Spiral Knights officially announced!

We have officially announced Spiral Knights!
Releasing 4.4.11 in partnership with none other than SEGA!
Press release here:
As you can see, the website has received a new look and the forums and wiki are soon to follow.
This has been a long journey for all of us and I really thank you all for your time and dedication to making SK the game it is today. And fear not- the Preview Event is not going down today or anything. There's still more awesome SK action to be had before launch.

And YAY FOR SEGA! Now I can tell my Sonic freak about this because he ONLY plays Sega games...

Lol yeah Sega isn't that great but we are going to have to deal with it... like I had to deal with it when Viacom bought Neopets a long time ago....
Well... I don't DISLIKE Sega but I don't know what to think
I've always felt mixed about them. We'll just see how it goes
Sega isn't bad with it's mmos.
Remember phantasy star online?
Congratulations on your partnership with Sega! Having such a big name being willing to back the game is great news.
Yes, I had PSO on the Dreamcast (I've since lost it) and occasionally play on Gamecube offline
I still have mixed feelings about this, and like I said, we'll just see what happens.

So umm... this means we get a peak at the Core real soon right?
Also don't forget that Sega was announced as a publisher... this is still the creative works of all our favorite nutty people over at Three Rings. I mean, they could be partnered with EA or Activision (don't get me started on their PC game budget crunching). Also, are you guys still trying to go for a release on Steam for the ridiculous amount of visibility you get?
Also, when I picked up my invite back in October, no way did I think this game was going to release in six months time. Nice work!
I'm shaking with excitement, guys. I am so ready.
Oh, boy... Sega... This is bad. I:

It's very exciting! Finally we can show the world what we've been working on!
it feels somehow pointless to play now, when you know that we will restart after 20days, but I cant wait for launch :D
Don't worry, guys. It's still Spiral Knights, not Sonic Knights.
We should have a pre-launch party in the arcade just before release. :>

So... the Core will be released?! With armor art too?! :'D?! ?! ?!?!?!?!?!
(AND MY UNUSED TRINKIES... NOO! *activates*)
But this is great! I imagine you guys are proud of yourselves, and rightfully so! Does this mean our NDA contract is moot or do you still want us to hold our tongue a little while longer?

Eh, I'll still be around till we get booted off the server for it's last restart before official release (pending life doesn't get in the way). If my energy is about to be reset time to burn my remaining energy! Let the Energy Exchange go nuts!
Why?! It's cause I'M HAVING FUN!!!

^.^ Let the media attention come forth.
Though, question, is the NDA over?

The NDA is still active. However, there was some discussion of lifting it sooner rather than later... We'll see! :}
we are going Vanny run with Proto Stuff at 4/3 ^- ^ just having some fun with last minutes :D

Kotaku is the best... Spiral Rings... hahaha
Will the game have Sega characters in it... and hoverboards.... xD

Well, seeing the new website and facebook and everything has me all jittery! I'm really excited about the full release, but a part of me can't stop already feeling a little nostalgic. :)
...Let's just see if I can be the first to find the Sealed Sword on release again. XD

...Let's just see if I can be the first to find the Sealed Sword on release again. XD
Ha ha ha, I remember that. Everyone was dumbfounded when you got it.
Congrats to everyone at Three Rings!
So, hm, this DOES mean that there's no reason to have any spare energy before release, right? Since we're getting it all back upon release...
I have far too much to use all for myself, I'll have to give some away haha :3

There will be a character wipe before launch, so it's accurate that, if you have remaining crystal energy, you might as well use it. However, there are still three weeks before launch, so there's no need to log in right now and blow through it all. We still have some interesting plans for the Preview Event.
Oh, and just to avoid confusion, any crystal energy you purchased will be regranted after the launch and character wipe. That hasn't changed.

But feel free to give Darthlol some free energy anyway! :D

Oh AND you get an extra 25% energy purchased during the Preview Event when we launch. It's crazy!

Okay time to stock up on Energy lol about to buy more and more =)
Cant wait =) lol now I have to get back all my armor and such this will be fun.

Sonic Knights sounds way cooler, IMO.
I can see it now, two tailed wolvers that can fly around and blue Gremlins that shout YOU'RE TOO SLOW whenever you try to hit them.
And when you get hit and all your life falls out, you can just frantically run around in circles to try and pick it all up.

Shoebox that should happen on April Fools Lol
Spiral Knights/Sonic fanart and fanfiction in 3... 2... 1..

Street Fighter =) is where its at Street Knights =) fighting in the streets of the Spiral Knights world ftw =)

But Street Fighter is a Capcom game.
Also, Spiral Knights is already Furry Knights.
You have a choice in fursuits, there's Salamanders, Chromalisks, Wolvers and two kinds of Kat hat.
And just about every monster in the game is some kind of animal.
Except Jelly Cubes, Mecha-Knights and Zombies.
So if I bought 7500 CE, then 20000 CE later, I'd get a 25% bonus on 27500 right? So 34375 at launch?
Free Core runs for all my friends!
Quick, everyone! Befriend Providence!

Salamanders and Chromalisks are reptiles who don't have fur....
So, any hopes we get cross over weapons and armors from phantasy star?
Dual hand guns and staffs..... whips and all that.
This is quite exciting!
This is not a productive area of conversation....
This means I should hurry up and buy 20$ of ce before it's too late.
Congrats on the partnership!
I am SO excited! I just want to say thanks to all the Three Rings team for making such a spectacular game! I do believe I have spent most of these past 6 months playing! It really has been a privilege to be part of the Beta testing! ♥
Three Rings FTW! OOO

just downloaded them wallpapers.....pretty snazzy. and congratz!!!.......but them are magikat caps in the video am i right??? lies! unless it was boswick then its ok. aww and he has the vanaduke/ fire zombie shield.... needs*
..... You know that sega announcer thing at the start of the video? Any chance SK's gonna get a special version? Like with a snip chirp or some sort of vocaloid?

seeing as its officially releasing... does this mean pictures can start being released? (I'm waiting for this negative answer so yeah) can't wait..... lol
also after following links from that video i found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7JuWERX0MQ
....someones broked the rules.

Had no idea this game existed until yesterday, when I saw Kotaku and a few other places post about it. Grabbed up an invite today thanks to Facebook, and cannot wait to start playing, the look and feel of it is pretty impressive, especially for something that is free to play. This game has a lot of promise. Very excited to delve headlong into this game.
Great now this game's days are numbered. Sega can barely keep a PSO up long enough. :C

Edwardius - We are running the game, just like all our other games (which you can still play).
Sega has been a great partner to work with on SK. The best thing I can say about them is that they really do 'get' the game and have made it very easy to ensure that the vision of Spiral Knights is delivered to our audience.
Will our characters get wiped? and if does, do we have time to recreate these before update?