'all don't suddenly throw us into turmoil especially for people who have been actively saving for Cyber Monday sales, hoping what they want shows up? Most people would rather the item they want show up on supply depot over featured auction, because it guarantees they're able to obtain said item with minimal funds and they don't have to sit around in haven to fight for it. Even if y'all threw totems on the depot, many people who paid 300kE+ would be salty, but inevitably it would just lead to more accessibility for them, more incentive to use them, cheaper prices overall (assuming the depot number is more reasonable), and it would even create opportunities for merchants who have the funds at the given time to profit from them without creating such a large divide between the general players and the merchants. An active choice by management to make things more rare benefits nobody in this game.
As someone who rarely interacts with this game's economy. Its annoying to hear that yet more of the obscure items like I want will essentially become exclusive to whales that buy out everything on the Auction House.
The only reason I own anything obtained from the last 2 Cyber Monday Sales are because the items were either A) listed on the Supply Depot. or B) I massively overpaid for it on the AH
Fix this.
Well, here we go, they're gonna mess up the one thing that many look forward to. Whoever gave them the "feedback" needs to be drug out into the street and shot by the SK community for treason. Who the hell thought "less accessability = better"?

GH simply do not care. They haven't for years, and recent actions especially over this year have only made things worse all of a sudden.
Based on feedback? I don't believe that, I spend hours and hours compiling feedback for boxes and Cyber Monday to help make it better for the community every year and I don't hear things like this. Sure it would be nice for Supply Depot and Auction House sales periodically throughout the year, I think players are fine with that. Having broader sales set up is also not bad for the more casual players to potentially get a few things, however getting rid of the traditional Cyber Monday FLASH sales that have been a staple and a big event to look forward to for over 5 years is very very bad. Auction house items make items less available to players because only one person gets the special item and lots of people want it, more in the auction house makes items less available to players.
This is the single most important day of the year for Spiral Knights and a very big deal for the dedicated players especially, the ones who keep this game alive. There is no reason you cannot have both a broad set of flash sales and the 24 hour back to back sales, you're upsetting almost every long term player and destroying the tradition with the live streams and Game Masters interacting with players during the sales. I've said for awhile now the day that Cyber Monday doesn't happen is the day the game truly dies and this is essentially that, especially combining it with recent negative events involving banning. It's like banning a significant community member on the Spiral Knights 10 year anniversary, great timing.
I have dedicated an enormous amount of time to this game and I love it, I want a job developing it, a pipe dream I still strive for. I spend tons of time going through forum suggestions from years ago, compiling sale and box history data, reviewing every single cyber monday wishlist request and sending it to you in a nice neat format, building the biggest, entertaining community events I can in place of the content we desire. I genuinely love this game and this is the last straw for me. I'm canceling my community events for Winterfest I've worked on all year and all the future fun stuff I've been working on and this makes me so unbelievably sad, I don't wanna play or be apart of this if you plan to kill it with negligence and make the players suffer.
Grey Havens needs a community manager or ANY communication with the players who keep the community running, talk to the administrators of Arcade or Kozmas Backpack discord servers or even ask me. I suspect staffing is the real issue with Cyber Monday and if you need help running it just ask; many reliable, trustworthy people would be willing to help for free including myself.
Please don't kill Spiral Knight's biggest tradition and biggest event, that will kill the game.

As someone who doesn't actively interact with the game's economy anymore. I still stick around looking for a reason to spend my money. And the flash sale is one of them. although I never had a good experience with the featured auctions as if it limited how much and when I can get the item instead of the supply depot's flexibility its offered. I disagreed with shifting the majority of the items to the auction house, which claimed to "help" others from different time zones to participate, given the nature of the auction which only matters during the end and not the initial bid. Not to mention sacrificed sleep time to keep up with the ongoing bid. Or to be woken up and greeted with disappointment.
What if you wished to buy a spare copy for a friend or to give it to someone? All these will be gone(most) with the new flash sale scheme.
Since most things will not be guaranteed to get due to auction. Then, there is no point in sticking around this game. Given people will compete over one item and only one winner can have it.
This will change nothing to the ongoing issue with the game economy and how players abused it with ToS violation methods.
So, please reconsider the change.

