You didn't understand kitty. I've got nothing to add and you can't be right, thus I have no need to argue with you.
If GMs decide to apply Terms of Service line to line, you will get banned and so could many of your colleagues, which is definitely a good thing for every commun user of Blast network. If not, you'll certainly just slip out and disappear (unless you plan to run your game on macro undefinitely?). I've made my point and proved you're eligible for a ban, I'm just not the one who will ban you.
How to stop AFK farming of Blast Network
I'll just drop this in here too.
dunno who else has noticed but these 6x krogmo boost afkers are making three rings rich. no insinuation, just observation.
Some people may be mad at you because you are ranked first, but if you read more carefully you will find that others (a) think the fact that you're ranked so highly is simply evidence that the ranking system is broken, and (b) are mad at you because of the negative effect AFK players have on the game. That is, they are not mad because of your rank, but because of your behavior.
If you want the official word on this, see Nick's post in this thread. It's a little vague as to exactly what Three Rings considers to be a serious issue, but I know that using automation tools would be included. Given the sheer number of games you've sat in on, it certainly appears as if you're using some kind of automation to keep yourself continuously in a game. As Thoran pointed out, this is explicitly forbidden by the terms of service. There's also a "spirit of the game" clause, which Three Rings could find you in violation of for AFKing PvP games to collect tokens regardless of whether or not you're using automation software to cheat the system.
@Thoran: Please do tone down the invective. It's not helping.
It's seems pretty simple to me. First off didn't read half the above posts. tl/dc most of the time it's incessant whining.
Two buttons. That's all you need. You keep the revive now button. Once the count down has completed it turns into a revive button. You have to press it. If that button is not pressed within a certain time frame you get the boot, lose your coin and gain no coins, tank, etc...
Now from there it would be a bit tougher on how to handle matches if you get left in a 4 on 1 or 4 on 2 scenario. Possibly split the afk's krog coins with those left on the team? But that's something OOO would need to figure out. The other option is to allow those slots to be filled in by people in the random match queue. Possibly do a discount if pulled into a game in progress like 100 crown entry fee based on time left in match or 50 if in the last minute.. Now I think it would be best if there were no option for players to choose a "pick-up" game. This means if you are playing random free for all game you may get lucky and end up only paying 100 crown because some afk'r got the boot. Not just selecting the option to pick up an afk spot.
Nick: "This issue is a serious one for us and we'll be taking measures to deal with it as soon as possible."
Because it ruins the game for those of us that are able to get past the lag. (Maybe your should try to turn of your torrent client while playing.) AFKing means that you are being a selfish d***. Hopefully your computer becomes so ashamed of you that it gives up altogether.
how does it "ruin the game"? seriously, explain to me how having an AFK opponent or two ruins a game of bomberlag.
don't assume that just because your connection is alright that everyone whose game lags is somehow doing it wrong--i close everything else when i play SK, because the one time i tried to play while torrenting i couldn't even log on. how much will it take to get diehard fanboys to admit that yes, the game has severe server problems? there is a new thread about lag almost every day. you might be one of the lucky few not to deal with it, but that doesn't mean it's not an issue.
again, you haven't explained how AFKing makes me a "selfish d***". i could even say you're being selfish for wanting to force me to waste hours of my life to grind for one item. it's not my fault i have better things to do, and it's selfish of you to want to make me waste my precious time just because you waste yours. see what i did there? i explained my arugment using actual reasons!
hopefully the underused portion of your brain responsible for logic and critical thought becomes so ashamed of you that it gives up altogether.
Missykitty, if you think i would take the time to personally attack you... that's silly. I don't personally attack anyone on the forums or otherwise. I don't resort to such things. No where in my post did I attack you. I said the system is flawed and needs to be changed. I said.. it's not YOU it's the ranking system. I don't care about my rank, I said others do and would like an honest chance to be on that board. There is NOTHING wrong with that.
It ruins the game to have people afk because they're too lazy to actually try to play. I mean really... it tends to become who can kill the afk person the most.
