Echo of Silence

4122 replies [Last post]
Squeakums's picture
Future Application

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Since December 21st, 2011. And has it become very addicting for me to play. Ha, I meet so many great people everywhere I go on this game. I made so many friends since I began, be it just randomly chatting in Haven or running the clockwork with complete strangers who become great companions along the way. I mean, thinking about it, there isn't much going on new with the game. The reason it keeps it luster is because every adventure you have, you meet a friendly face to make that adventure a memorable one. :3

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? Usually one, perhaps two, tier threes. And around six, maybe seven, tier twos. I tend to avoid tier one, as of late, since I have higher level items and need more heat. But don't take me wrong, I would love to run a newer member of Spiral Knights through any depth and I'd do my best to share a few laughs along the way.

Do you enjoy Guild PvP? I love playing me some Lockdown! Only problem is I am not that good at it for some reason. But it's fun to form strategies with the team you get applied to, or just do my good old fool proof plan which is... Running away and screaming like little girls! Remember folks, it's not retreating. It's just advancing in the opposite direction. >:O

How often do you play Spiral Knights? Almost daily, if school doesn't get in the way. If I login, I tend to stay on to eleven post meridiem. That goes for Sundays, through Thursdays. On weekends, Friday and Saturday, I would gladly stay up to around one ante meridiem. The game has me hooked! I think it's time for an intervention.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) I don't have a clue who anyone is in Echo of Silence. But in due time, if I'm accepted, I can see myself becoming great friends with everyone who inhabits the guild. We'd all be like one big, sappy family from a nineteen seventies television show, like the Brady Bunch. :P

What is your in-game-name? My name is the very word that strikes fear into the hearts of all ne'er do-wells. The devil is even afraid to whisper my name. The title I go by is... Squeakums

Why do you want to join Eos? Well it has only been about three weeks of me playing Spiral Knights, and I have been keeping my ground pretty steadily. I have a Snarbolax Set and an Arcane Salamander set! Though, without a guild to share laughs and rely on, the game seems a little dull. I'm looking for something to be called like an in-game family. Echo of Silence seems like my kind of guild, too. You all seem to share a tight bond and have a kick butt sense of humor too! I would love to form many, many bromances with the members of this affiliation and it'd be just grand to have that warm welcome every time I login. On the adventuring side of things, I'd like to run more tier threes without having to revive so often, as I'm now saving energy for more five star gear, and tier three also offers more heat as to level up said gear. Lockdown, well PvP isn't my thing, but performing well in a Lockdown for more Krogmo Coins would be splendid, as there are many a cool items held by Sullivan worth a hefty amount of those tokens. All in all, out of all the guilds I have been looking at for this past week, Echo of Silence has been king of the hill since day one. Here's hoping!

How Old are you (Optional)? I am seventeen years of age, but I act like a twelve year old. Not the bratty kind of way, but like the childish humor and peppy attitude! :)

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? No, I'm self-consciousness about my accent. Toska makes fun of the way I say "Room," "Roof," and "Root beer." All in good fun, though, because she and I are really close. In all honestly, though, I do in fact not like my voice and wouldn't feel comfortable using your voice chat immediately.

If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him, hug him, or yell at him? I don't know Boswick personally, but he seems like an awesome fellow! So if the option came to me, and I had to do one of the following. If it was like the final question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, my answer would have to be. All of the above! :D

Are you anti-social? Nope, I love chatting away and have a whacky sense of humor to boot! Sometimes I get a little too chatty, I won't lie. I tend to not make the first move on conversations, though. I'm all game if someone asks me how my days was, or greets me. But I usually never start it up myself. When I do get into a conversation, though, you can bet your sweet booty it'll be a good one.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) Well my address is... Nah I'm just kidding. To start things I was born in a hospital on September 30th, 1994. My mother had me in her womb for nine months prior to that date. And... Oh too personal? Well in all seriousness! I am a energetic young lass. I love to meet new people and keep the bonds I make really close. You can always count on me for whatever your need is, for I am rather good with advice. I always keep my promises, because I don't like it when I let someone down. I am a junior in high school and have only one more year to go before I head off to college. I hope to become a Biomedical Physicist. I've had a steady relationship with another knight in this game for three years now, I mentioned her before. Toska is her name. She sure is something. In school I am on the judo club, and participate in track and field as an extracurricular activity. I'm sure you'll find out a lot more about me when we discuss in game and have conversations, sometimes it may get way too personal! xD

Chris's picture
Troll guild is dead. Flaming

Troll guild is dead.
Flaming other guilds.
Posting fake bids on auctions to troll users.