As noted, we are not stopping SD sales, we're simply moving them away from a single day sale. Instead, we will have far more sales running throughout the entire year - not just holidays. In fact, this will amount to far more items being listed overall than there is currently. That way, you still see sale items regularly even if you happen to miss Cyber Monday or, like most, cannot stay up for 24 hours to participate in the entire event. To be clear, there will still be items for sale this weekend, but they will stick around longer so more people can take advantage of them.
As for the feedback, it's been pretty clear. Beyond what's sent directly to us, we do see/hear what is said on Discords or on Streams. It's understandable because "Cyber Monday" as a term and event comes with an expectation of items being "door busters". Our goal has never been to offer 75 door busters, which is the basis for a lot of the negative feedback. By moving away from the expectations of Cyber Monday we have more freedom to list more items at various prices throughout the entire year. That way, if a player pops in and doesn't like what's in the SD they simply need to wait a small amount of time rather than an entire year.
While I understand that this will be disappointing for this particular sale, we decided that spreading out the sale throughout the entire year and other holidays is better for the health of the game.

Does that mean I'll have to stay up for 96 hours these flash sales instead of the usual 24 so I don't miss a sale or do you intend to list items on the depot that cover all timezones?
(You spelt "health" wrong in the last sentence btw)
EDIT: I spelt "96" wrong

"Does that mean I'll have to stay up for 96 hours these flash sales instead of the usual 24 so I don't miss a sale or do you intend to list items on the depot that cover all timezones? "
Not for the Supply Depot. In general, you should be able to pop in once a day at whatever time is convenient for you to see what's for sale. Granted, it's always possible something gets added, but the overall goal is to allow people in any time zone to have reasonable access to the items for sale.

Wow, that's great news!
Thanks for the clarification in regards to the supply depot side of things
The sales start Nov 29th according to the announcement so more people can access them but sales yet sales just started today on the 27th?
Also why would you drastically change this with 1 day notice before sales? Like I mentioned earlier this is a significant event I've scheduled two days off next week just for this and its wasted and I can't get those days back. Most people have to do this at least a month in advance and you provide 1 - 6 days notice.
In the interest of feedback I hope you consider all the comments in this thread as feedback also and expect more.

That doesn't account for the other issues that players have brought up in this thread, one of which being that this change is being made the week of the flash sales for the flash sales. Even if it's so beneficial as you claim, you've basically blind-sided the playerbase and have everyone scrambling to turn their energy back into crowns just so they can be "prepared" for the Featured Auction door busters (quotes because we all know the whales are going to eat up all the auctions). Heck, if it's not the case that you're dropping the usual Cyber Monday flash sales, that's now a problem of poor wording and miscommunication, and the players who've mass-converted their energy have now done so at a net loss because of it.

"The sales start Nov 29th according to the announcement so more people can access them but sales yet sales just started today on the 27th?"
We never announced that there would be any Cyber Monday sale until my post on the 26th. I'm sorry if you made plans for it, but we did not make changes to any previously announced event.
There is a US holiday, Thanksgiving, this weekend. What you're seeing right now is a celebration of that holiday. As noted, we will continue to have sales for holidays and on just random days. In fact, there will be more regular sales in general.

Who do you think you're catering to? If you think it's the entire SK community, you're wrong. We gave our honest thoughts and you are ignoring us like usual. You act like we gave feedback to you, but when have you ever asked for feedback over real issues with the game and actually responded by fixing said issues? The issue with flash sales was not the way it worked, but the items that are listed in SD. So many items are locked behind arsenals of retired players, where the only way to get them is to pray for the item in question to drop during flash sales. Even if players aren't able to make it for the times that desired items drop, the supply for said items go up, allowing those who missed it to still obtain them from other players. This proposal only lessens the rate at seeing so many items that has been anticipated by every player annually. Not only are you ruining expectations, you are also wasting people's time and money for those who wanted to buy E early for the sale. If you looked in discord servers, you would understand the effort from people that optimistically plan for events like this, even with an entire community-made wishlist that goes over what items the community wants to see in flash sales the most. Also what do you mean you didn't announce it? Why would you need to announce an event that has been happening every year since 2013? If your mind was set to ignore us, cater to whales who can't accept losing investments, and go with the change anyways, at least be considerate and do the change months in advance instead of literally the week of the event. Be better and stop making new lows.
Cyber monday is something everyone looks forward to! Making plans to stay up all night, hanging out with friends, its THE Sk event every year. I'd hate to see it be changed especially when it is so loved! please please PLEASE keep the 24 hour flash sales!!!! :(

