Knightmare --- Mature Guild --- Shadow Lairs --- 10-30 Players Online 24/7 --- 17 Months of Success --- Forums --- Vent

I am proud to say that Knightmare has remained the #1 guild by 3k+ points throughout the entire week, and is taking home the gold with never having more than one team playing at a time, and never having to play all day everyday or cheat in any way to earn that spot. Thanks to all who participated in the guild games and waited around for us to get a match all those times, as no other guilds seem to play very consistently lol. We never cared about being #1, we just like the game and have fun playing with our friends as opposed to random players. And I think that mentality is what really deserves to be awarded #1, not just a guild who makes their members play constantly just to achieve the #1 rank.
Can I have please have another chance even though I don't really know what I did?
Please explain and give me another chance...

When I logged on after inviting you, I had 2 messages asking why you were invited because you were being very annoying. I looked over your application again and determined that you were not active or geared enough to remain an asset to the guild. Before removing you, I talked to you for a while and could see where my guildmates who sent me the messages were coming from.
There are plenty of guilds in SK, we just don't think Knightmare is right for you, and we don't think that you are right for us.
Nothing to see here

Here goes:
Date I started playing: June 5, 2011
Time played on average day: 2 hours(I am restricted to exactly 2 hours of play each day. :( it logs me off by force in vanaduke runs)
Time played on average week: 14 hours
Normal Play Hours(GMT):7:00 to 9:00 p.m.(I'm in EST)
Tier Experience: Can solo 1 and 2, has experience in 3
Killed Snarbolax: I have(can solo)
Killed Rormulus Twins: I have(can solo)
Killed Jelly King:I have(can solo, although not easily)
Killed Vanaduke: I haven't
Soloed your way to the core: I have not soloed my way to the core
Been to the core: I have been to the core(I strangely don't have the achievement, though :).)
How you acquire energy: I buy with crowns and sometimes real money
Current set of gear: I have this set of gear:
Vog Cub Cap (5*)
Skolver Coat (5*)
Grey Owlite Sheild (5*)
Acheron (5*)
Fearless Rigadoon (5*)
Radiant Pulsar (4*)
Plasma Capacitor (4*)
Previous Guilds:
1. Trojan Bunnies 2. Assassins 3. Legendary Knights 4. Knights of Rose(my current guild)
Active in solo PvP: yes
Active in team PvP: yes
What Makes YOU the person we want to take into our guild over other applicants:
Well, I'm not really sure... I don't want to brag... but maybe that's one of the reasons that you might want me in your guild.I'm modest, and I help out newer players a lot. I also LOVE PvP(I'm rather sociable).
Oh, I hope I get in... well, that's it! Here goes!
Also, if it is necessary for me to send a letter directly to Chris, then please tell me :)
I forgot: My in game name is Michaelb.

Our Vent server has been active and it has helped us get to know each other better! Getting that Bromance stronger everyday! Keeps a great guild together! WE have some spots open! We like to talk and help each other out. :3
P.S. Feedmefire is fat!! :D

Yay! thanks a lot.
I read your guild page, and it had a sort of "Group Picture" on it. I was thinking it might be cool to do it again, updated.
Promote me!!!!!!! :)
Thanks for inviting.

We would do it again if we had ~35 people online at once like during the old picture, and you need to register on our website still before you can be promoted to member!

Back up to 100 members, will be removing some inactives.

Killing Vanaduke in 3-5 minutes now with our core group.
hi sorry im posting but iv sent in my appication twice but it just doesnt send it. :L
Date you started playing Spiral Knights: I dont know. i think in July.
Time played on average per day: 2 - 4 hours.
Time played on average per week: depends.
Normal play hours(GMT): 3 pm - 11 pm. CST
Tier experience: all 3.
Killed Snarbolax?: yes.
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: yes.
Killed Jelly King?: yes.
Killed Vanaduke?: just recently did. :3
Soloed your way to the core?: no..... D:
Been to the core?: yessir.
How you acquire energy: CR's or real moneys even though i waste it all in a week. ;__;
Current set of gear:
Dread Skelly Mask
Dread Skelly Suit
Dread Skelly Shield
Silent Nightblade
Dark Thorn Blade (im about to upgrade both very soon)
Previous guilds?: Band Of PokeKnights.
Active in solo PvP?: not my forte.
Active in team PvP?: i have to get better. i blow myself up alot. >:
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?:
well im a decent player im very active i love boss runs and arena runs! and i dont mind helping out new people (crafting, mats ect.) and im nice. :p
IGN: Yumpoptarts

