@Raxxox- You don't always lose all of your powerups, sometimes you do but sometimes they'll keep you with some (or even a lot). I'm actually wondering if this has anything to do with the time of death since it seems like end game deaths let you keep a majority of your powerups or perhaps depending on who killed you, this could be as simple as suicide VS homicide or based on the player who killed you, whether that be their powerups or their score in relation to yours. It could just be entirely random but who knows.
PvP idlers are now taking up [some] top 10 leaderboard slots
Until OOO does not consider hosting servers in Europe I won't even bother playing Blast Network as it's meant to.
The latency was not a huge deal in PvE, but in PvP it's nearly impossible to win against lagfree US players, so why even bother..

What a quitter, people like you are the reason why i win 99% of my matches. Just get some speed, and 1 extra bomb. Wait for someone who isn't looking, and plant two bombs around them. It gives you the same tingley feeling you get when you stick someone with a plasma gernade in halo.
@Xsher2 (on the previous page): If your suggestion was implemented I would completely abandon the team games, as people would rather suicide then let me get credit for a kill. In some matches (where I played, mind you) I had a final score of 0/(insert number here, usually under 10). If me getting no kills puts me in the same league as an AFK'er, I may have to begin taking that style of play. (FFA is different, I can usually get 1 kill, even by blind luck)
@Yoshipatrol: They give you powerups later in the match. It starts at 1/1/1, and finishes in the final minute or so with 5/5/5. Not sure if it's for balance, or if the mobs just want more blood. :P

I love throwing plasma grenades at people's face and they are like freaking out lol.
Please just use an ELO system for the leader boards.
Right now, #1 is AFKing. How do I know? His/her points are only going up by about 33 each game.

I'm pretty sure that person has not stopped for over 36 straight hours. Their score has gone up continually since I saw them afking TWO NIGHTS AGO.
Don't expect ELO ratings for the leaderboard. The whole point of the leaderboard is to show who plays the most, not the best players. It's the developers' way of celebrating mediocrity in a PvP system where they clearly don't want skill to be the focus. Everyone is a winner!
who cares????
the pvp would be still complete GARBAGE even with
100% perfect ping for everyone AND no afkers EVER
this pvp release completely embarrasses the rest of the game and if OOO
was smart they would remove it immediately and forget it ever happened
You do realize there's more to come right? You do realize this is not a thread about whether pvp sucks right?
And to answer your question, many of us (like me) care because it allows our mist energy to refill while still playing SK. so that's why we have this thread.
You can't do the proper bomberman strategy's of trapping with low range bombs when you have a 400 ping.
I played a lot of 4 player local bomberman on consoles and with lag it just doesn't work. Once i lose my powerups it's game over and have to wait for the next game.
As far as detecting bots goes, OOO are able to detect certain bots in Puzzle Pirates because of their clicking patterns - i.e. One click every ten seconds. So I certainly hope they can use the same sort of coding to detect botting in pvp.