"So many items are locked behind arsenals of retired players, where the only way to get them is to pray for the item in question to drop during flash sales."
This is one of the main reasons for the change. Dropping a ton of items on one day only benefits the few people who can be here that day, or more accurately, during that specific 30 min window. Instead, more items will drop throughout the entire year and be available for longer. Last year around 80 items (rough guess) were sold in the SD. The change we're making will vastly increase that, it just wont be on a single day. Thus, it wont be exclusive to a handful of people who are able to log in on a Monday. If we do not need to worry about the expectations of Cyber Monday being some huge savings, we can drop a vast array of items into the depot at any time. It benefits those who play the game regularly because they can check the depot as they log in. Similarly, those who have saved energy will be more prepared for when these sales drop.
Again, there will still be a sale on Monday. However, it will not include items rotating through every 30 mins.

I personally don't care that much about extending the event. Frankly some of us are busy on Mondays; I for one am stuck on campus for 11 hours straight. I don't have the time to sit around in a video game all day only for a chance at something desirable appearing. My REAL issue is the auction house garbage.
Listing valuable items on the Auction House does nothing but hurt players. As has been said a dozen times before, the richest players are the only ones with the pockets deep enough to win these auctions. These auctions do nothing other than cement the ludicrous prices these rich merchants set. Putting mixers on there specifically is extremely heinous and further leans into the infamous pricing they get.
I don't get why these insanely pricey items absolutely HAVE to stay rare. Losing investments is a natural part of markets. The instant that the idea that "rarity must be preserved" is accepted by the people with the power to ensure it is the instant that the game's market dies. Gray Colors, Mixers, Totems. These are proof that we've reached that boiling point long ago, but to have it said verbatim in an announcement? That was painful to read.

>"Thus we're shifting the bulk of the items to the Auction House to maintain their rarity and offering some sale prices for a select few items."
>"So many items are locked behind arsenals of retired players, where the only way to get them is to pray for the item in question to drop during flash sales."
>This is one of the main reasons for the change.

snowhats aren't exactly what i would have considered items eligible for depot sales but the dangerous boxes are a good counterbalance to that at the moment.
cronus, could you give a strictly hypothetical example of what you and the crew have in mind for what the supply depot would look like outside of a holiday or special event? slap as many disclaimers on it as you need to if you're worried that someone will interpret your example as a tangible thing that is coming down the line, i am only interested in how this process will potentially work. i've known at least one or two of you still hanging around for the better part of a decade and i know you have good intentions here but frankly, a lot of the community i've talked to about this is worried that it's going to be more of the same with a small group of players hoarding a vast majority of vanity items with Grey Havens seemingly reinforcing that at this point.

