I'm mostly just here to vent, so bear with me. Also, I'm not going to mention any names. So a random player ran by me who was a member of what seemed to be a female focused guild, judging by the name. There are several of these, and I'm not out to smear the guild as a whole, so I'm not going to name them. I'm sure there are a few nice people among their ranks. There have to be, don't there? The chat quotes are paraphrased from memory, I'm not sure if chats are logged or not but that's maybe a useful feature if not, because this was pretty entertaining (in hindsight)
Anyway, I sent her a tell asking about joining, because I've been in several other female guilds in other games. I figure there's some sort of screening process, that's normal. I didn't expect this. So here we go. How NOT to recruit new members into your guild.
STEP ONE: Deny, or at least leave ambiguous, the truth about what kind of guild you are.
Me: Oh hey, is that an all-female guild?
Her: Perhaps...
Me: ...Perhaps?
Her: Well how do I know you're a girl?
See, the conversation begins with an immediate tone of animosity and suspicion. I can understand wanting to screen out guys - but really? Not even answering the most basic question about what your guild is about? I can tell right away this is going to go well.
STEP TWO: Antagonize the applicant when you explain the application process
(picking up where we left off)
Her: Well how do I know you're a girl?
Me: Well usually there's a voice interview, I've joined a few all female orgs before. I'm fine with that.
(there is a long pause)
Her: Why would we do an interview when you could just send in a picture with your character name and today's date?
Me: Oh, okay.
Her: Just put it on tinypic or something
Why, indeed? My question is why did that have to be explained to me in such a condescending way?
STEP THREE: Deny access to an *actual* guild leader or officer.
Me: Okay then. Is there a recruiter or someone I should be speaking to instead of you?
Her: I'll pass it along.
Well, in that case I have no idea if there are any actual nice people in the guild, so I'll just pass on joining. Thanks for being completely unhelpful!
There, done venting. Thanks for listening!
This was a pretty cool story.