IGN: Altimos
Ash Tail Cap: Purchased
Ash Tail Coat: Obtained
Vile Striker: Purchased
Wise Owlite: Obtained
Will pay 11,500 for each or any of these equips.
IGN: Altimos
Ash Tail Cap: Purchased
Ash Tail Coat: Obtained
Vile Striker: Purchased
Wise Owlite: Obtained
Will pay 11,500 for each or any of these equips.
I have for sale a Dragon Scale Mail and a Valkyrie Mail asking 30k for each or will trade one of them for the recipe below that I need.
EDIT: Both recipes sold, thanks!
IGN Evangalise
I am looking to buy a Deadly Virulisk Suit
will pay 30k
Name: Djbiomas
Will buy a glacius recipe for around 30k
WTS Volcanic Bomber Suit recipe. I've got two. Looking to sell for 26k.
IGN- Draycos
WTS: Crest of Almire recipe 26K.
IGN: Empie
Scary Skelly Suit
Scary Skelly Helmet
Cold Iron Carver
Will pay 10k each offer me if you want a bit of a higher price
IGN : ZeroGrav
Bombastic Demo Suit Recipe 24k crowns
IGN Kakumei
Selling Iron Slug recipe 30k crowns. IGN: iazarus
Still looking for Dread Skelly Mask recipe, offering 30k.
I have a Swiftstrike Buckler Recipe
IGN: Rigwald
buying divine avenger recipe 35k
got it, thanks
Selling the following 5 star recipes:
Callahan - 40k
Iron Slug - 30k
Venom Veiler - 30k
Valkyrie Helm (in auctions) - 30k
Cold Iron Vanquisher (in auctions) - 35k
PM me if interested, ign: iazarus
Graviton Bomb - SOLD
Valkyrie Helm - SOLD
Stone Tortoise
Wise Owlite Shield - SOLD
Swiftstrike buckler
Vog Cub Coat - 35kcr - BOUGHT
Vog Cub Cap - 32kcr - BOUGHT
Grey Owlite Shield - 32kcr - BOUGHT
IGN: Wubzy
Buying Dread venome striker 35k
ign mafiaso
RECIPES 4* (12k)
ash tail cap
ash tail coat
wise owlite shield
silent nightblade (sold)
Ash Tail Coat Recipe
Scary Skelly Suit Recipe
Twisted Targe Recipe
IGN: Redgiant
IGN Giannii
I have Ash Tail Cap Recipe recipe for 12k
I'll also hunt for recipes just tell me the recipe and how much will you pay for it. But in that case you better not buy it from anyone else besides me :/
trade WTS RECIPES 4* (12k)-
ash tail cap,
ash tail coat,
wise owlite shield
WTB Recipes:
2 stars
- Bristling Buckler (1200 cr)
- Plate Shield (1200 cr)
- Cutter (1200 cr)
OR WTT one of those resipes to Spur Recipe.
In Game Nick: Nemezis
Contact me in game.
Divine Avenger- 27.5k
Gran Faust 27.5k
Contact me in game if you are willing to sell the recipes.
IGN: Asianbeast
buying Vog Cub Coat Recipe for - 27-29k
Account Name
Buying Vog Cub Coat Recipe 35k
IGN: Rowlf
WTS Avenger recipe for 12.5k ---- IGN : Wubzy
WTS Grey Feather Mantle Recipe
IGN: Soulzera
5* Vog cub coat (sold), Divine Veil
4* (12k)- ash tail cap, ash tail coat, vile striker recipe, wise owlite shield recipe.
ign sexy ash.
send me a whisper or mail. i do not check in here frequently
vog cub coat/cap
ign Eddart
if im not online, send me an ingame mail and i'll get back to you asap
Fiery Atomizer Recipe 11k
IGN: Natakux
Mail or buddy me if im not on
Buying Vog Cub Coat recipe : 36k crowns
IGN: Altimos
Nightblade: Purchased
Silent Nightblade: Purchased
PM me :D
Selling Cold Iron Vanquisher recipe for 30k! **SOLD**
IGN: Twalah
WTB Skolver Coat recipe
IGN Bigfootm
YOU tell me the price.
Got all the rest for a total of 52k CR. (Ash Tail Coat-12k, Ash Tail Cap-12k, Skolver Cap-28k)
WTS Recipes:
Cold Iron Vanquisher - 30k
Glacius - 30k
Grey Owlite Shield - 32k
IGN Sionar
WTB Vog Cub Coat Recipe 35k CR
IGN: Kenboslice
WTS Vog Cub Coat and Divine Avenger recipes SOLD
IGN Gianni
WTS the following:
Argent Peacemaker - 35k
Ash of Agni - 30k
Divine Avenger - 40k
Dread Venom Striker - 35k
Glacius - 30k
Iron Slug - 30k
Sentenza - 35k
I will also accept a conversion of CE at current rate upon trade as form of payment in lieu of crowns.
IGN: subtleblend
WTB Skolver Coat recipe
IGN Bigfootm
YOU tell me the price.
Got all the rest for a total of 52k CR. (Ash Tail Coat-12k, Ash Tail Cap-12k, Skolver Cap-28k)
WTB Shivermist buster recipe. Will pay 30k crowns or UV speed increased brandish.
IGN: Round-Shinigami.
WTB Divine Avenger recipe 30k
WTB Acheron recipe (PURCHASED)
WTB Volcanic Salamander Suit (PURCHASED)
WTB Volcanic Salamander Mask (PURCHASED)
IGN: Ovdal
Dread Skelly Mask - 30k
IGN : Boolet