Personally I don't like the energy system either.
I've tried to get alot of my friends to play but as soon as they heard about it they started flipping out and didn't even bother trying to play the game.
I do not like the idea of running dungeons powered by CE, I'd rather do it purely on mist energy which takes quite a long time to regenerate.
Honestly, I wish that extra ME would be converted into CE when you're at 100 so you can use it later to either craft items or dungeon, or have like actual mist tanks that would store extra mist energy (think megaman X) and that would make me so much more happier.
Reason for this is that there are some days that I don't get to play and the idea that all that ME going to waste just bugs me. guys are going to need a whole lot more than 20k...I would be willing to bet you'll need 500k+ CE to completely wipe the markets current demand. I bet when you get down to 4500 and 4000 you'll find there will be a good 250k CE required to break through the wall...that's only like 1 million CR. It's really not as much as you think it is. Not to mention the lower the price the easier it is to just buy up all your CE.
Considering I saw 650 buy orders for 5000CR/100CE alone last night....that's 65000 CE that you're going to have to sell in order to lower the buy price. Also as the price gets lower and lower you are going to attract even more buyers. It will get harder and harder to sell enough CE to keep the prices low unless you are buying CE with real $$ and flooding the market with CE.
Let me know when you try to crash the market I have a good 500k CR just waiting to buy up your cheap CE.