Edit: If you don't want to grind for the tokens, then buy the recipes pre-made.
@dancinjen: thanks for explaining your reasons for disliking AFKing.
i think that's a fair point: the people who want to play a good game of bomberman are frustrated with random free points that spawn around the map occasionally. i think you're getting mad at the wrong people, though.
as i pointed out earlier, OOO have made a pvp mode that does not appeal to a significant portion of the players, but offers rewards that appeal to all players, and prices the rewards such that it takes a significant time investment to acquire them. that's good news for the people who like bomberman and have the time to play it, since they're getting rewarded for something they already wanted to do anyway. but for people who don't like bomberman and still want to use a blight needle or an elite sword focus module, it's a raw deal.
i now get that AFKers can change the strategy behind bomberman, but can you really be mad at them for wanting to avoid the soul-crushing tedium of as many as 150(!!!) matches of bomberman just to get that triglav recipe? i mean, holy crap! that's 12.5 HOURS of bomberman, not counting time spent waiting for the next match to begin.
OOO even encourages such behavior through the sales of coin boosters. each booster represents about $0.75 of CE leaving the market, which results in more purchases of CE. considering that if someone invests in the full six coin boosters (~$4.50) it will take them several hours to recoup their investment and begin making a profit, it's unreasonable to expect people that wouldn't AFK farm coins. the conditions OOO have created make AFK coin farming inevitable.
The thing is though if you do random team and actually try there is a good chance that you can cut your time of playing in half. Instead of doing free for all and losing every match. Are you really gaining anything? I mean getting last in 150 matches when you're paying 200 crowns per match. That's 30,000 crowns that you're wasting. You would be better off just buying that stuff pre-made then doing a random team match. You could actually GAIN money from it. Do matches with your guild. You aren't gaining a thing by going into ffa afk'ing and standing there losing 30,000 crowns. But not only that.. you make people mad.
and i cut my playing time in infinity by not playing at all! it's not a waste of 30,000 crowns if i spend it to get three mod calibrators, considering that 10,000 is usually cheaper than what you can buy them for off of other players in the AH. factor in that other players will bribe krogmo often enough that you occasionally get free additional coins out of the deal, and you actually save at least a couple 1000 by AFKing instead of buying from AH.
so, to reiterate:
you save time by AFKing
you save money by AFKing
you save time and MAKE money by AFKing with a bunch of coin boosters
this is all a result of how OOO has structured the game and its rewards
considering the above, it is only natural that some people will AFK, and i fully understand their reasons for doing so. personally, after AFKing my way to a single mod calibrator i got so sick of even joining new games every several minutes that i have purchased all subsequent calibrators on auction house, and i doubt i will ever touch blast network again.
but your energy complaining about people AFKing is wasted because people will AFK as long as they save time and money doing so, and they will save time and money doing so as long as the current reward system remains in place, and that reward system results in OOO making more money, so i doubt it will change anytime soon, so i doubt people will stop AFKing anytime soon.
Well, mod caliberators are overpriced. I'm not buying anything from the auction house related to the new stuff. It's all way over priced. That's my beef with that. People wouldn't afk so much if the prices weren't so high in the ah. I can't believe people actually sell some of that stuff at those prices.
incorrect, in my opinion. there are enough coin boost AFK farmers now that you can reliably get mod calibrators for just over 10k, and the price of trinkets has nothing to do with AH, since it is limited by how much it actually costs to make a trinket. if you have enough money to buy a trinket on AH, you have enough money to make one yourself.
people do not AFK because things are expensive in AH. people AFK because OOO tied valuable prizes into a pvp mode many people don't actually want to play, made that pvp mode take a while to play, made the prize difference between first and last place trivial, made the coin prices of prizes ludicrously high, and sold coin boosters that make the difference between playing and AFKing even more miniscule than it already is.
how does it "ruin the game"? seriously, explain to me how having an AFK opponent or two ruins a game of bomberlag.
