Edited my entry to inlucde my IGN... which is the same as my forum name.
Also, my entry has not shown up and I tried clearing cookies once already.
Order T3 Rocket Puppies for the office décor.
From a safe distance, watch coworkers unwrap the packages.
Bask in the sounds of terrified screaming.
IGN: Jazelock

Order fiends Iraq for war.
He will be huge debt .
Called developer for white house meeting .
Energy price raise like crazy due to inflation.
Best reg
Icycloud Gm coup de grace.

Go to work with an army of lumbers
Request a 'private meeting'
Finally get that big promotion
Too bad your workplace is completely demolished
IGN: Janem

Make a new coffee brew with lots of Blaze Peppers
Promote it
Spike the next batch with Nightshade in the evening
Take medical leave
IGN: Sophiera

Replace Pit Boss' coffee with a mixture of volt oil and Phial of Phear. Encourage Pit Boss' to share their coffee with everyone. Run.
IGN: Aroxian

Walk up to Judges
And yell
IGN: Selenthon C:

Iceeboy stays on break for too long while making his plan! Forced overtime as punishment means no time to execute it.
While JoshNes was distracted by his plan and bumped into the morning coffee pot, it burnates!
Sullivan finds furypenguinz's scribbled notes and straps him on the chair, forced to watch the website of intended torture!
Realizing Razor118171's love of stepwise programs, his superiors put him in a 12-Step rehab facility!
Oh dear, icycloud gets called on to draft a bailout package since he loves over-long plans so much!
All of you above went above 25 words. Please change your entries to be considered!
Other than those, all posts are now up to date to Post #108. Anyone that updated names or word counts. Those that have not edited thier too-long entires from previous updates should look here and here.
Remember If no one in this thread says the wiki listing has been updated yet, than it hasn't (I've been away for about 2 weeks).
As for changing entries: I've got no problem with it, but it would be better to go by the organizers' official word.
1) Announce retroactive plan to force all under-performers to reimburse company for each piece of office furniture thrown.
2) Watch underlings panic
3) Evil laugh if appropriate
IGN: Krystianna
Gather as many scuttlebots as possible and remove their legs. Replace every photocopier in the building with them. Wait for somebody to lift the lid....
IGN: Harada
Suggest a meger between King Krogmo and Jelly King.
Increase the cost of jelly runs and collect 10% of all players earnings in a jelly run.
Begin planning for a acquisition of the Auction House and Energy market.
Gain full monopoly of Cradle's economy.
Get fatty pay check's.
IGN: Wadaw
Office pranks? your doing it wrong.
Hire a horde of success driven, idealistic Zombies as unpaid interns.
Acquire a Grim Totem.
Work them to death.
Chuckle as they revive.
IGN: Agentalbedo

Replace stapler with repainted catalyzer.
Watch the boss obliterate his important documents and injure himself in the explosions to follow.
IGN Fehzor

Post a Nitronome disguised as
a Knight wearing Valkyrie armor
on boss's wall. Put some
blast squares lying around. Watch
as boss's office blows up!

Plant Trojan on boss' computer.
Watch it crash.
After the Trojan's taken charge (get it?), stab it in the back and take over the company.
IGN: Schattentag

Wadaw gets flung into the underground overtime office when his plan takes too long!
Youabove went above 25 words. Please change your entry to be considered!
All posts to #116 have been accounted for, unless they are too long. I have not added any previously too long entires since I've seen no notice they've been changed. Only a little over a week longer to get your entires in!

Needed: Almirian Seal, Vanaduke
Steal an Almirian Seal from Vanaduke
Give it to boss.
Tell Vanaduke
Watch that mace swing. Ha.
IGN: Armerio

1 WEEK NOTICE to deadline, evil doers!
Hmmm, some of these entries are truly wicked. King Krogmo may need to keep an eye on some of you master pranksters ಠ_ಠ
Remember, please keep you entries down to 25 words or less, else risk the wrath of devilite data dude Dogrock and his office trash throwing arm. Entries that exceed 25 words will not be considered.
If there are any questions or discrepancies, please post them to this thread as Raspberry and TheBadger are seldom in game. We're quite busy on other projects.
Best regards,
Raspberry and TheBBQ formerly known as TheBadger

one week left???...
i thought the deadline was like sep. 24...
o well. i already submitted an entry. no worries. except for the poeple who didn't enter yet.