Legendarios, You're confusing two different things. For Cyber Monday, more items will be on the AH than the SD. There will still be some on the SD, but a higher number of items will be on the AH than the SD because the AH will be similar to how it was in previous years. However, beyond Cyber Monday, the SD will be far more active than it has ever been in the history of the game. All those items (and more) you normally only see on Cyber Monday will be out during the course of the year and available for a longer duration.
"cronus, could you give a strictly hypothetical example of what you and the crew have in mind for what the supply depot would look like outside of a holiday or special event?"
This is hypothetical and is subject to change in any number of ways. I am not all knowing, nor do I know what changes are in store. In general, the goal is to encourage a player to check the supply depot regularly. This might mean that there is nothing in it that's new that day, but more often than not there would be something of note or multiple somethings.
For example, each day for the next week already has an item scheduled to appear (ignoring Monday which has several). Again, I'm not guaranteeing that each day there is a new thing, just explaining that by spreading things out over time we prevent one person, who happens to be free one day a year, gets access to all the items. That aura that Knight A asked for in the Cyber Monday thread might be found available all day on a Tuesday in March.
It's hard for people to accept change but can we not be so negative about everything? Let's at least take a look at the first day of FS, then we will draw our conclusions. Then maybe if or when the promised year-round SD sales happen, we'll form our opinion about them then. It's so stupid to be arguing over stuff that we have no idea about. Maybe, this could be a good thing. Maybe it's a mistake but how do we know two days before the FS? Inb4 swarming me for glazing the decision makers, I'm not. I agree with most of you - SD sales are better than FAs, FS used to be a fun event. Based on some announcements we have no way of knowing that the new way would be unsatisfactory and it's effects on the economy. I know at least two people who were happy about the dangerous boxes (although technically not part of FS but part of the year-round SD sales). If you give it a chance, who knows, you might be happy on a random Tuesday about a rerun.
I hope I'm not coming across as aggressive, this is just my opinion.

i do appreciate the clarification on how you intend for the supply depot to work moving forward which i'm admittedly still skeptical on BUT i'm more than open to seeing how this progresses over the next few weeks since it's independent of the flash sales for cyber monday.
circling back to flash sales vs. featured auctions though - i do still think that a good middleground for Nov 29 through Dec 1 would be to have the rare big-ticket items on the AH as planned (or at least how it sounds like it's planned) while having their respective prize boxes available via SD for those with the disposable CE to try their luck on getting the item that way (for example, putting Mixmasters up as a featured item in the AH while offering Confection Prize Boxes for a set CE price to allow the best of both worlds). i'm not sure how the functionality of the depot itself is coded but if it's possible, you could even consider having a buy limit on prize boxes from the SD per day to limit people just ignoring the AH for items that are planned to be in rotation in favor of just rolling for it in a box.
in any case, thanks for continuing to engage in the conversation.
EDIT: ps please add 10,000 party flares to the AH with a cheap crown buy now price so we can pew pew at the sky while in haven. luv, ret

