The whole IMF was all about good teamwork. I just set someone as the dedicated switcher and it went smoothly. I was surprised the "randoms" cooperated. I did lag a little in the floor before the Twins, but I just closed a few programs and I was set.
Roarmulus Twins, How hard was it for you?
So much crap is going on in the levels that I get huge lag.
Rockets after rockets, static traps, laser beams, constructs themselves.
It didn't help lag-wise that one of my guildies mains bombs >-<
But for the boss itself, all of my lag went away, and we assigned a team mate to flip switching as we protected him against the bots that spawn.
It was easy as pie. I got hit once by a falling bomb during the Twins third stage.

I find it a bit hard on my first 2 runs but I think the difficulty is fine now. The only thing I like to see changed is the shock status trap where there could be resting spots, and the rocket radius because it is bigger than it shows.
Also, the new Boss dungeons are definitely harder than JK and offers less crowns. When doing jelly runs, I get about 6000-7000 crowns but in the Factory, I get only about 4500. They should either decrease the difficulty to match the low number of crowns given or keep the difficulty and increase the number of crowns given.
The lag there is also horrible, I never ever had a lag in Jelly King levels but there's just too much lag in the Factory.
First time with a party took awhile to figure it out and work as a team but we eventually got it, second time I went solo and it was super easy had no deaths and used one pill because I let the Scuttlebots hit me while I was attacking boss.
Hardest part about the whole thing is defiantly the lag, it seems it's graphical though because I put the game on lowest settings and it helped a lot still something needs fixing there, this game game should not run that badly on a quad core with 4 gigs of ram and a 1 gig gfx card.

I never lag at all in other parts of this game, just at the first two levels of Ironclaw Muntions, at the boss part I never lag. They should definitely fix this problem because I just bought this new laptop 3 months ago and it shouldn't be so bad.
I only find the first 2 levels a bit challenging but the boss is definitely easy. I always do the switches, I never die (only the first 3 times) and the game is over in like 3 minutes.
Yeah I was able to solo it myself, it's not that hard seems harder then Jelly King but then again I fought Jelly King so much I'm still getting jelly out of my shoes. I got a gaming computer yet this seemingly non-demanding game lags for me here and Firestorm Citadel. It didn't lag enough for me not to be able to record my not so impressive recording but I did beat the twins with no deaths so it's cool. But you'd figure if you have a computer that can run stuff like Crysis and Battlefield Bad Company 2 and such no problems why is Spiral Knights lagging so much? They do need to fix it. As for the heat I got basically the same as Jelly King and about the same of effort, I can predict after a week or two everyone will say it's basically like doing Jelly King in difficulty. Here's the video I mentioned if anyone was curious enough.

Soloed it for the second time. Died once. The Roarmulus twins are pretty easy. The secret is to take care of the scuttle bots first. It's just like a good shump. Ensure your safety first and attack the boss second, not the other way around.
I can't solo Royal Jelly yet, but I can easily solo Roarmulus, so I think Roarmulus is easier than Jelly King. People are right about the low rewards though. In one IMF run (T2 basil to emberlight) I got about 3000 crowns. That's pretty low for the second half of T2.
Not at all.
The main issue I have with IMF is when there is no designated person hitting switches, or when people clump together to share rocket explosions.
These problems are easily fixed by sending one person through rocket alleys at a time - if they get blown up, it's their own damn fault and at least they didn't drag anyone else down with them. If they succeed, they deactivate ALL the rockets for the rest of the team.
The bosses are laughably easy. You wait until Roarmulus 1 is at the very top or bottom, and Roarmulus 2 is at the middle. Roarmulus 1 can only move into the middle, which coincidentally is where Roarmulus 2 has been shooting the whole time. The only problem is if some dumbass is taking rockets to the face in the middle, or if some dumbass hits a switch at the wrong time.
The only difficulty in this stage comes from trying to rush it, or the occasional lag spike which causes irreversible damage. First time, understandable.
Afterwards? You better have a good idea of what you're doing by now.

It's easy, yet tedious. And the dungeons before the boss are harder.
Just like Vanaduke.

The Roarmulus Twins are just way too easy, after you the know the strategy, you can definitely solo it without dying (if you take care of the bots). The only thing you have to worry about in there is the double lasers and the littlbe bots which can be really annoying if left alone. Shield most of the time in there and you will be fine.

Am I the only one who didn't find this laggier than usual? My connection's not the best, I'm usually at 2 bars in the clockworks, but I didn't notice lag in IMF at all. Maybe I'm just used to it. Play on a crappy connection for a week and IMF won't be so hard. :P
Anyway, I really didn't find this hard at all. Ran it with a PUG group up to the boss lift, but it was before the bugfix so we couldn't go down. Even with everyone trying to hit switches at once, it wasn't difficult, and three friends and I did the whole run after the bugfix and only two of us died at all (and we've come to expect them dying if you get what I mean). Kinda fun run, not difficult at all. I don't think I'll do it often after I've got the tokens I want.

IMF definitely is not difficult, it is the lag there that makes these levels not so easy. Once they do some fixes (hopefully), it will be a piece of cake.
I have a pulsar now and the recipe for 3 star...