Gather coworkers for a "game":
Catch a ball in a funnel held in player's mouth.
When Boss tries playing, pour Fire Vial down the funnel.
IGN: Final-Crescendo

Tell Vanaduke that your boss
wants to fire Vanaduke.
Buy boss a "pet"
Bring him hungry pet Snarbolax
Vanaduke comes in at that moment.
In-game name: Xylka
i love this thread. and Snarby :3

While your boss is trying to get work done, repeatedly drop Nitronomes, so that he can't see what he's doing. Eventually he will simply quit.
IGN: Bopp
Administer false termination notices to the Flame Howlitzer department.
Grin as they collect their 'severance pay'.
Everyone's fired!
IGN: Yaemiir.
Inform your boss that Royal Jellies are being served tonight.
Invite your boss to your party.
Watch your boss die.
Kick your boss.
IGN: Swtdrgn

I've update to Post Number 126, those that said their posts had been modified have been added. If you edit your post make sure to create a new post to tell me about it!
Remember, The last day of August is tomorrow. It's getting down to the wire for entries!

Smuggle Beryl Greaver into the office, let it loose, then take shelter.
Coworkers fired for lack of productivity as they cannot work while shock spazzing!
~IGN Katmint~
Real entry:
1. Tell boss if he hits the stuffed animal with a ball he wins a prize.
2. throw
3. Alpha wolver disappears and pops up your boss' ass.
IGN lavium
1. Release wolves
2. Have friend shoot proto gun at wolves while co-workers try fruitlessly to kill them with swords
3. Drop a DBB and kill them all easily, winning their eternal gratitude. Yay for bombs!
Evil plan...
Install Howlitzer type Vile into boss computer.
Boss sends e-mail and infects all computers.
Computers crash on, then into all.
Survivers now have bird flu.
IGN: Forteds
Evil paln (Now only 25 word):
Start working as Devilite.
Get Pit Boss attention.
Get promoted to Yesman.
Silently kill your Bit Boss.
Disguise yourself as him.
Dismiss everyone!
And again...
IGN: Oziin
Place explosives in grid-like fashion in server room
Hide as network is blasted
Devil-IT employees now working as Overtimers to clean up mess
Darn 25 words! I wanted to add more, but I saw a floppy disk headed my way...
IGN: Srsbznsinternet

(1) During Monday's two minute lunchbreak.......
(2) /shout "Dogrock is STOOOOPID"
(3) Step1 Invokes the wrath of Allpowerful Dogrock's throwing arm...
(4) *Takes cover inside breakroom behind coworkers*
IGN Kurapika
GM of Hunter X Hunter
P.S Rising in the corporate world ALWAYS involves risks!! xD
PPS This is assuming you are one of the survivors of the calamity lol
Convince boss to buy shock traps for security.
Have traps spread around the office.
Order a dozen T3 quicksilvers.
Release quicksilvers in office.
IGN: Sorrel-Kastor

At midnight, Dogrock's Tardis turns into a great pumpkin.
Check your entries for 25 word limit compliance if you haven't already entered. Believe me, you don't want to be hit by piping hot pumpkin pies. Dogrock has a start-of-the-art trebuchet siege engine in that Tardis.
Word of advice: Evil does not mean potty humor or vulgarity. Considering the judges, they are more subtle, cunning and twisted...especially Eurydice.
When the entry phase ends, give the judges some time to gather together from their busy schedules to mull over entries for their favorites. Also, Raspberry and TheBurntToast (formerly known as TheBadger) will need a little time to create a Wall Paper of the top entry. The judging phase should take a few weeks at most.
Best regards,
Raspberry and TheBurntBurrito (formerly known as TheBadger)

Dogrock testfires the trebuchet and mashes a pumpkin on the distracted Oziin's head. No pie yet!
Your post went above 25 words. Please change your entry to be considered!
Crunch time every one! I'll be working overtime to get all the entries in. I don't have to, but all the others are doing it....
1. sneak sloom into boss's office
2. make sure sloom attacks
3. while boss sleeps, replace his mug with mug of misery
4. avoid misfortune by calling in sick
IGN: Ipatuss
whew! making it 25 words is a challenge!
slip some ruffles in your bosses coffee while he's totally dozed take him on an FSC run.