Iron-Volvametal's picture
And this, Boys & Girls...

Is why I don't Join Guilds/Clans, as it Complicates thing with other Players who believe they are "The Best" in the Game.

(That wasn't an Insult to yer Guild, Njthug...It was to EVERY Guild.)

Njthug's picture
@Christina: Thanks Christina

Thanks Christina for your overall opinion, but do keep in mind since you can't do simple math your opinion dosent hold much value to us.

Iron -- I don't join guilds or clans since they have strange people in it I try to leave Eos, but somehow I end up back in the god forsaken guild I swear they hack me.

@Squeakums --- I will review your application shortly, but sadly we are not accepting any applications currently, but we will open up applications next week or the week after. I do apologize for the wait, but do keep in mind the best things in life are worth waiting for.

@Toska --- Great looking application, but sadly we do have our applications closed I know your most likely thinking dam there dictatorship style rules, but yes, I promised my members (officers and other guild masters) we will not be allowing new applications for another week or so, only because we want to get to know everyone. We pride ourselves in our community and wish to keep the community strong.

@Jen --- Jen....I will blackmail you with the umm honeymoon pictures I have of you lmao <3

@Rete --- its cool if you can't lead them thats why you have Milkman if it fails you blame him duh. When Eos fails I just blame Xerox it works for us.

The-Thor's picture

Im here to get permission to name my character after you, NJ
his name is Jkthug :) maybe not never mind if you dont allow it though

Njthug's picture

Go for it man =) there are a few accounts named after me already apparently which my friends saw its life, but for some reason best funny accounts I seen so far is:

Lasserbanned, Hollafarmer, Deusmagnusx (something like that), and I think thats all =0

Xaosxaos's picture
Do you mind?

Do you mind if i use the same questions you used for your applications?

Retequizzle's picture
But Milkman already runs the

But Milkman already runs the guild, everyone who joins thinks he's the leader because he doesn't threaten people like Jen does :(

Toska's picture
@Njthug No worries. I know

No worries. I know the applications are closed but I'm just putting one in for future reference. :D

Shut up, I love your voice. By the way.... Roof.

Njthug's picture

@Xaosxaos -- Go for it man I would like if you don't use the Boswick question, but if you feel its needed you can since well we don't have a copyright on this topic lol, and good luck with your guild for sure.

@Ret -- That means you can sit on the side, and let Milkman do all the work, but you can take some credit in being a key part of taking down Jen your evil dictator.

@Toska -- Sounds good, and I think one of my officers actually sent you two some mail only because your cool like that.

Njthug's picture
Applications are still closed

Applications are still closed guys, but we will be announcing an opening sometime next week (27th or 31st), and we do apologize we just needed some community bonding <3.

Njthug's picture
All Applications posted will

All Applications posted will be going under review 2morro, and we will send out invites to those players on the waiting list first then deal with newer applications later on as well. We intend to cap Eos around 70 again or might even 75 if we feel we want more new people in our guild, but many of the officers in Eos along with guild masters believe we want to keep it more on invite bases after a bit.

Toiongo's picture

1. (How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?) - For around a year and a half.
2. (How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?) - It depends on how much time i have, usually 3/5 on weekends and 2/3 on the other days.
3. (Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?) - I do enjoy it very much, was searching for a PVP guild for a long time.
4. (How often do you play Spiral Knights?) - Again, depends on the time, up to 4 hours on weekends.
5. (Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)) - Qbcio, Redsg, Ahly, Aedium.
6. (What is your in-game-name?) - Toiongo.
7. (Why do you want to join Eos?) - My current guild is almost dead, i am searching for a good, big guild, which will have people with sense of humor.
8. (Mumble) - I use webcam's mic, tho, it might be a bit loud where i live, so i will probably not use it often.
9. (Are you anti-social?) - Nope.
10. (Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)) - I am just a russian guy who looks for a good community of people to play with.


