If there's just one bad edit to the page, you should be able to hit "undo" (possibly need to hit save after that) I think. If there are multiple edits, you can go to the history tab of the page and then click on the linked date/time of the last edit before the vandalism. Then hit edit (it will have a warning at the top that says it is an older version of the page) and save it.
Won't you please, please help me?

Single undo's are self explanatory, the multiple is what I didn't get. Thanks Equinox :3

Hi, so I'm trying to make my own guild page. I've uploaded the image here [http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:GuildLogo-Black_Hand.jpg], but I can't actually get the image on my guild page [http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Black_Hand_(Guild)]
Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
EDIT: So I managed to get the picture to work, but now I have "[[File:GuildLogo-Black Hand." right above the image and "]]" right below the image.
Also there doesn't happen to be a way to resize the image, is there? Or would I have to upload another one?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
EDIT2: Ah, nevermind. I figured it out by looking at other guild pages. I'd still like to know if it's possible to resize an image within the wiki though.

You can resize how the image appears by specifying a number of pixels as the size.
Format is like this (added bit is bolded): [[File:Picture.png|128px]] After the filetype extension (.png) is a vertical bar "|" separating it from the size specification. Only mentioning this since some people might confuse it for a lowercase L.
The 128 is just an example, just mess around with the number and use the "Show Preview" to see what size it appears as until you land your preferred size and then save the edit ;)

We should probably pop an optional size variable into the GuildInfo template. It would really help some guild pages where folks upload images the size of a wall. I'll take care of it this week.
Edit: adding in a logosize = ## variable should work now. Just numbers, template should add the needed px.

Okay so I went in to mess around with the image size, but before I did anything to the image, I noticed that in its place is just the text: [[File:GuildLogo-Black Hand.png|]]
I see it has that extra | in there, but I don't know why it's there. My code looks like this:
| name = Black Hand
| type = png
| motto = Unification or Death
| founder = Gdaddy, Ojijo
| masters =
| officers =
| pop = 5, but growing
And just to clarify, just adding the line: |logosize = 200 would resize the image?

Excellent, I broke all the guild pages. It should take a little while for all of them to fix themselves. Sorry about that! If you want your page to fix more quickly, just hit edit, add a space to the end of a paragraph and hit save.
Yes, logosize = 200 will resize your logo image to 200 pixels wide.

Could someone help me with this wiki page? It's minor.
I wanted to include the logo but each time it seems to have the file name showing up before it. Can that be fixed somehow?

Remove | type = [[File:Nitronism_logo.png]] from the page coding
and then use the red link to upload your logo under the proper filename used by the template.

For now I did the instructions but it's still showing as a red link. I am assuming this is a wiki issue since you guys warned us not to keep re-uploading and such so I'll leave it alone for now.

It's a wiki page updating issue, red links that you have uploaded or created the page for will immediately show up if you hit edit and add or delete a space from the end of a paragraph. It's like a tiny wiki wakeup call. I went ahead and did it for your page, so you are all set now.

Hmm, it's still showing the filename around the logo though. But at least the new logo is showing, thanks! I also noticed after the edit you made the section for the leaders disappeared, but I could add it in again later.

Nope, nothing disappeared and the filename is not there, there is a wiki issue where it wants to sometimes show older versions of pages. You can find a list of all the current wiki issues & known workarounds here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/8907

Hmm, it fixed itself after I logged in.
Anywho, I am contemplating making an info page for my comic series. I know they have a list of fanfiction on the wiki; are we allowed to make pages for any of our art stuff?

Can I get this page deleted and removed from the list of guilds? The guild has been dismantled.

Someone, please help me.
does anyone know how to insert the list of your members into your guild page?
And plus guys, how do you put in those pictures over your names? one more thing, my guild page keeps getting changed by someone ! so is there any page i can use for security?

"does anyone know how to insert the list of your members into your guild page?"
Insert this code:
*Officer #1
*Officer #2
*Officer #3
You can replace "Officers" with "Members", "Veterans", or "Recruits". "Guild Master" also works as well.
"And plus guys, how do you put in those pictures over your names? "
Click on "Forum preferences" near the search bar, or click here!
"one more thing, my guild page keeps getting changed by someone ! so is there any page i can use for security?"
Poke Equinox's talk page about it. Taking a look at your guild's history of edits, I don't see any vandalism since you're the only editor (Trying moved your page to the correct address). But yeah, if there's any vandalism poke Equinox's talk page and it'll be fixed in a jiffy.

All of that. Dang, I love our editors. :) IF only they were ALL this nice in other games....

