Boys, Girls and Xerox's! Me and Njthug decided that were bored. So I came up with the idea of a Yo Mama! Contest that's Spiral Knight's related!
So what is a Yo Mama Contest (Spiral Knights Style)?
Its a Yo Mama competition to post the best Yo Mama Joke you have that is related to Spiral Knights!
For Example: Yo Mama so stupid she thought Crystal Energy came from Minerals.
You cannot use that one ^
The "RULES":
1.) One Entry Per Person!
2.) Please do not put jokes that are morally incorrect.
3.) Xerox cannot join. (Jk)
4.) Have fun! (Or Njthug will get Catrock to ninja you)
5.) Xerox cannot join. (Not Jk)
1st Place: 1000 Ce and 25k crowns
2nd Place: 500 Ce and 10k crowns
3rd Place: 250 Ce and 1k crowns
144th Place: A Horrible Night with "Njthug"
The Contest will end July 13th. :)
This Contest is Held and Sponsored By Lowercase and Njthug. From the guild: "Echo Of Silence" & "Active" ^.^
Psot your jokes and In-Game Name here please.
Yo mama so fat she occupies all four spots of a party.