Well people this is the thing I wanna know your opinion about.. I am TerThaDestroyer... a lot of u have passed joined my parties at terminals on my way to the core.. Yesterday someone complained that I wouldn't allow them to go forward into the clockworks.. I think they were new and didn't understand that they could go solo.. They stood at the elevator and waited.. I told them I would not be leaving anytime soon.. If you people ever join me at a terminal and notice that I am selling basil recipes.. Below AH rices... then u know what Im doing.. its not against the rules for me to sell the recipes there.. its not against the rules for me to save u all 40 ce just to jump the weaker lvl that dont pay... I fight my way to the terminals.. most times I go solo.. I sell the recipes.. I save u crowns and save u ce.. just come to my lvl go solo at the terminal open your party and wait till it fills up if your scared.. with CE prices going up most people are thankful.. some i see are hateful.. I would like all of your views on this subject.. Am I doing something wrong.. I cant believe this guy reported me.. I gave someone 3K for 10 ce and someone reported me for sitting at the terminal why people why.. until I get some input terminal adds are for guild members only.. those that want to save money and ce getting to where I go are gonna have to purchase invites form one my guild members at AH sorry... We hope to come to some kind of understanding..
Thank you all for your time
TerThaDestroyer Buckaroo Banzai!!!!! Terminal Recipe King... Head of Team Destruction
PS Add me if you would like to be added to the invite list... =)
If you're intentionally sitting in a level from which you're not going on and not letting the group go on, and set such that people joining a random group end up in yours, then that would constitute griefing. Saying they can go solo doesn't fix it, as people joining a random group by definition are people who want to be in a group, and not to go solo.
If you disable random joining, then I don't see a problem, but that would rather destroy the purpose of you sitting there waiting for people to join and hoping that you can sell them something, if people can't join you.