You do not understand how having players do nothing but stand there during a game, takes the fun out of a game? Wow, your dumb as well.
Some simple concepts that may have escaped your attention:
1) People play games for fun.
2) Playing games against other humans is fun, because they actually give a challenge.
A match where players are AFKing, turns into a race who can kill the AFKers the fastest, which is not very fun. So, yes, by AFKing you are ruining the game for others.
(And I won't even bother to explain why players AFKing in team games is even worse.)
could even say you're being selfish for wanting to force me to waste hours of my life to grind for one item.
No, I simply expect you not to play the game if you do not want to play the game.
i think that's a fair point: the people who want to play a good game of bomberman are frustrated with random free points that spawn around the map occasionally. i think you're getting mad at the wrong people, though.
How are the people that actually join games, and do nothing the wrong people to get mad at? They are the ones that are behaving like d1cks. To choose to do this, so they are liable for their choice.
Obviously, I want OOO to change the system in a way that does not encourage players behaving like d1cks. In the mean time I'm calling out the players behaving like d1cks on their behavior. I'm calling on guildmasters obvobvobv to ban members that are misbehaving. I certainly hope OOO starts to enforce their ToS and permabans all accounts using autoclickers to AFK.
Well, I've been playing 50 or so games and won pretty much all of 'em (1st or 2nd place), so I'm not complaining because I lose money. However, I've come across AFKers a lot and I'm wondering : How the heck am I supposed to denounce them?
Some are pretty obvious. MissyKitty is one, being the number 1 in the score ranking and seeing her not moving in at least half of the games I played.
Rules are rules. The use of macroing softwares or such to maintain yourself away from being disconnected is against rules. No need to discuss further about wether its a good thing for community or not, a bad deed is a bad deed, and that's it.
Now it's so bad you just fight afkers..
vid description for my same old 2 cents
Will in game matchmaking match you with players on your ignore list?
If not there is a way the community can eliminate notorious AFKers: Mass blacklisting.
personally id like to see a vending machine where u can exchange 200 cr for 1 coin.
i dont enjoy the bomberman ripoff pvp we have but i want the items, why shouldnt i afk?
i dont care about ranking etc, just want to make trinkets with as little frustration as possible
i dont enjoy the bomberman ripoff pvp we have but i want the items, why shouldnt i afk?
I want the money in your wallet, so why shouldn't I stab you to death?
I'm get really sick of this self-centered "I don't like the experience, so lets ruin the experience for others as well."-attitude.
im not intending to ruin anything for anyone, (i play ffa, not team) i would rather not be subject to the frustration the "pvp" brings
true pvp (CTF/CP or somthing) would be different
also terrible metaphor, life/death is not comparable to afking in a game.
also the world is pretty self centred, especially online...
im not intending to ruin anything for anyone, (i play ffa, not team) i would rather not be subject to the frustration the "pvp" brings
Newsflash, AFKing in FFA is also ruining the game for the actual players. (Unless they wanted to play competitive duck hunt.)
also terrible metaphor, life/death is not comparable to afking in a game.
The metaphor here (although hyperbol) is that the fact that you want something, does not make it OK to do something that is morally wrong.
also the world is pretty self centred, especially online...
That does not give you a reason to be. And it certainly does not stop me from calling you out on it.
erm where r the morals?
in a team game i would be letting the side down, but i play ffa...
how about im just bad at pvp so cba? doesnt that make u the selfish one because i wont make good sport for others... pls.
im not interested in a flamewar, just saying the reason i personally afk, i presume others do for the same reason.
the only thing that will stop it is a /report afk command or somthing like in wow, and untill that happens if u see me in "pvp" ill be idling, come farm me for free kills.... <3
Before you could plead ignorance. Now that you know that you are a hindrance to other players, your choice to continue if with your behavior, makes you total douchbag.
You do not understand how having players do nothing but stand there during a game, takes the fun out of a game? Wow, your dumb as well.
