...to finally stop whining about how hard devilites are and just learn how to fight them. You get a fiend-themed stratum in every tier, so they'll scale to whatever difficulty you want. Except, you know, for actually being very hard, which they don't reach even in tier 3.
Also, the loot is great. From one run, I got:
1 dragon scale
1 chroma tear
1 meteor mote
1 miracloth
2 mugs of misery
1 silver coil
1 warp dust
6 bushy tails
2 drake scales
3 fine fabric
1 unstable core
5 monster bones
7 green shards
1 primal spark
2 grim sparks
1 forge spark
There were a lot of other things that I'm not listing, because they were less valuable. That's well over 20k in materials from a single run--not counting the crowns. The key is that, even though there is only one five star material there, there are two and three and four star materials that are valuable and drop in abundance.
Oh, and did I mention that I only did six levels that run? It's not like I cleared the whole gate. I started at Emberlight, did six levels (not counting Basil or Emberlight itself), and decided that my thumb was sore so I'd stop. If that sort of loot isn't enough to motivate you to learn to fight devilites, then I don't know what will be.
That's not what the whole group got, either. That's just what I got, personally. I was solo for three of the levels and part of a fourth, however.
Okay, so I did do three danger rooms solo. But still.
Yep I did that run from start of T3 to basil and got good mats like that and also 2 ghost bells.