I have the magic armor but I don't know what to do when the series diverges. I want to know what the community recomends.
Chaos, Divine, Grey Feather?
No matter which one, it's not a good choice for a first armor. Divine might be the worst choice for that. It's very, very, very bad if you don't already have 2-3 other 5* sets to choose from. I'd recommend you pick another set first - you'll have figured out what to do with your magic coat by the time your first set reaches 5*.

No matter which one, it's not a good choice for a first armor. Divine might be the worst choice for that. It's very, very, very bad if you don't already have 2-3 other 5* sets to choose from.
eh? what's the matter with the divine mantle? It provides elemental and shadow protection, both are useful, and it has resist for fire, shock and curse. Sure, curse is only a concern from phantoms in graveyards, but fire and shock are very useful resists... Pair it up with something that has normal/pierce defense such as the skolver, justifier, royal jelly, virulisk or azure guardian, and you have a well balanced set of armor with lots of nice resists.
It may not be the best setup of, or match your personal preferences, but it doesn't seem like, as you claim, the "worst choice for your first 5*" setup..

None of the magic cloaks are any good. I use them for costumes, personally I fell in love with the chaos cloak the first time I saw it, but of course ... grey feather is dayum sexy xD

The Grey Feather armor line was my first 5* set up and I haven't had a problem at all--so ufna, your claim that the whole magic line is not a good choice for a first armor is quite misleading. Regardless, I like my Grey Feather armor a lot and I don't have any other armor alternates because I don't need them.
I think they are amazing for first 5* gear (grey feather) Grey feather is pretty solid defensively, so those players that are not well experienced in T3 will like the status resists and elemental defense. My first set of 5* gear was divine mantle. DM is great for T3 but u run into issues in JK runs and such. I quickly made ash tail gear to use for T2 and to combine with DM for full coverage of all defenses. Combine the magic series with some UV and trinkets you can find yourself able to play very bravely bc of the defense. Also if you use faust, DM is a must.
If divine is anything like the dragon scale set, it leaves pretty much defenceless even in T3 levels where it should be optimal (like dark city). Having no normal defense just doesn't work out, not in T2 and not in T3.
Grey feather is the best (as first armor) among the three in my opinion. But be prepare to entertain your team with very silly performances if you should get hit by stun (especially by lumbers, greavers, on graveyards or by a trojan in fsc)! You in turn can laugh at them, when they get shock. I built my grey set because I was sick of shock, and it's great in those levels. But in others, it's just not the set I'd pick first. The advantages other gear gives you (wolver, demo, gunslinger, chroma, ...) might make for an easier start into T3. It might not be the easiest outfit to train solo in the beginning because IF you get hit by something that does stun, you might not recover and need someone to safe you.
Well it seems like grey feather is in favor, I was thinking that Divine was a better choice because there is almost nothing that does normal damage in tier 3 and I kind of like that halo. So just to be clear, Grey Feather is supposedly the better of the 3?

Again, why do you think you need a matching set of armor? Why not, as I said earlier, pair the divine mantle up with something that has normal/pierce defense such as the skolver, justifier, royal jelly, virulisk or azure guardian, and you have a well balanced set of armor with lots of nice resists.
The game has chanced, there are now significant monsters causing all four types of damage. While normal defense may well still be thee most important, even in T3, being short on piercing can bit you in the butt too...
There is most def. Normal damage in t3. Whoever told you there wasn't was full of #$@#$.

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Hm... This is quite the brain teaser...

I match Divine Veil with Skolver armor. It is a very good set, protects from Normal Pierce Elemental and Shadow and has a bunch of the useful status resist. I would say mixing and matching is a good idea. I believe Grey Feather leaves you severely open to stun.
ok, I will mix and match later but for now I'm going with grey feather.

there is kinda a discussion about the choice between divine veil and grey feather in arsenal..
From the Arsenal section... maybe this thread can move there too.
I'm personally going divine. However divine is probably not great for JK runs since at least half damage is always normal in tier 2. A lot of people go with Grey Feather.
Nobody goes Chaos, because it stinks.
However, this topic should probably be in arsenal discussion =o