Invited, but you are going to have to replace that skelly set...
replace it? o.o' is it because my weakness to fire?
IGN: Fcek
Date you started playing Spiral Knights: Porbably two week ago.
Time played on average per day: maybe 5-6hour
Time played on average per week: 20-35h
Normal play hours(GMT +1):15-23
Tier experience:all t2 in t3 i cant find good party to complete t3...:<
Killed Snarbolax?: Yes
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: Yes
Killed Jelly King?: Yes
Killed Vanaduke?: Nope
Soloed your way to the core?: Nope
Been to the core?: Nope
How you acquire energy: Tradin with players or buy 100 ce for 6k from shop.
Current set of gear:
-Ash Tail Cup and Coat 6lvl
-Ascended Calibur 7lvl
-Wise Owlite Shield 6lvl
-SilverSix 7lvl
-Elite Slash Module
-Elite Quick Strike Module
Previous guilds?: None
Active in solo PvP?: None
Active in team PvP?: Maybe 3-4pvp per day.
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?:
Hmmm... I think u are the best guild, becouse many ppl are trying to join to u;p and i want something more in spiral knight than farm on t2 and pvp without teamplay... :< You are looks on very cooperating amd friendly guild xd I have small experience in spiral knight, but i learn very fast. I know maybe 75% spiral knight "options" but im still learning. I have hope u will accept my application :)
IGN: Gandija
Date you started playing Spiral Knights:
Time played on average per day: 2
Time played on average per week: 11
Normal play hours(GMT): 8 GMT
Tier experience: Done up to tier 2
Killed Snarbolax?: Yes
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: No
Killed Jelly King?: Yes
Killed Vanaduke?: No
Soloed your way to the core?: No
Been to the core?: No
How you acquire energy: from real money (but I'm a protest not to buy any CE now. So going f2p!)
Current set of gear: Levi Blade (5) + Valiance (5) + Vog Cap (5) + Ash tail (4) + Wise Owl shield (4)
Previous guilds?: Drakens, a month ago before it turned into a zombie guild
Active in solo PvP?: Yea, bomberman is fun
Active in team PvP?: Yea, team bomberman is good K-coins.
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?:
I'm a pretty chill person, but still voices my opinion. I do tend to think stuff before I type (mostly). It is the most
important rule on the internet :). If I'm on, I'll help out the guild by going on runs with the guild members that I can
do, currently just Jelly and Snarblox. And last of all, I'm willing to follow instructions if that instruction will mean a
successful tier run!

You were not accepted because you are not in full 4/5 star gear and are not very active, you can apply again in the future if these things change.

Granck you said you only play 1-2 hours a day or less, that's not very active.
Also on a side note:
Knightmare is getting so many guild apps per day that we are raising our standards for invites.

I don't see how your age determines activity, and we don't care WHY you can't be inactive.