sorry for the trouble but, I haven't received an invite, if that means I'm simply not invited I truly don't mind or if u guys simply haven't got round to it sorry again for the trouble

Moonsoon's picture

We're still in the process of getting things sorted but -
Your app was lackluster so i gave you another shot to show some pizzazz with the bonus questions. You seemed to shrug(lul) those off + your impatience makes me think that you wouldn't be a good fit for us.
Sorry guy, best of luck for the future.


sorry for the bother, i really am impatient. Thanks anyway though. Also I wouldn't really have been availible (inactive
) since school has started. I'm talking 2-3 hours a week.

Demonicsothe's picture
Future app~

1. 2-3 months? Whenever it came out on kongregate.

2. More than 3 runs a day on RJP. Usually try to fit in a fsc run. If not, then just the mist tank on random gates as fast as I can.

3. I do play pvp, but having two bars put me at a disadvantage. And only T1, because I havn't gotten around to making a 3* set for pvp.

4. I play everydaaaaaaay.

5. Hmm. Not sure. I've seen a few EoS members around in haven, and have talked with a few on occasion. Only one I remember is njthug :3

6. Demonicsothe

7. I need a guild that doesn't have members constantly asking me to join fsc runs in order to revive, then blabber away in portuguese... or something. And I want to find new friends and bromance.

8. Still in high school.

9. Sure, I don't mind. Laptop mic is always iffy, gets deactivated on different days.

10. Err... poke and run away?

11. Nope, only at school xD Online I like to have fun.

12. Hmm. I'm pretty active, read/post in the forums alot, help out whoever I can ingame. Been soloing fsc for a week now, in my 4* gear. Recently got a divine avenger, but that only speeds up my runs. I was doing fine with ashtails, avenger, gigawatt, dts, and wise owlite. Also tried soloing vana, but I've made a thread on that in general discussions.

Also, I am doing this on my phone. Dedication points please?

Njthug's picture
Nice App Demon =) that is

Nice App Demon =) that is some great dedication for sure we will get back to you shortly our app's are closed, but you did post Future App ftw. Most likely opening applications this weekend for a short time.

Jamoo's picture
Here I goooo (Future Application)

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I started on Spiral Knight's public release.

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
T1 - If I'm bored I'll do a Snarbolax Run. (Maybe Once a Day)
T2 - Jelly King runs (About Once a Day) Roarmulus Twins Runs (Maybe Once a Day)
T3 - Firestorm Citadel Runs (Once A day probably) Shadow Lair runs (As far as my energy can take me)

3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
Well.. YES.
Been in a guild which was famous for it's Blast Network PvP, anddd that's about it.
I love to play it though - Lockdown or Blast Network!

4. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I log on once a day and normally do runs - but occasionally I'll just talk to people. Unless I'm on a plane doing what I do best - I log on actively.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Njthug - You tried to lick me!
You presumed I was related to Milkman (Whattt?)
Muppet - I have no idea to be honest - most of the time I see her and I shriek her name while circling here like a vulture!

6. What is your in-game-name?

7. Why do you want to join Eos?
Fun Guild
'Nuff said.

8. How Old are you (Optional)?
(Optional) Not too keen on answering this.

9. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Does have mic, doesn't feel comfortable using it (Don't presume me anti-social)

10. If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
I would do all 3 and then I'd- (Never mind)

11. Are you anti-social?
Depends if my keyboards decides to make everything I say German.
Depends if my keyboard is broken.
Other than that - No! I'm very social.

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

  • I'm not edible Njthug...
  • I have a full set of Five Star Gear
  • I found a Darkfang Shield
  • I like pie
  • I'm a fun guy
  • I may randomly start talking in Welsh
  • 'Nuff said


Njthug's picture
Applications are open all

Applications are open all applications have been reviewed congrats to the few who got accepted will be updating page and stuff shortly did do a small inactive sweep as well.

Repartee's picture

Don't forget to sweep me out too. I need to sow some oats.

I think that's the colloquialism I needed to use.