Hello again! Thank you Cronus for taking the time to reply and clarify here. It is well appreciated and a step in the right direction to finally have some communication between Grey Havens and the community.
I am also extremely grateful for the dangerous prize boxes being posted on supply depot just now, because these were heavily in demand by the community and we were extremely starved of them. I will touch more on this later, but I'd like to speak more formally about some way to gain continued community-dev communication in this regard to revitalize the economy, since just like dangerous items there's plenty more that are extinct to the playerbase right now (hazardous, lovely, verdant colors to name a few, and much more). More on this at the end of the post.
I just want to say, the year-round supply depot sales are a great idea, and I think none of us are opposed to it.
The main gripes of the people here that I wish to highlight are:
1. By the phrasing of the announcement post below:
"In recent years we wanted to give people an opportunity to obtain items that are otherwise unavailable via the Supply Depot, however the feedback we received was that people instead preferred sale prices of items rather than a volume of items. Thus we're shifting the bulk of the items to the Auction House to maintain their rarity and offering some sale prices for a select few items."
The problem here is shifting the bulk of items to the Auction House. What that means entirely, we cannot say, and excuse me if I'm mistaking the intentions here. But I feel majority of us have come to realize that featured auctions are a fundamentally flawed system for our playerbase and the state that the economy is in right now. It has become a common practice for just the same 5 rich merchants or so to snag every featured auction item, and just hoard them to sell at a 2-3 times markup since the item is so rare. And frankly, the community has vastly grown discontent with this, since many of us are school or college students or work world freshers or even in third world countries where we cannot afford to spend on energy to compete for these items, nor have time to farm millions of crowns (I say this as someone who has run vanaduke 10-40 times a week on multiple occasions {for reference 1 run takes me upto 20 minutes} and have come out burned out from the game each time, needing months of break).
Supply depot sales are far better than this in the sense that merchants may procure multiple copies of items, hence leading to more stock, hence lower net cost of the items, and ability to resell them to players at a later time who may not have been able to afford it during the depot release.
The bottom line here is that featured auctions are unfavorable to the vast majority of the playerbase, and it would be a better step to move away from these rather than towards them. And yes I am aware this is specifically for this cyber monday to be more Auction House intensive, but I still feel that it's a bad idea to do so. If possible to move away from it, please do so. If it's already set in stone though, nothing can be done about it.
And again, the emphasis on more depot sales is a step in the right direction.
2. The second gripe players have been having here is that the announcement of this came with very short notice to cyber monday, so players have no idea what to expect. It gives off the impression that the auction house sales will be more worth our time, hence players who have saved up in energy will have to convert back to crowns. The problem here is, this consumes the energy-crown trade offers on the depot's market tab, hence making it so that with every transaction here, energy loses value in crowns, so they're converting it for less. This also creates a market crash, and as we've seen this past 2 months, the energy market has gone down from a stable 5.3 to 5.4kcr per 100 energy, now to being 4.9kcr per 100 energy. This means energy is losing value. The biggest problem here is the people who spend money on the game purchase in energy, so their 100$ purchase of 45k energy has significantly less value in crowns.
The energy market is fickle, but also was in a good state currently. But sudden events crashing it will cause a bunch of problems for the playerbase as a whole.
3. This hasn't been brought up by other players, but I also feel the promise of more items in supply depot throughout the sales and year round is a little vague, and I solemnly hope it doesn't turn out to be more disappointing. I bring this up because historically in last year's flash sales, we had seen a few items on depot (headlamps, mech tennas, ribbons, flowers) going for much higher than standard market price. For example, flowers typically go on auction house for a stable 40k crowns. This equates to roughly 700-800 energy. But the listings of flowers last year were for 2500 energy. This both was a waste of the 30 minute time slot for items then, and also shows that Grey Havens is out of touch with market trends in spiral knights. We do not want to see these type of depot sales, nor the standard party hats, party blowouts, snow hats, same 3 sprite pods reran quarter-annually, etc.
We also don't want a repeat of having gemstone prizeboxes being ran on depot for 2 years in a row for who knows what reason.
There's also the concern of how frequent will these sales be, will they be overwhelmingly quick, or will they be too far spaced apart to be of much value? How is this being decided? Is it on a holidays basis? Weekly? Monthly? Some clarification would be appreciated.
And no this is not to bash on Grey Havens and leads me to my next and main point and proposal.
I feel we can all agree, some more communication between Grey Havens and the playerbase is just what everyone wants. For this, I'd like to ask Grey Havens if by some means we can set up a more active channel for communication with Grey Havens. Either by Grey Havens staff being more present in spiral knights' discord servers, or communicating by proxy of community moderators or figures. We as a community have enough information to adequately gauge what the players want, we have tools like Kozma's Backpack which have the majority of data in the current game market, etc. If only some two way communication was present, both the community would be satisfied and thriving, and Grey Havens could have a more lively game again. Restore spiral knights to its glory days.
In the first post on this thread I'd retorted to hire a real community manager, but I do genuinely mean this, because we do need someone on Grey Havens' end who understands us well, what kind of community this is, what it has to offer, and what it needs. If this is to be taken seriously, I do recommend hiring from within the community, since they would know best and this would be a show of good faith, and I know many good people here would be willing to do so, even if part time or unpaid, just out of passion for the game.
Sorry for the long winded read, but I just wanted to speak up for everyone, and also keep up this momentum of actually communicating while Cronus is here on this thread, since this is the best opportunity to do so.
And again, I'd want this to move forward in an amicable and diplomatic manner and actually make progress, not turn this into Grey Havens bashing.
Thank you all for your support here!