AFKers represent free points, and don't prevent you from killing live opponents. if i am playing smash bros time battle against three people and one person has to leave for some reason, the fact that there is now an inert character on the stage does not prevent me from having fun while beating up on my opponents. PROTIP: if you want to call someone stupid, make sure your grammar is sound! you're =/= your
Some simple concepts that may have escaped your attention:
1) People play games for fun.
2) Playing games against other humans is fun, because they actually give a challenge.
A match where players are AFKing, turns into a race who can kill the AFKers the fastest, which is not very fun. So, yes, by AFKing you are ruining the game for others.
some simple concepts that are impossible for your depressingly dull mind to understand:
1) people play games for many reasons. people who don't like bomberlag have to join if they want to get cool items. they aren't having fun, so they AFK.
2) playing games against the computer is fun, because if it wasn't nobody would play spiral knights.
the few times that i decided to actually play bomberlag, i never noticed more than 2 AFKers in a 6 to 8 person match. the existence of AFKers did not make bomberlag less fun for me, and all of the active players still spent most of their time trying to kill each other, only occasionally going out of their way to kill an AFKer. other people would lay traps for the player coming to kill the AFKer, injecting some delicious metastrategy into the game. after the match, the only thing people ever complained about was lag--NOT other players AFKing. i highly doubt AFKers "ruined" the game for any of us.
No, I simply expect you not to play the game if you do not want to play the game.
when there are such good prizes that can only be bought with krogmo coins, and the only way to get krogmo coins is to play bomberlag, you would have to be a complete idiot to expect people not to AFK. as luck would have it, you seem to be a complete idiot.
How are the people that actually join games, and do nothing the wrong people to get mad at? They are the ones that are behaving like d1cks. To choose to do this, so they are liable for their choice.
i will make this as simple as i can for you, though i still can't guarantee you'll understand.
1) OOO made a PvP mode with fabulous prizes you can use in the regular game.
2) OOO awards one token to everyone participating in PvP mode, and only one additional token to the winner.
3) OOO makes the PvP mode take, on average 7 minutes to join and play a round.
3) OOO decides to make the fabulous prizes cost an insane amount of tokens, and thus an even more insane amount of time.
4) OOO sells coin boosters for a large amount of CE that give people additional tokens just for participating in PvP mode, regardless of if they win, lose, or even play. people buy these coin boosters, removing CE from the market and leading to more money for OOO. people then use these coin boosters to AFK in PvP, since the difference between 7 coins if you AFK and 8 coins if you win is negligible, while the difference between several hours of your life and a few seconds of clicking to join a match every 7 minutes is huge.
that paragraph was a bit longer than the previous points and used a few four syllable words, i am sorry if you are lost at this point. if so, reread the words until they make sense. it might help to sound words out slowly while reading aloud, and i recommend consulting a dictionary.
OOO has set up a system in which the most profitable and best use of your time and crowns/CE is to not actually play the game. OOO is in no hurry to change the system, since it is a system that encourages people to give them money. you and people like you are mad at AFKers, who are merely maximizing the value of their time and money within the system that has been set up for everyone. instead, you should be mad at OOO, because OOO created a system where AFKing is profitable. AFKers will keep AFKing for as long as it is in their best interest to do so, and yelling at them is like yelling at the clouds for raining or yelling at the winds for blowing.
when OOO institute changes the make it no longer profitable to AFK, people will stop AFKing, and you can play your little bomberlag in peace without suffering the horrendous injustice of players inflicting their idleness upon you, a serious crime which you Actually Compared To Murder earlier in this thread. seeing as OOO makes real american dollars from people AFKing, i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you! actually, please do.
you sound like a hall monitor, or someone who yells really loudly at waiters when they bring you an incorrect order and makes a scene and embarrasses your date, except in this situation you probably do not have a date.
he is hopeless! at this point you should settle for being entertained by his ridiculous posts :D
You're the hopeless one obvob
Trying to defend a point which can't be right. Oh well hope makes live I guess, just as long as you'll believe you're right you won't stop preaching how wrong you are.
