Evil plan to annihilate, subjugate, eradicate, irradiate, prank or otherwise embarrass corporate cronies into submission:
Make King Krogmo organize a Corporation toast.
Replace drinks with fire vials.
Make a toast and watch.
Be clear with the message, conspirators get "fired".
IGN: Silfrith
( 25 words FTW :D )

Wait for, "Bring your pet to Work Day"
Build a Rocket puppy to bring to the office
Drop Rocket Puppy in office restrooms
IGN: Snarfalarkus
Replace devilite coworker's half eaten donut supply with half eaten donut holes. Complete plan with half-eaten donut feast.
IGN: Kyosokun

Leave a T3 Jelly under your coworker's chair.
Fracture one leg of the chair.
Repeat on all higher-ups for corporate domination.
edit: Screw that one, here's one.
Host the annual Piercing Damage convention in the office and run to the elevator when the event starts..
IGN: Xplad
To make sure this is an "artsy" contest, I, as a longtime BOFH, make my contribution in the form of a haiku:
The boss confronts knights,
yes men in elevator,
hit "down", the boss dies.
IGN: Akuma
Have fun coming up with more crazy ways of office destruction, you all! :D
Step one. Hire Corporate Mundo.
Step two. Your done.
IGN: Needs
If you played League then you know this is the only way!
Research monster boxes
Discover slooms
Acknowledge everyone being defenseless against
IGN: Paweu
Drug boss with sleep vials. Tie him down.
Hire slags to burn his favorite ties until he desperately files resignation, in tears.
Laugh; continue burning.
How's that for evil?
IGN Guhnom

knock out boss with an iron slug loaded with pellets.
put him in a cage with two rabbid wolvers.
enjoy the satisfaction of his pain.
i hope my evil mind is great enough for the prize.
knight name: axelslicer
sorry no IGN

Give Boss' wife a "wings'n poison" cake.
When he goes to graveyard, trap him by sabottaging the elevator.
ps: if you didn't understand it, wings heal but poison transform heal into damage, thus killing you.
Drill hole for electric cables into urinal
pressure switch in front of urinal
connected to shock bomb with a delayed fuze
with electrical cable into urinal basin
IGN Valkryie

Mid-speech jp123456 suddenly finds himself on the ground with a printer on his chest!
While Lethal2 is practice his monologue to the bathroom mirror a cherry-bomb goes off in the sink and soaks him!
A TARDIS runs over Dovenwolf mid - WAIT WHAT!?
While G789 is announcing his over-long plans a rare pair of double Royal Jellies sneak up behind, oh no!
Sullivan gets wind of Venomthemad's bombastic plan and dumps him into the Blast Network with no bomb!
While marveling at his masterpiece Valivarre gets bumped into his trap by a fellow employee!
All of you above went above 25 words. Please change your entries to be considered!
All posts up to #62 have been added except for those noted above. Gabbers of gab who had to reduce the length of their revenge have also been included.

Why am i not posted in the wiki? Not that I'm confident that I'll win, I was just wondering.
Present boss with gift,
gift contains BlastNetwork mask,
mask is real bomb.
plot #2
Obtain Blaze pepper.
sneak outside building windows,
stuff blazepeppers in boss' airconditioner
watch calamity through window.

Whoah, good catch. I remember your evil plans in my first draft edit, but it seems that a copy/paste error ate it. I'll fix that up with the next round of updates.
Edited my post to be under 25 words!

Tape picture of Pit-Boss on backs of yesman.

Snipe him with a Magnus, Bounce him with a Shield.
Slash him with a Brandish, Consider yourself Banished.
IGN: leeroy_j
Am I allowed to change my submission? ~_~
I think my first one was rather to say- Unoriginal.

He has a Tardis full of evil office trash to toss at those who go over the 25 word limit. Dogrock is of the Devilite sub species Overtimer Lord.
Meanwhile, please be patient if you don't see your evil plan on the Wiki immediately after posting or correcting it. One of our devilites will be on it sometime soon. Also, make sure you are logged-in and clear your cache when visiting the Wiki. The Wiki has a tendency to work in mysterious ways with revealing the latest edit.
We'll go over all submissions once again before judging commences after September 1st.
If you need to change your submission, please post a reply that you are changing your submission. But don't test the Overtimer Lord's patience with too many changes. The deadline is September 1st, so think carefully on your evil plan before submitting it so as not to annoy the Overtimer Lord with too much overtime.
Please post to this thread if you have any questions or errors to point out.
Have fun and shields up!