That's not what I'm referring to. Your previous statement is contradictory. You say that because there are items that are low in supply is the reason why you're shifting Supply Depot listings to Featured Auction, and below explains exactly why this makes no sense.
First of all, that does not fix the supply issue as only one person can win an auction, whereas Supply Depot gives players infinite supply as long as it's affordable. This is much healthier economically, especially for items that are locked behind promotions that haven't been rerun for over a decade (stormy, spritely, etc).
Second of all, nobody is guaranteed a discount on Auction House and if said items are high in demand, you will more than likely be paying more than the market value due to the amount of players contesting. I just don't see why you can't keep Supply Depot sales for Cyber Monday the same while also adding more items throughout the year as well. This way, those who already prepared by converting crowns to energy aren't getting screwed over.
Also, in response to one more thing:
>"Dropping a ton of items on one day only benefits the few people that log in that day"
Cyber Monday is a very well known day and everyone who plays actively knows that Spiral Knights has flash sales, so this is not just a few people, this is possibly around over a hundred, maybe even more depending on the year. People have this event on their calendar knowing it's a big day for a ton of possible deals, so this just makes it a massive buzzkill.

Jumping off what Sylvieon was saying, I am hesitant to advocate for hiring from within the community or volunteer labor. I've seen examples of how inexperienced CMs can cause ****storms on the regular in other circles. On paper it'd be nice to have someone who already understands the game and its community, but I've grown a bit distrustful of giving an individual player from this game that kind of position. On the topic of volunteering, I think in general this is a recipe for disaster and it makes sense to me why volunteers have been turned down by GH time and time again. We're all human, and we all succumb to temptation sometimes. I think the reputation discord moderators have across the internet perfectly illustrates to me why volunteer labor of managing people just doesn't work well. I personally think a payroll grounds most people enough that they'll stay in line. I definitely find myself acting very differently when it comes to doing housework compared to the work I do at my current job.
This doesn't mean I don't want a community manager for the game; far from it. I just want someone who has experience, and, though this may sound strange, someone who isn't too invested in this game. I'd personally be extremely concerned the instant I saw a known rich merchant hired as a community manager. Frankly, I'd expect to find it hard to hire anyone from this community that someone else doesn't personally have issues with. I think we need a fresh face who's willing to get to know both the game and its community from scratch, but I'm not well versed in hiring and management so there's probably some other glaring issues with that approach that I'm not aware of either. I do hope I've gotten my point across about the kind of concerns I hold though.

I agree with Fallen, especially when hiring someone from within the community will most likely have some sort of bias not just towards the game itself but to the players that inhabit said game. Someone who has no investment in SK would be a good fit imho.
If anything, I'd prefer the current CM (I honestly forgot their name) be a lot more communicative with the community so players don't have to default to feedback threads and/or support tickets for such communication. I can understand from a CM's perspective on not wanting to involve oneself with the player base as some players can be quite toxic in their communication, but I would hope there would be ways to combat that sort of vitriol.
Either way, I hope this Cyber Mo-- Weekend turns out for the best, and if not... another feedback thread can be made :D

As @Cronus admits, mentions that "As for the feedback, it's been pretty clear. Beyond what's sent directly to us, we do see/hear what is said on Discords or on Streams."
If this is true, which server are we talking about? We know that, when Lego does his usual streams on Cyber Monday, Hera and you(Cronus) tend to shime in on the stream.
Was this Cyber Monday huge change due to the fact that we know Lego has now retired from Streaming Spiral Knights? Did Lego communicated to Grey Havens directly? This was my assumption since day 1 when it was announced the change since it makes sense:
First things first, Lego's streams tend to get a lot of attention 'specially in Cyber Monday, and the 30 minute reveals where exciting and made Knights talk, now this is no longer the case, as items now last way longer, and even if someone outside Lego does a stream, the stream itself won't be as enticing due to the very low item switch a day. Streams helped people login and also tune in, and login once a interesting item shows up and buy them from SD and even bid on Auction House.
I would really like a confirmation, maybe this is just me throwing darts with a blindfold but I strongly believe this was the main reason of the switch, alongside the fact that Grey Havens needs more investment in the game considering the big changes in the economy affecting our real world, even Fortnite recently increased the price of the battlepass, for the record BR was released in 2017, it took them 7 years to do this change, even if small increase.
Thanks for the responses Cronus!

