That's a bit ridiculous, don't you think? It wasn't skill based to begin with which already bothered some people, but now it's not even devotion, but whoever can set up an auto-clicker and have the most stable connection while they sleep. :s
I have personally "played" with at least one of the current top ten players. :| Three games last night. I tried sending them /tells and they never once moved, save for a twitch to the left every minute or so.
The idling is a bit ridiculous to begin with because while people say it's just a good way to get points, it's changing how the game is played. Rather than killing each other it's now a race to kill the player with z's over their head and maybe hopefully kill the other people while waiting for a respawn.
Aside from the idling and leaderboard issues this game is seriously wonderful. I'm a huge fan and have done nothing but PvP since it came out. ;w;
Edit for clarification - Not all of them are idlers. I never meant to imply that, even. SOME are, and I've played with several others who have indeed been playing. But if there's a supposed reward for being in the top 10, even one person who isn't ACTUALLY playing being up there is pretty annoying.
Yeah... the AFKers need to be dealt with. Not sure how, though.