Out of all of the bosses in the game, this is the ONLY boss I recommend to fight solo. When I was with a party, I spend 20-600 CE reviving my teammates when I was with a team, and 5 ME when I fought solo.
It's only the server lag that kinda makes it hard.
Retried it later, only deaths were in the final room in the second level
i think the difficulty depends on ur behaviour and gear and the environment, not on the environment alone
that being said, i die and kill my teammates sticking close to them/not paying attention to them(just like in many other lvls)
i do fine staying far from my teammates/paying more attention to them, less to the environment
in solo, it really depends on the environment and on whether im used to the gear, that im wearing when im there(i tend not to go solo most of the time)
i agree to the lag comments
i agree to jelly being harder(u cant evade jellys in crowds, but u can evade bullets in crowds, since thers little gaps inbetween and they dont follow u)
i agree to figuring the basics makes it alot easier than one would expect
Like the fight looks like a blast if it wasn't so laggy and ultimatly results in dc's half the time...and I'm on a brand new laptop made for this kind of stuff...

ive seen vids of vana. he looks so easy. the only hard part about rt is the lag and the aligning
vana(never done it but it looks easy)

rt is easy. basically a strategy puzzle, with a few twists.
time the gates
kill the robots
time the gates
kill the robots

But lol@ some comments XD
I think the levels before the Twins is harder than the Twins themselves. Just the lag is one thing ( I don't lag too much but I know its bad) But the intricate design makes it difficult. ESPECIALLY when you go to the floor with the 2 pathway option, and someone decides to hit the switch BEFORE the rockets spawn which ends up having you have to run though CROSSFIRES of rockets instead of running with only 3. IDK if its a bug or what but PLEASE do not do that if you're with me.
Anyway the Twins are easy other than the patience factor and the people who aren't good with TEAMWORK. (aka when they hit the switches when they aren't suposed to and dont revive you and dont protect you and run infront of the boss when its FIRIN THE LAZOR)
Easy with my guildies though

ive seen vids of vana. he looks so easy. the only hard part about rt is the lag and the aligning
vana(never done it but it looks easy)
Don't judge Vana if you've never fought him LOL
And JK as the hardest...REALLY? Ok I think He is the second easiest boss, but im t3 so.
My ratings from easy to hard:
Snarby (T1 ftw)
JK (Easy if you know what to do. + can be killed quickly in a good group)
Vanaduke (Fought him + only T3 boss + Takes forever + FIRE + T3 + A bit of lag)
well twins are ALOT easier then jk...

First time, I was terrified. Now I do it solo no problem. So much easier than Jelly King.

i died once ind a solo and thats because the servers of RT are laggy as hell. the game kept spawning me in the lazer beams died once with all the lag tough if there werent any lag i oculd done it easy without even getting hurt.
btw nice new pic bigfoot :D

Twins in 1 minute 41 seconds, no items used, etcetcetc
Twins in 1 minute 51 seconds for those who think its not continously capable to do it quick.
Twins in 2 star gear

I think Roarmulous is the easiest (after snarby I guess). I think just about anyone can work when to press the switches and how to avoid missiles, Jelly king was much harder and still challenging even at 5* if you go on your own and without poison. Roarmulous is sorta like a bullet hell shooter in the easiest difficulty imaginable
and a massive LOL at this:
ive seen vids of vana. he looks so easy. the only hard part about rt is the lag and the aligning
vana(never done it but it looks easy)
Seriously how can you rate it when you've never done it just because you think it 'looks easy'? Gonna be funny when that guy actually tries Vana his first time
The twins are very easy i have never lost a battle against them, also there are a bunch of tricks that make getting past the 2 levels before the boss easy and it's fun to look for new tricks so I quite enjoy the twins and would do runs all the time but CE costs too much for me to lose all that profit from my mist energy.

I find the Roarmulus Twins easier than the actual levels leading up to them. For whatever reason, whenever I go down to the Ironclaw Munitions Factory, there's always, always someone spamming their Polaris. Well, OK, they're actually using it reasonably--but I always get so much lag in that factory.

I did it with a friend a long time ago. Just us two. It took a damn while but it felt good in the end.
As for the levels, they.. were ridiculous. By the time we got to the boss, we thought we should turn around and quit. But yes, the boss is plenty more easier than the levels.
Lag was a so-so issue, since I have a good enough computer to support the game (I guess), but I watching my friend hit the switches and timing it well, it's probably the easiest solo boss there is.. if you solo. I only say that because I did close to nothing but defend and slash while he was hitting those switches.
Just gotta have good puzzle knowledge.

Hai guise lets all resurrect every thread in dah forums.

((Oh dear, necro post? Now I feel bad!!!))
Not to boast or anything, but I had nearly solo'd them in my 2 star gear -- I was that desperate to get tokens for my 3 star gear at the time. Everyone had left group as soon as we got to them. I got them to phase 3 and they probably would've died in a few more hits if it weren't for me messing up and getting shocked -- died and had no energy left to rez.
I really love the Twins, they're probably my favorite boss (Snarby a close second). I haven't done Tier 3 content though, still grinding away to get better gear (so I don't know how Vana would fit into the equation).
The only time Twins are hard is when I'm having bad lag or my party members are first timers. And it sucks when they request to be left dead, because their corpses mess up rocket timing.

The only way you could have gotten more lucky than the Twins' blundering into each others' rockets was if there were a ghost block which cleared out the set of destructible blocks on both sides =P I had that happen once.
Just did the whole gate solo from 8-16 and I can confirm that I think all of the new Ironclaw Munitions Factory levels, including the boss, are easier solo. I actually didn't die any and grabbed the no deaths in tier2 achievement lol... sad that I didn't have it already, but I just started playing SK about a week ago.
Either way, fun levels. New content is always welcome.
-IGN: Fielding