I don't have much to add outside of what is already being discussed here. +1 to a lot of these posts, particularly @Sylvieon's.
Just want to say thankyou @Cronus for hashing it out further with us in the forums, feels like a while since there's been some back and forth in this manner.

I hope what we've experienced the past 2 days of this "New Cyber Monday" will improve this coming Monday, instead of being drip-fed the same 2022/23 depot items on a daily basis.
If this new idea Cronus cooked up isn't warmly welcomed by the community it might need a post-Cyber "Monday" rework (cos he ain't cooking with this one if ima be honest)

So, about this bulk of items being shifted to the auction house uhhh. Where is it? There were the auctions for Thanksgiving day, and nothing else afterwards.
Where are the depot sales? Surely by less items, it didn't mean 1 item per day right? We were promised several interesting on sale, but 3 days of pauldrons and slippers isn't very interesting nor is it several anything.
Were the flash sales change revoked? Is it back to being as per usual on Monday only? What's going on here Grey Havens?
The community has questions, and we'd like some answers please, because this is turning into a massive flop this year.

A flop is a dramatic understatement. The current state of this cyber monday event is nothing short of shameful. Literally the only day-long items I've seen so far are a bunch of pauldrons and Yeezy brand wolver slippers marked up to nearly $50 worth of energy EACH. Anything remotely desirable besides the danger prize box (which is admittedly appreciated albeit why is it twice the price of a normal box in energy) has been on the AH. This is insanity. Seriously, the fall aura is less than $20 worth of energy and I imagine plenty of people would actually be into getting that, so why were the pauldrons and slippers marked up so high?
Cronus, what exactly did you mean by "people instead preferred sale prices of items rather than a volume of items"? The only possible interpretation of that wording that I can see would be that people preferred "actually affordable" prices for their items. In what way is listing most of the items on the AH as bid only going to help achieve this? I cannot even begin to imagine that someone other than a miniscule minority of the playerbase would've actually asked to get worse deals during this event, and if that minority did, why would their opinion be able to influence the event over the will of the vast majority of players?
I desperately want this exacerbation of the game's economy issues to end. Even looking at logs from last year's event, the prices varied wildly between kind of affordable like 5.2ke for Valkyrie Wings (I managed to farm a bit less than this in just a week of casually playing), to frustratingly high like ~16.8ke for a few different battle sprite reskins, to absolute insanity like ~42.4ke for a Hazardous Hedge Coat (THAT'S NEARLY $100 WORTH OF ENERGY. THAT'S WHAT GH IS CHARGING FOR THIS STUFF). I'm begging you all, please end this madness.

Now that the first rounds of Auctions are over, are we surprised to see that nothing has changed in terms of pricing? Items are still going prohibitively high for normal people, and now the only copies of items that are going to exist for the next year or so are in the hands of the select few who will either hoard them or try to flip them for extremely high CR/E. A pair of shackles sold for 6 million crowns. Those will be the only pair to exist for months if not a full year.
Surprise, surprise, this has actively made the economy issue even worse! Who woulda thunk?! /s
Please, just listen to us when we say that a lot of us are angry and downtrodden at the fact that it's basically impossible to get a ton of items nowadays because you're deliberately keeping them so rare only the richest players get to have them. It's neither fair nor fun at this point, especially when auctions end in weird timezones and you STILL have to destroy your sleep schedule to try and get the item. Except now even WORSE because you're not even guaranteed to get anything out of destroying your schedule!
I don't get how you can try and push this system as preferable or rewarding. The staggered depot sales I get, and agree with, but this????