How come there haven't been any important wiki updates despite the two recent patches? The sudaruska page hasn't been edited since AUGUST!

Two days ago =/= AUGUST.
I updated that page two days ago to include the Hall of Heroes Vendors. I haven't seen the new charge, so I haven't updated it with that information. If you've used/seen it and can give a clear description, feel free to update the Sudaruska and Triglav's pages. For now I'd rather avoid editing it myself since I don't have first-hand experience on how the charge works.

I need someone to post my guild on the wiki. I want the icon to be a dead monster, and refer to the topic on Guild Recruitment for full info.

when ever i go on my page, it logs me off, but then i click view source to edit. but when i save it doesn't show unless i go view source

First, Equinox, you are the most active Game master Ive seen. Most Gm just post the stuff that has already been said in the updates or the news. U are talking about a lot. And is this thread only for wiki questions? Becuz Im wondering how to use the SpiralSpy program.

Powpow, try looking at the directions on http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Help:Creating_a_guild_page Those should help you start a page and then after that others can help with specific tasks if you are still having trouble.
Tearninja, perhaps you can try logging out, clearing your cache, restarting your browser and then trying it again.
Artistbma, this is just the wiki form and I don't know much about Spiral Spy's use. I think there are threads in the Treasure Vault (perhaps in General Discussion) and you can ask there after using search to find a thread.

Equinox, is there a page like that for Userpages? IF so could you post a link to it? Thanks,

But, I can't waste time making a new account just for the wiki, and I use Steam, so I will need a kind person to help.

Um, Equinox, this time i have a wiki question. When i create a guild wiki page, how do i get the population/ founder/ logo box on it?

This isn't the place to discuss or proclaim whether or not you have email. This is a thread for questions & answers, not an extended one liner "discussion."
Ok can sombody help, question time :)
How can put a self made pictures (what u have on your documents) in a wiki page
i think i should use : [[File:Example.jpg]]
but what i must put in example.jpg?

The basics syntax is [[File:filename.extension|options|caption]] You can look at the MediaWiki page that covers some more information on coding for adding images: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images#Rendering_a_single_image
Do NOT name your image "Example." You need to use a descriptive file name that lets folks know what the image is. Like for a piece of fan art, you should do something like Vinop-drawing_of_a_wolver.png. The preferred image type is PNG because lossless formats look better.

Hello!!!I created my wiki guild page but i dont know how to put our page in the page with the other guilds..if someone can tell me i would be grateful..thanks

I believe that, because the GuildInfo template includes [[Category:Guilds]], simply adding this template to your page automatically causes it to be listed among the guilds. See http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Help:Creating_a_guild_page. But I'm not an expert.

Just leaving a word of thanks. I was interested in becoming a wiki editor, looks like this thread is a good start!

"Currently, Steam accounts are unable to log in to the Spiral Knights Wiki. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible."
I don't know if I'm the only one getting this but I can't get on the wiki and this message has been present for quite a while. Probably more than a month. As soon as possible should be faster than this. So I'm wondering what's wrong and if it might be my account or something.

How do I get myself an avatar on this website?

So I finished creating a wiki page for my guild the Crimson Lancers. I can view everything I made if I am logged in, but if I am logged out there is no data on the page. Is their like a reviewing period before the page can be shown to Jonh Q public or am I just missing something?
Also, I am logged in the wiki and logged in on all pages.. Except my own guild page it says I am logged out. Suggestons?

http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/8907 is the thread that covers all known wiki issues such as the one where older versions of pages show up. There is no known fix beyond waiting for the wiki's cache or something to update.

Are you sure it's not fixed in the newer versions of MediaWiki? The wiki is using version 1.15.3 and the latest version is 1.19.1.

I'm aware of what the most recent version of MediaWiki is and the fact that we're not running it. It's not a MediaWiki issue. The SK Wiki has some other stuff including logging in differently and a CDN. It's a more complex issue.
The steam acount wiki wont let me post things about a new guild.
is there a way to get through that?

i made a guild page,but it wont appear on the guild list why?

I know this has been asked already, but I can't find a solution anywhere. I just created a guild page and tried uploading our infobox photo. The file uploaded fine but the guild page can't seem to link to the photo. The guild page is Dreadnaught if you wanted to look at it for the source code. Am I missing something?
Sandbox only helps if you already have a general idea of how to use things (and it isn't even worth using considering there's a "Show Preview" button whenever you go to edit something), or at least it is to me. Plus, things like moving pages is something I shouldn't do to the sandbox :P I just figured that if someone could direct me to a guide or explain it, I would be saving quite some time in failing at trial and error :s