Herd all snipes into Room
Proclaim petting zoo in haven 'boss' office'
Take half-day off during mass confusion.
"Use Mug of Misery to make your boss' coffee,
Secretly add as many mini jellys as possible,
Watch his stomach explode after he drinks it."
IGN: Turtle-Ninja
My weapon brings those hungry avid for desire comes with heavy price and yet my shield holds with extreme face bring laughter but left soulless.
IGN: Aviticus

set a blue box in blast network field. just as session starts destroy box. see Krogmo scream as field walls disappear.
If you're gonna prank, prank the big man himself.
~~ Corse
put an sloombargo on your Pitboss chair
when he falls ASLEEP.
throw him to the "BLAST NETWORK" ARENA!
capture it with a and upload! :D
IGN: Knightmovez

Enter boss room
Throwing furiously with poison and curse vials
Watch him faint
Activate the Graviton Bomb
Leave him sink in black hole
IGN: Superawesomeknight
Draw a big line going down on the statistics chart verified with a professionally copied Spiral Knights trademark.
Watch him get kicked out.
IGN: Babylamb

Crash the market.Every fiend tpgets fired and turns into a devilitte.When knights do a fiend theme their like wtf all these devilittes!
I am not sure if O win but my IGN is Soulstaker
Kats have katty agendas.
Have our Desk Clerk schedule a meeting.
Emphasize free food.
I lied! It was a dark ritual for Cattywumpus!
Gadzooks, katastrophe!
IGN: Ithios
P.S.: I tells ya those Kats are up to no good!
Distract the boss. Install Spiral Knight on his PC while he is distracted, with run on start up. S\he will become a SK loving zombie!!!
Also, I used EXACTLY 25 words, and I am thinking of trying it now... on someone else's boss though.
Drop all employee records from payroll database excluding yours and Krogmo's. Delete all database users and change service account password. GG.
IGN: Syphus
Eat all the hot dogs you want
You will still be thin, but outside you're a big jelly fatness.
Hot dogs have feelings
Put diarrhea pills in bosses coffee, pick a busy day to give to him, replace the signs on the restrooms signs with the opposite gender, for example, Women-Men. When boss comes in restroom, replace the signs back, and hear him embarrassing himself. Hehe.
IGN: Iceeboy
Remove safety gates in snipe day care.
Snipes roam free in office.
Snipe poop grosses everyone out.
Company gets sued for snipe negligence(Snipeligence).
Replace coffee pot with used motor oil.
Fill water cooler with hot tamale sauce.
Record it all on video.
Profit ?! ....
IGN: Dukesky
1.Load office water supply with Blast jelly and food coloring.
2.Break the air conditioner.
3.Load the coffee with hot sauce.
4.Wait a minute.
5.Watch the walls be splattered with blood.
I forgot to put my IGN in my entry post. I edited it to have it now.
IGN: Migake
Take you boss to the core where there's a lot of monitor,
Block all the path to go up.
and loop display all the videos from
O yea warning don't go to lolshock if you don't want to be scared for life.
IGN: obliviouspain
1) Get a colleague of yours to distract a Pit Boss;
2) Acquire the Pit Boss's phone;
3) Paint the phone speaker with glue;
4) Put it back;
5) Call that number later on;
6) Watch as the Pit Boss tries to yank the phone from his ear/horn.
You got fired, but it was totally worth it!
send a pit boss as a gift a nightblade with a note saying:
Dear mr. pit boss
Today im very upset because i got hit by a floppy disk on my head on plazamonium! dont worry im ok :)
oh and by the way you are about the be knocked out from behind, be equiped with a spiral sallet and culet
and be dropped at a graveyard in t3
MY IGN IS: timbalero
Tired of having to fight brown-nosing yesmen for the corner office? "Redecorate" the building with a few potted lumbers and watch your competition literally shrink!
IGN: RedHawkOne

Go ask your boss to a party
then when he gets there offer fruit punch
then blow the whole thing up
with a Graviton Vortex
IGN: Greenlightning
Knight name: Miseryman
Tell competitor it is "Wear your steam knight mask to work day.
Place stagger bombs everywhere.
Co-worker wears mask, everyone gets stunned. Promotion! Jelly co-worker?
IGN: FBH_Mysteryman2000
1)capture snarbolax
2)rig cage to party button under office chair
3)remove all stun bells
4)boss and entire building is now pin cushion
IGN: Smurfinater
Reverse engineer an emergency Haven teleporter.
Send the boss to a T3 graveyard.
Blackmail your way up the corporate ladder with the video ("you're next!").
IGN: Shadow-Nerd

First pour a poison vial in to the Pitboss's mug.
Hire a lumber.
Let it hit your boss once.
Let the Yesman do the rest.
IGN : Forever

It is now 25 words not including telling you my in game name. ;) Thanks for reminding me.

Heres the plan...
Explain the clockworks IN DETAIL (scary)
Also replace all office furniture with worthless Ecto drops (sad)
IGN=Website for video game news and review
In game name=Cytrixx
Plot 1!
Thumbtacks on everyone's chairs.
Devilites are weak against Piercing.
Plot 2!
The rules don't explicitly say I can't have multiple entries... yet.
The GOOD supervillains run multiple plots in parallel!
Plot 3!
Wait for flood of submissions to force judges to use automated wordcount programs.
Hack said program so it shows 26 words on everyone's but mine.
Plot 4!
Suggest and implement Employee Bowling Weekend.
Replace bowling balls with Nitronomes.
Plot 5!
Trick HR into hiring Gremlins, anonymously send them invititations to Employee Dance Party, watch hilarity ensue.
Plot 6! (My real entry! The others were just for fun!)
Replace coffee supply: decaf.
Smear Zee Core across coffee filters.
Open sleeping coworkers' browsers: Faithbook, Scroogle+, YouNoob Videos, Rebecca Black Fan Fiction. Set as homepages.
In-game name: Skrumm