Feed blast bomb to mewkat.
Give to boss.

this is for my cousin who always jokes about G.W.Bush (P1 like hey look a bush P2 thats no ordinary bush its George Bush) but says i cant well here goes
have president Bush come to Cradle. Show him some oilers.
he will wage WAR for oil. intense war makes demands for king krogmos products plummet
wow i had this great story but this 25 word limit is really hard to keep up with
IGN: kriptoid


I don't see where you added a reply that you updated your entry with something else. We have kindly asked that the contestants let us know if an entry needs to be fixed in a reply because of the volume of entries we must to sift through. I am sure Dogrock will let your updated entry slide in if you stand still long enough to let him chuck a hot pumpkin pie.
In any case, I'll give a grace period till Friday for people who have already entered to correct or update any entries. Then the judges will be notified to start picking their favorites from The Devilite's Guide of Office Warfare data base on the Wiki.
Good luck and best wishes,

Here, I'll point it out.
"edit: Screw that one, here's one.
[Host the annual Piercing Damage convention in the office and run to the elevator when the event starts..]"
The stuff in brackets is what I want submitted.
Also why is that flying pumpkin pie getting bigger?
I've got it!

Yes, I haven't updated since my last post yet. Don't worry I'll get to those last few, I was busy sleeping last night (crazy, eh?).
To reiterate: at this point no new entries can be accepted, only edits. Make sure you post after this to notify me of edits, I won't notice if you decide to change something small.

I noticed an error in the wiki on my submission.
The full submission is:
During Monday's two minute breaktime.......
(1) /shout "Dogrock is STOOOOPID"
(2) Step1 Invokes the wrath of Allpowerful Dogrock's throwing arm...
(3) *Takes cover inside breakroom behind coworkers*
You must include the plan title!!!! xD

Nah, you dont need one. Its just my plan looks better when you include "At Monday's two minute breaktime...."
I guess its not really a title, just an intro, I guess. :P
For some reason, I was under the impression that the judges would read the thread. Anyways, I guess I'll mention that I made a sneaky edit to my post, #32, a few days ago. I changed the word familiar to similar, as it made more sense.

Dear Svsniper and other ninja edit contestants,
This is a player run forum event by the Obsidian Guild (We) with volunteers who are trying to add some fun to the SK community. We apologize if some of you have mistaken us for superheroes. We expect people to be super enough to read the forum thread on their own rather than skimming it over and making assumptions of protocol which have already been answered. Bottomline: We can't read minds when people ninja edit so please be courteous as we lack the superpowers of telepathy.
Due to the large volume of entries, keeping track of every little ninja edit is excruciatingly tedious. For the judges to come back and read the entire thread over and over again is also time consuming and tedious. The judges and data devilite are volunteers that have real lives and cannot play SK or read the forum 24/7. We don't think any of the volunteers have superhero powers, with the exception of Dogrock, who has a mean throwing arm and Wiki editting mastery.
The entries are screened for compliance to the rules and placed on the SK Wiki as a reference for the judges to save time during the judging phase. Obsidian competitions which are libraried on the SK Wiki also serve as examples on how to run a successful Player Event.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. Again, apologies for not being gifted with the super powers of telepathy.
Meanwhile, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Dogrock for the time he has put into Wiki coding and data entry. Dogrock has been the sole data entry volunteer in this event to cut down on overwriting edit errors. Dogrock helps run his own special guild along with Njthug and Tantarian and their officers. Thank you Dogrock and Echoes of Silence for letting us borrow Dogrock.
We would also like to thank Three Rings SK Community Manager, Eurydice for her support and taking the time from her busy schedule as a volunteer judge. With the volume of great entries we receive, culling the entries down takes a lot of time.
Best regards,
Raspberry and TheScorchedSukiyaki (formerly known as TheBadger)
Got fired?
1. Place oilers and timed explosive boxes in boss's office while cleaning cubicle.
2. Hit the last timed explosive.
3. Run.
IGN- Sevinoss