AFKers represent free points, and don't prevent you from killing live opponents. if i am playing smash bros time battle against three people and one person has to leave for some reason, the fact that there is now an inert character on the stage does not prevent me from having fun while beating up on my opponents
Maybe you find beating up. Inanimate object fun. A lot of players do not. As is witnessed by many people complaining about AFKers, many people do not find this fun. This should be enough for you to stop if you were a decent human being.
PROTIP: if you want to call someone stupid, make sure your grammar is sound! you're =/= your
Ow, you caught me in grammar error in a secondary language on an internet forum. Yes, that must make me really stupid. LOL Also if you plan on calling people out on grammar, don't make stupid punctuation errors.
the few times that i decided to actually play bomberlag, i never noticed more than 2 AFKers in a 6 to 8 person match. the existence of AFKers did not make bomberlag less fun for me, and all of the active players still spent most of their time trying to kill each other, only occasionally going out of their way to kill an AFKer. other people would lay traps for the player coming to kill the AFKer, injecting some delicious metastrategy into the game. after the match, the only thing people ever complained about was lag--NOT other players AFKing. i highly doubt AFKers "ruined" the game for any of us.
You can doubt all you want. But why not take the word of the people actually playing the game, that having a bunch of AFKers in each game is detrimental to their enjoyment of the game.
i will make this as simple as i can for you, though i still can't guarantee you'll understand.
1) OOO made me do it.
2) OOO made me do it
3) OOO made me do it
3) OOO made me do it
4) OOO made me do it
No, amount of action of the side of OOO will acquit you of your responsibility for your actions. They are not holding a gun to your head and making you AFK. You are choosing to do so, knowing that you are being a hindrance to others. OOO, obviously was somewhat naive in their design choice, and I expected them to do something about it. In the mean time, I expect others to not act like douchebags, and will call them out if they do.
PROTIP: If you plan on calling somebody stupid, and calling them out on their grammar in a foreign language, please make sure you know how to count to 5. :+0.
OOO has set up a system in which the most profitable and best use of your time and crowns/CE is to not actually play the game. OOO is in no hurry to change the system, since it is a system that encourages people to give them money. you and people like you are mad at AFKers, who are merely maximizing the value of their time and money within the system that has been set up for everyone. instead, you should be mad at OOO, because OOO created a system where AFKing is profitable.
Me being mad at OOO, does not preclude me from keeping you accountable for your actions. But I guess, you also think it is OK steal from a grocery store, because after all, they did put up all those goods there up for grabs.
AFKers will keep AFKing for as long as it is in their best interest to do so, and yelling at them is like yelling at the clouds for raining or yelling at the winds for blowing.
Well, there is always the hope that some of them are actually decent human beings.
lol trias, ur pure troll food, and im srsly not trolling, just putting my point across,
if there was a vending machine to exchange coins as i said in my 1st post here, then i wouldnt continue posting.
and grammar police crap aside...
this seems to me to come down to opinion, and arnt we all entitled to our own?
with no other way to acquire the coins atm, ppl that dont enjoy pvp dont have much choice, do it or buy the mod cals..
ur oppressive point of view is ur own, fair enough, but calling people names etc BASED ON WHAT YOU THINK IS RIGHT, and getting mad is kinda lame imo...
ur comparisons (w/e) r also way out of proportion, people stealing satisfaction from u when they dont fight back? hardly the same as stealing from a shop...
also just to note, for the first 2 days of this "pvp" i played it properly,and quite alot until i realised all the problems with it and started getting frustrated, whether by lag, ripped off ce from bribes, being team killed, disagreeing with how the scoring or ranking system works or w/e..
if i enjoyed it i would do it, why should i not? its my time as well, and its bad enough i feel forced into doing something i dont rly want to do anyway
people stealing satisfaction from u when they dont fight back?