Njthug's picture

Okay, boys and girls we are having a small contest so if your Eos, and reading this make sure you participate if you choose to:

Contest is:

I will be counting up all my max uv's on 5* items (Guns, Armors, Helms, Shields, Swords, and bombs) *very high = max uv on guns, bombs and swords*. The person who guesses the # of max uv'ed items I have or even get the closes will win a max uv item of there choice from a possible 3 items I will show them.

How to enter:

Just send me your guess in my mailbox (I will be announcing the winner 2morro, will most likely contact you guys).

1 Guess per person.

MUST BE EOS TO ENTER (Saphy and Rio can participate since they are hidden Eos members).

Good Luck Boyz N Girlz.

Providence's picture

Rep, you're fired.

From everything.

Retequizzle's picture
Can I be fired from

Can I be fired from everything too?

Njthug's picture

Lol nope your not as special as Rep.


Contest Ended Xerox and Ahly both won since they guessed the same #.

Goldenvortex's picture

that wasn't my falt i use my steam account for spiral knights and it got hacked by one of my friends who thought it would be funny because he knew that i was trying to get into the guild and he is in a guild that hate your guild so natrally he hate your guild (esspicially Njthug, not sure y) and he has been pissed at me for about a mounth now so plz accept me its not my falt and i can suplly u with my friend's spiral knights name but plz belive me.

Njthug's picture

Dogrock will be taking care of you on that matter.


Well you guys asked me to make a post about some of the stuff we do in Eos, so I figure I might as well try feel free to add your own stories, and if wanted I can copy and paste it in here as well. (or 1 of you guys can copy n paste it in here and we can add-on here as well).


Moonsoon's picture

I ♥ that EoS shenanigans thread.
All of you fools with something stupid to say make a post there or get demoted/kicked/set on fire
this means you muppet & xerox.

Salad-Dodger's picture

i have nothing to say

Mikalator's picture

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About a month.

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Depends on my available time, and I mostly solo, but I usually start at T1 (to warm up) and go as far as I can. Just tickling the first 3 T3 levels currently. So, from 13-21 gates per evening.

3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
I have yet to experience it in SK. It sounds like fun, which is part of what leads me to seeking an active guild.

4. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
3-5x per week. I try to logon daily, but sometimes just checking AH. Having a solid group to login to, and play with, would encourage me to be on as much as possible.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Don't believe so.

6. What is your in-game-name?

7. Why do you want to join Eos?
Looking for an active, friendly crew, that's serious about having fun. And after reading this thread, that sounds like what EOS is about.

8. How Old are you (Optional)?
Your dad.

9. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

10. If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
Don't know him, so poke and say "hi".

11. Are you anti-social?
Sometimes, but not usually.

12. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm like the Old Spice guy, but just got kind of tired of all the adventure and women and mystery, plus the viagra was getting expensive, so I decided to start playing MMOs for a change of pace.

Njthug's picture
Added a few new apps into

Added a few new apps into Eos, so enjoy your stay guys. Will be updating main page in a few with more players etc. Dogrock is lazy and hasn't done work so I will make Xerox poke him until he does work.

The-Thor's picture
I am willing to put in the

I am willing to put in the work if you promise me not to troll around

Njthug's picture

I will decline your offer only because I don't want you any were near Dogrock or Xerox, but feel free to touch Cootiecakes.

The-Thor's picture
ummm. It sorta was a joke.

ummm. It sorta was a joke. And you unfriended me lol... thanks. how did you know I was running out of spaces for friends? I was saving one for Chris btw

Fallconn's picture

you can have infinite friends :l

Repartee's picture

I've been fired from the guild and everything else guys. Provi hates to love me. So it's time to open up that soba noodle shop I always wanted.

The-Thor's picture
@250 is max for friends

@250 is max for friends

Gzilla's picture
EOS application

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

About 9 months
2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?

About 1 t1 run and 2 t3 runs

3.Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?

4.How often do you play Spiral Knights?

mon-thrus about 2-3 hours fri-sat 4-5 hours
5.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

6.What is your in-game-name?

7.Why do you want to join Eos?

Because my guild is over 3/4 inactive so I want a to join a new fun-loving guild
8.Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?