"So, about this bulk of items being shifted to the auction house uhhh. Where is it? There were the auctions for Thanksgiving day, and nothing else afterwards."
Thanksgiving /= Cyber Monday. We generally have items in the Auction House for each holiday which is what you saw. Cyber Monday didn't start until today.
"Now that the first rounds of Auctions are over, are we surprised to see that nothing has changed in terms of pricing?"
Auctions aren't intended to adjust pricing throughout the economy. I never claimed it would nor did I claim that every item in the game should be inexpensive or easily obtained. There still needs to be goals for those who are around longer.
The change we're making is to the Supply Depot which will happen throughout the year. Dumping a ton of items (previously around 75+) into the depot wont happen again. Instead we are going to be using the depot regularly. Thus players go from having 75 items in the depot per year to over 4 times that. Over time this will reward players who log in regularly rather than those who happen to have Cyber Monday off. It also allows us to have far more items appear in the depot than have ever appeared there before. If your concern is not having enough items available in the depot or items being too rare, this change will help you.
The reality is that it's not healthy for the game to have a ton of items appear in the depot in one day. It only benefits a select few who happen to be available that day, and it encourages scamming along with a host of other issues.

"Auctions aren't intended to adjust pricing throughout the economy. I never claimed it would nor did I claim that every item in the game should be inexpensive or easily obtained. There still needs to be goals for those who are around longer."
The issue this thread, and what a lot of this community are trying to bring to light is that there is a wider discontent around the idea of the Featured Auctions, and how the big ticket items are relegated to it. As I stated in my post, the idea around the Supply Depot changes have merit and I fully welcome the change. However, Featured Auctions create an overinflation issue as everyone scraps for the singular copy of the item given, and these inflated prices then set a precedent. This continues in perpetuity, as it has done so for years by this point.
I'm not advocating for everything to be handed to people on a silver platter, so please do not take me raising these concerns as such, but the overinflation of limited distribution items is getting to an unbearable level and contributes to a feeling of hopelessness or outright apathy. For gear pieces like Mixmasters or Totems, controlling the supply makes a lot of sense, and the Featured Auctions are an understandable method of doing so. The issue arises when accessories or costume pieces, which have no real effect on gameplay, are controlled in the same way as pieces of usable equipment. It arbitrarily limits people's ability to simply express themselves and have fun with the game's cosmetic system, and that's something a lot of long-time players like doing.
Furthermore, you raise scamming as an issue, but the Featured Auctions as they currently are structured contribute to this, and that is why lots of people (not just myself) are upset. The average player does not have millions of crowns to dump on a singular accessory, and this is what certain players have openly admitted to doing in the past to ensure they have control over the limited supply. When you, Grey Havens, control the supply at the source, people are going to ask for changes to how you provide that supply.
From having camped last year's Cyber Monday, as well as being involved within the community, there was a not-insignificant amount of backlash around last year with how Featured Auctions work. People have been very vocal in their discontent because, as many people in this thread and the wider community have stated, these Auctions are controlled by a small fraction of players who can and do deliberately drive the prices up insanely high (vastly above market value) just to muscle out competitors, only to then sell on the item at a later date at a higher cost.. This then leads to a rise in the item's market value, and thus when that item reappears next, people expect to pay that originally inflated cost, and the process repeats ad nauseum. I have seen this myself in trying to bid on Featured Auctions in the past, and there are countless other players who have the same issue. It is massively frustrating and actively drives away the casual player from participating because... Well, what's the point in trying when you know you haven't got a chance?
Do you ever plan to bring items from the Featured Auctions out into Depot Sales? Because if not, and if Featured Auctions are allowed to remain as they are, then this issue will never be resolved, and a tiny fraction of the game's population gets exclusive access to these items to disseminate as they wish, at the prices that benefit them and them alone. Forgive me if I am being curt, for it is truly not my intention, but talking about benefitting the small few and the issues with the health of the event ultimately rings a little hollow when these other glaring issues remain unadressed.
Again, I must reiterate: I have no issue with the idea of the Depot changes. I think they're overall positive in the long-run, even if in the short-term they are a massive departure from what we are used to. Change is good, and I do hope that what has been proposed for the Supply Depot has a positive impact overall. But there is another massive issue here, and people are getting frustrated that it is not being addressed.
its a shame things are the way they are right know,hope can only get you so far, i hope they listen to what you have to say,there are so many accesories that never are viable to obtain in a normal gameplay that does not include insane grinding,i would love to see a day where more cosmetics are availeble to players,but is a shame the game itselfs doesn´t even go forward or atleast not backwards.