You still don't get it. Have one or two dummies spawning in each game, massively disrupts the gameplay dynamic to the point that the game starts to revolve about blowing up the AFKers, instead of trying to blow up each other (although does add the aspect of trying to blow up the other as he tries to blow up the AFK. Purposefully being disruptive in an online computer game is called griefing.
It is hardly an extreme opinion that purposefully griefing other players is a major douche thing to do.
im well aware of what griefing is. (there u go again with the extreme)
and as i stated mutiple times im not interested in ruining others fun, but i also dont care about winning, am i supposed to just not have access to the items because i dont enjoy the only way of getting them?
perhaps you should play in guild team games if you dont want to deal with ppl being afk, im sure there r less of them there.
im also not interested in this anymore, i have made my point, u made urs, we dont agree, so ok...
I'm totally going to AFK on bomberlag after this thread.
1- I never knew NOT playing bomberlag could earn me the same coins as playing it (coz I'm really bad at it).
2- If I knew I could spend some good hours cuddling my dog, cooking, watching a movie or else, instead of bomberlagging and still get my Krogmo coins, I would be doing it.
I don't like bomberlag coz I lag and I s*ck at it.
I need Krogmo coins for items.
There's not other way to get them.
Do the math.
I guess your thread just had the opposite effect of creating an AFKer.
lol missy was also banned for the CE refund exploit, must of been unbanned.
awwwwwwwwww yeah! if you're just looking for mod calibrators though it's almost as cheap to just buy them from auction, assuming you can pick them up for 10k or close, and it will save you even the time spent joining games periodically. if you want a recipe or something more expensive though, happy AFKing!
i mean, holy crap! i can't believe people are so worked up over "there are people AFKing in my GAME!"
look at that. that is a list of things that are wrong with spiral knights, and that have been wrong for over three months. let's see a thread where people complain about those! not that it will make any difference, because, you know, OOO. but still! if you're going to whine, you might as well whine about something worthwhile.
You don't understand you and your colleagues AFK-ers are an attempt to the game's spirit, the credibility of the whole PvP rewards center and ranking system, besides the fact that having created your account you agreed to a set of rules concerning the game which you chose not to respect anymore, by using bottings tools on malicious purpose(s).
am i supposed to just not have access to the items because i dont enjoy the only way of getting them?
Uh, yes? (Duh)
So the only reason you do not steal from stores is the risk that you might get caught? (Because that is what your argument comes down to.)
You still do not seem to get the argument "It is OK to do X, because X gives me Y and I want Y",is incredibly egocentric.
Actually, it is OK to AFK, because there is no other way I can get coins without actually having to play the damn game I dislike so much and would never play if it weren't for the damn coins and the items they can buy.
I don't want to play it, but I want the rewards (coins). Soooo.... What should I do?
Give me a reasonable suggestion that does not include buying stuff from AH.
I hate AH. Rates are so high that people have to skyrocket prices to try and obtain minimum profit. I sell items to NPC and buy them directly from players or NPCs.
Also, I can't afford paying the unbinding fees of the already-crafted items.
It's not unfair playing as long as its not a team game and you're not using botclickers.
Ranking issues should be fixed, to stop the whining.
The rest could easily remain the same without any prejudice to the overall playerbase.
"man, i thought that being there for people in my life and working with my students to improve their english speaking abilities made me a good person, but it turns out i am not a decent human being because of that afternoon i decided to AFK on a free* online game! "
Doing good for someone does not give you license to do ill to someone else. Believe it or not, there are actual people on the other end of the Internet tubes. Incidentally, I came across a lovely quote while playing another online game: "Anonymity makes your true face shine through." I'm inclined to agree; the best way to tell what someone is really like is to see how they behave when they believe there are no consequences for their actions, not how they act among the people that they feel obligated to.
In any case, it's not my place to condemn the AFKers--that's up to OOO. What IS my place is to speak up and say that I personally have found FFA matches to be much more fun when all players are actively participating. Also, since I strongly suspect OOO will come down against AFKing, it's equally my place to submit complaints in order to assist them with identifying such behavior. (There's no harm done if for some reason OOO decides not to punish AFKing, since they can simply ignore those complaints.)