No and I don't have a mic
9.If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?

None of the above I would crack some boswick jokes at him and see if I live (If this hurts my application I would poke him)
10.Are you anti-social?

Not most of the time but I sometimes randomly do become anti
11.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I'm a light upbeat person, I don't hesitate to help anyone, and I'm always available for anything fun! EDIT: from further asking i'll talk more about myself, I am funny, quirky (yes I do have a lot of quirks like turning into a giant radioactive monster on sundays but that's beside the point) and am always up for playing pranks or jokes (of course i'd have it that i'm not the prankee but that's part of the fun!) but I can be totally serious when wanted to be, and I will do almost anything as asked by officers and/or GMs (as long as this doesn't violate my standards I'm up for it) I am very active on the forum as well as in-game, and I think I would really like it in EOS (from your many different topics I think EOS is very versatile and fun!) Well that about ends it if you want anything else post here or message me in game and btw what do you mean add you and other people from the other guild?

Njthug's picture

Application is noted, and we will look over it with officers and such, if you don't hear back its most likely because you got declined, but give it 3 days. =) <3

Korakc's picture
@Gzilla I just have to ask


I just have to ask you this. If the monkey sleeps inside, how much ice cream can you fit inside your truck?


I am I interested in joining
1 since 2010
2 I to until I run out of mist
3 almost everyday I get on
4 I don't know any one yet
5 in game no is comment name
6 I am friendly and easy to get along with I make friends with almost everybody and I would look forward to meeting you guys
I also enjoy guild pvp
I also do not have a mic
I want to join because it sounds interesting and I could always use the friends for trips

Gzilla's picture

About 5 million gallons, depends on how many hours they sleep......

Njthug's picture

Nice, if you can do me a quick favor add:

Myself (njthug), Dogrock, Moonsoon, Choobski, Xerox, and Fallout real fast your app is going well we just want to know a bit more about you.

@Mr --- Your application is under review if your not given an invite in three days your application was declined.

Goldenvortex's picture
hello its me...

hi njthug u said on your post that dog rock would take care of me but i havent seen any posts about me so whats up i have told u that i was hacked so its not my falt so plz contact me

Goldenvortex's picture
hello its me...

hi njthug u said on your post that dog rock would take care of me but i havent seen any posts about me so whats up i have told u that i was hacked so its not my falt so plz contact me

Moonsoon's picture

Dogrock is a busy man. He can't just drop everything to cater to your getting "Hacked" (It's not hacking if your "friend" knows your password or you stay logged on somewhere, it's just stupid)
I'd deny you just on that basis but i'm irritable bc of these forums + it's not my decision.
Although if you don't hear anything within a few weeks just assume that you've been deny'd.

Dogrock's picture
End of the week at last

Goldenvortex, the decision still stands.

The odds of a legitimate hack occurring to one specific account for the sole purpose of defacing a guild page is absurdly low. If someone was that handy I don't think EoS would even be a relevant target anymore. If your friend got in it's because they knew your username and password beforehand and I do not need a member of this guild running around not able to guarantee their account security, especially when said comprised account is being used for slander activities. Using the arguments of other people as a cover for dubious hate/hacking claims is just plain shady. For all the arguing that has happened recently, no one has stooped to Wiki vandalism.

Additionally, if this is your admitted Steam-alt, why should we even consider a secondary account into our guild? It speaks that you will never be particularly active.

At this point there is nothing to gain from further appeal. I will not be changing my mind.

Gzilla's picture

Done I have explained more about myself from my original post if you have any other questions just ask! Also thanks for considering me!

Gabrielcorso's picture

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? i play since august,2011.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 2 FSC runs a day without going to vana(im still t2 so i dont want to try to kill vana)
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? yes because is more tactic than randdom lockdown.
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights? every day i can play.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) no.
6. What is your in-game-name? GabrielCorso
7. Why do you want to join Eos? because i want to join a active guild.
8. How Old are you (Optional)? 15 years old.
9. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)? i dont have a mic.
10. If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him? poke.
11. Are you anti-social? a little.

Njthug's picture

Weill will let you know asap.

@Eos ---

I will be a bit inactive this week most likely.