I'm sorry of all the trouble I've caused.
Do forget me for now...
Until I reach your expectations

Its one of my dreams to join a very good guild like Knightmare my charecters name is Zeroblast. I want to join the only problem is i am not very good and i only get to play 2 hrs a week! Although whenever I can play i will play the problem is i am not allowed to play every day. So please remember me please if i can change that I will post again and my aplication form:
Date I started Playing: June 5 2011 ( around there)
Time played on average day: Only on weekend i can play 1 hour (if u can change i will post again)
Time played on average a week 2 hours
Normal play hours: Any time i want on weekends if i am free
Tier experience: 1 and 2
Killed Snarl bolax: Yes
Killed Roarmulus Twins: yes
Killed Jelly King: Yes
Killed Lord Vanaduke: No
Soloed my way to the core: No
Been to the core: No
How do I aquire energy: I use Crowns..
Current set of Gear:
Dusker cap
Wolver coat
Super Blast Bomb
Boosted Plate shield
Previous Guilds: Knight and day, Mad Bombers currently Art of War
Active in solo PVP: Can't Be
Active in team Pvp: Can't Be
What makes me the person that you should invite into your guild: I want to make spiral knights famous by asking my friends to play it most of my friends play it now. But i should not be invited into your guild now because of my inactive hours.
Thank you Sir,

Granck we are perfectly capable of telling applicants if they will or will not be accepted.
The order of importance is:
1. Activity
2. Maturity
3. Gear/Skill/Experience

Do you remember this?
(@Granck, You were not accepted because you are not in full 4/5 star gear and are not very active, you can apply again in the future if these things change.)
It was the first thing you told me, later you stated about my playing hours.
(Granck you said you only play 1-2 hours a day or less, that's not very active.
Also on a side note:
Knightmare is getting so many guild apps per day that we are raising our standards for invites.
Anyway, I am leaving this thread, so see you around...

I have no idea what the point of that post was, lol.
On a more important note, we have just removed 10 inactives. Looking to fill those spots with quality players to get back up to 100/100.

Looking for maybe 5 more quality members to fill Knightmare up atm.

Undefeated PvP "A" team
Looking for some skilled players for pvp.
Guild Application: IGN Holedigger
Date you started playing Spiral Knights: 3 weeks ago
Time played on average per day: About 3-4 on monday and wednesday 2-3 on others due to work
Time played on average per week: between 14-18
Normal play hours(GMT): i play at all times but I'm always on at 10-12 GMT
Tier experience: been on tiers1-3
Killed Snarbolax?:Yes many times soled him find him to easy.
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: Yes many times to get pulsar and catalizer
Killed Jelly King?: Yes to get antigua
Killed Vanaduke?:NO
Soloed your way to the core?:NO
Been to the core?:NO
How you acquire energy: well currently i just trasitioned to becoming a pure gunslinger so mostly on my credit card
Current set of gear:Levathan blade 7 star
level 4 kilowatt pulsar
level 4 antigua
level 3 toxic catalyzer
level 5 sunset duster
level 5 sunset stenson
level 7 grey owlite shield
will upgrade guns shortly and have shield recipie i have maxed rock jelly armour and volcanic pepperbox but i'm using these guns to get used to them.
Previous guilds?: Phantom Raiders. (My Small guild) did Jelly King and Roumulous Twins runs about 3 times an hour
Active in solo PvP?:Yes
Active in team PvP?:I want to be but never have a team online.
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?: Well this game is awesome I'm a very friendly skilled loyal guild mate I don't beg, Soon i will have all 5 star equips. I always do my best to help out my teammates even picking up their elevator tab if they need it.

We have beaten the A team of every other guild in the game including Guild which included Magnus Biznasty and Subversion.
Also unlike them, we have players in 4* and some in 5* with no UVs
We are only looking for ELITE PvPers to join the guild who are active 3+ hours per day.

Knightmare is at 100/100 active members at almost all times so being accepted is limited at the moment.
Never hurts to apply though.