I see AFK players in the PVP arenas as a form of griefing. They detract from the gameplay, and receive reward for doing so. IMO any player using a click macro of any kind to aviod being kicked for AFK, should be banned in accordance with the TOS.
If you want the items from krogmo tokens, PLAY rather than GRIEF. Or alternatively buy them with your crowns. I see no room for argument in favor of AFK farming.
Let's do some math!
Designation: 100 energy is 5500 crowns in these equations. 10 minutes is one match.
Normal values:
(60/10)*200 = 1200
60 minutes / 10 minutes (one match) * 200 crowns spent per match = 1200 crowns spent per hour
1200*24 = 28800
1200 crowns spent per hour * 24 hours = 28800 crowns spent per day
24 hours * 60 minutes / 10 minutes (one match) = 144 matches per day
Values in one day:
(60/10) = 6
60 minutes / 10 minutes (one match) = 6 coins an hour (0 boosters)
6*24 = 144
6 coins per hour * 24 hours = 144 coins per day (0 boosters)
(60/10)*7 = 42
60 minutes / 10 minutes (one match) * 7 coins (6 boosters) per match = 42 coins an hour (6 boosters)
42*24 = 1008
42 coins an hour (6 boosters) * 24 hours = 1008 coins per day (6 boosters)
Long term:
(1800/100)*5500 = 99000
1800 energy / 100 energy per trade * 5500 crowns per trade = 99000 crowns to buy 6 Krogmo coin boosters
99000/200 = 495
99000 crowns / 200 crowns per match = 495 matches if you used crowns to pay for matches instead of boosters
(495*10)/60 = 82.5
495 matches (one coin) * 10 minutes (one match) / 60 minutes (one hour) = 82.5 hours for 495 coins (0 boosters)
99000+28800 = 127800
99000 crowns (buying 6 Krogmo coin boosters) + 28800 (144 matches in one day) = 127800 crowns to use 6 Krogmo coin boosters in 144 matches
42*24 = 1008
42 coins an hour (6 boosters) * 24 hours = 1008 coins per day (6 boosters)
127800/200 = 639
127800 crowns (buying 6 Krogmo coin boosters for one day) / 200 crowns per match = 639 matches if you used crowns to pay for matches instead of boosters
639*10/60 = 106.5
639 matches * 10 minutes (one match) / 60 minutes (one hour) = 106.5 hours for 639 coins (0 boosters)
1008*10/60 = 168
1008 matches * 10 minutes (one match) / 60 minutes (one hour) = 168 hours (0 boosters)
1008 matches / 144 matches per day * 28800 crowns per day = 201600 crowns spent for 1008 coins (0 boosters)
You will spend 28800 crowns for 144 matches in a day of PvPing.
In 24 hours, you can get 1008 coins with 6 boosters active or you can get 144 coins with 0 boosters active.
It costs the player an estimate of 127800 crowns to obtain 1008 coins if they have 6 boosters active (28800 crowns if they spend 1800 CE to purchase the boosters instead).
If, however, the player wants to avoid using boosters, they will have to spend approximately 201600 crowns over a 168 hour period of time to obtain the same 1008 coins.
Gain over entertainment!
So to summarize Choja: Boosters should cost quite a bit more than they currently do (approximately double). Then booster users are paying MORE to get coins faster. Rather than paying LESS as well as getting coins faster.
The problem is that (2) takes time- much more time than the GMs have. I favor an automatic system that players can use to report AFKers: if your knight receives 3 or more complaints per game for 3 games in a row, you receive a short ban from Blast Network. Second offense gets a longer ban, and permaban on the third offense; offenses drop off your record after 1 week. The numbers listed (3,3) are arbitrary, but you get the point.
Because multiple different knights have to report you multiple games in a row, the system cannot be abused by griefers to ban specific people. This also gets around the fact that sometimes you do have to unintentionally AFK when a situation arises IRL. What do people think?