Date you started playing Spiral Knights: ~ mid april this year
Time played on average per day: usually 2 hours a day
Time played on average per week: ~10 hours
Normal play hours(GMT): not sure, i live in New Zealand. its about 5pm here atm, so compare this to the post date that you see up top. ~5 pm - ~6-7pm
Tier experience: tier 2, have not qualified for tier 3 entrance yet, but been to t3 a few times
Killed Snarbolax?: yes
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: yes
Killed Jelly King?: yes
Killed Vanaduke?: no
Soloed your way to the core?: no
Been to the core?: no
How you acquire energy: buy with crowns on the energy market
Current set of gear: gunslinger set (plus other 3* and under gear). about 7-8 pieces of 5* weapons, change quite a bit. (leaning towards gunner now)
Previous guilds?: dark knights, knights of equestia (bronies FTW), looping
Active in solo PvP?: no ping too high
Active in team PvP?: not really, ping too high
I'm not on that often for the next 5-6 weeks or so right now, because it is exams time here.
(please add when you guys get some vacancy)
(almost forgot :P) IGN: Littlerocketman
nick name: Lil Rock
Date you started playing Spiral Knights: 07/11
Time played on average per day: 1-2
Time played on average per week: 10-15 (mostly from weekends)
Normal play hours(GMT): around 2pm on weekdays..weekends can be flexible.
Tier experience: 3,
Killed Snarbolax?: yes
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: yes
Killed Jelly King?: yes
Killed Vanaduke?: yes
Soloed your way to the core?: yes
Been to the core?: yes
How you acquire energy: $
Current set of gear: vogcub set, grey owlite levi, divine avenger, gran faust, vanquisher, etc.
Previous guilds?: I forgot the name
Active in solo PvP?: Always
Active in team PvP?: potentially
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?: I enjoy competitions as much as I enjoy winning. This is a mutually beneficial relation for I represent the guild to win, as the guild provides me with opportunities to compete.
IGN: Blaxh

Invite send to Blaxh, we will give you a trial period before we decide you keep you as a member.

How come I'm not in the guild anymore? and how come all of the people who were my firends in knightmare aren't nice to me anymore?

Michaelb, we talked to the guildmates and we were told that you were not being very mature and leaving in the middle of PvP matches and runs. We don't think Knightmare is right for you. We are still friends.

Ah. Sorry bout that.
And by the way, I'm on a stupid time limit... My computer automatically shuts off when I have been on for two hours.

We now have room for one outstanding applicant

Oh, and by the way, Chris you should get a forum avatar. or do you not like them?

IGN: Dvenam
Date you started playing Spiral Knights: Probably June, 460hours in game.
Time played on average per day: about 4-5 hours
Time played on average per week: 28-35h
Normal play hours(GMT +8): twice in day:14:30 – 17:00, 00:00 – 2:30
Tier experience:all
Killed Snarbolax?: yes
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: yes
Killed Jelly King?: yes
Killed Vanaduke?: yes. Did it solo once with 1rev
Soloed your way to the core?: yes
Been to the core?: yes
How you acquire energy: buy 100 ce in shop when I have free money(from runs, recipe selling).
Current set of gear:
-nameless hat(will be vog cap soon, need just some ce to craft it)
-vog coat
-crest of almire
also have grey owlite shield, fang of vog, gran faust, blackhawk, nameless poncho
Previous guilds?: sword slingers
Active in solo PvP?: not now
Active in team PvP?: sometimes
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?: im good, I like pvp and fsc
IGN: Sjoman
Time played on average per day: at least 2 hours
Time played on average per week: around 20 i guess
Normal play hours(GMT): differs a lot, can't really put it clearly down.
Tier experience: My gear is 2*, still a newb
Killed Snarbolax?: No experience in killing a boss :(
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: no
Killed Jelly King?: no
Killed Vanaduke?: no
Soloed your way to the core?: no
Been to the core?: no
How you acquire energy: Trading/waiting
Current set of gear: Wolver helm,
Previous guilds?: None
Active in solo PvP?: Nope
Active in team PvP?:Nope
What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over the 100s of other applicants?: I am an active player, tho still a noob, therefor I would like to learn the game some more since I am thoroughly enjoining it, and I think I could enjoy the game even more when I am a member of a guild. I have got experience in playing with clans, so I know that it is way more fun to play with people you regularly play with then to play with random people.
That's about it I guess, I hope that I get accepted.

Some pics of our boredom for your enjoyment! :D (There is A LOT!)
Full Album as of October 2, 2011: