Buying Recipes Thread

If you're looking to buy a particular recipe, this is your thread to do so!
Please be sure that all listings have the following information:
- The recipe(s) you're wanting to purchase
- Your knight's name
- What you would pay for the recipe(s)
If someone has fulfilled your request, edit your post to let people know you are no longer looking for that recipe.
My list of needed recipes is included there. Have a look if you're at a terminal.
Welp, with the transition to public service, I have quite a collection to remake. I'll start with my usual arsenal:
3* -- will pay 100 CE for each recipe
-Striker (purchased)
-Pepperbox (purchased)
-Firotech Alchemer MK II (found, credit goes to Njthug)
-Fiery Vaporizer MK II (purchased)
-Elemental Hood (purchased)
-Elemental Cloak (purchased)
-Swiftstrike Buckler (crafted, credit goes to Hume)
4* -- will pay 300 CE for each recipe
-Hunting Blade (purchased)
-Fiery Pepperbox (purchased)
-Firo Driver (purchased)
-Fiery Atomizer (purchased)
-Miracle Hood (purchased)
-Silvermail (crafted, credit goes to Tricksy)
-Miracle Cloak (found, credit goes to Vlad)
5* -- will pay 600 CE for each recipe
-Wild Hunting Blade (found, credit goes to Blanky)
-Volcanic Pepperbox
-Magma Driver
-Ash of Agni (found, credit goes to Talbain)
-Grey Feather Cowl
-Chaos Cowl
-Radiant Silvermail
-Chaos Cloak
Good hunting, ladies and gentlemen.
EDIT: Thought I should let you know, you can usually find me loafing by the Alchemy Machine in Haven 1's Arcade, just so you know where to find me.
I want:
Dusker Coat recipe-6000 crowns (Most needed)
Ash Tail Coat Recipe-15,500 crowns
Firotech Alchemer MK ll recipe-6000 crowns (Most needed)
Firotech Alchemer MK lll recipe-15,500 crowns
Firotech Alchemer MK llll recipe-45,500 crowns
Horned Owlite shield recipe-6000 crowns (Most needed)
Wise Owlite shield recipe-15,500 crowns
Grey Owlite shield recipe-45,500 crowns
Striker recipe-6000 crowns (most needed)
Vile Striker recipe-15,500 crowns
Dread Venom Striker Recipe-45,500 crowns
lol really just paying 500 crowns more than the original vender price. Please contact my knight Artrix if you have any of my most needed.
To all those who are looking for the status-inflicting bombs: apparently the MK III version is now called an "Atomizer" as opposed to in the beta version. The MK III versions of the Alchemer lines also have different names. Keep your eyes peeled.
Angelic Helmet
I'm looking to buy a cold iron carver recipe, I'll pay 2k above original price, so 17k crowns.
IGN is the same as forum name.

I'm looking to buy the following recipes:
-Brute jelly mail (obtained)
-Brute jelly shield (obtained)
-Dusker cap (purchased)
I'm willing to pay 6000 crowns for each. Contact me in game as Trias.
Buying Miracle Cloak recipe for 17500crowns!
IGN: Yoshimutu
Still Looking for:
Dread Skelly Shield Recipe
Cold Iron Vanquisher Recipe
Deadly Virulisk Suit Recipe
Volcanic Demo Helm & Suit Recipes
Nova Driver Recipe
45k crowns + 5* items, more crowns or CE.

Buying 1250 crowns for each recipe

IGN: Flaame
I'm looking for these recipes. In order of most important to least important, descending:
Swiftstrike Buckler (Recipe Obtained! Thanks ever so much, Wadi!)
Dusker Coat (Obtained! Thanks, Viking!)
Needle Shot (Obtained! Thanks, Amigakid!)
Strike Needle (Obtained! Thanks again, Amigakid!)
EDIT: Wow! I got everything I was looking for!
Thanks everyone!
Dread Venom Striker
Grey Owlite Shield
Cold Iron Vanquisher
Storm Driver
IGN- Beryl
PST with price
current list
toxic vaporiser
toxic vaporiser mk II
toxic vaporiser mkIII ( whatever its curent name is.)
Spiral Demo Suit
Fused Demo Suit
Heavy Demo Suit
Spiral Demo Helm
Fused Demo Helm
Heavy Demo Helm
paying the reg rec from the shop cost + up to 2k, depending on what item it is and how much i need it.
I'm seeking the following recipes;
Miracle Cloak- 4*
Vog Cub Cap- 5*
And lastly, The Dread Venom Stiker- 5*
My ign is Cobalt.
IGN: Lordcynic
Got everything I was looking for
It's been less than a week since I started playing again, and my recipe wishlist is already two-thirds complete. I am very pleased.
And because I'm so happy, I'll give out more energy to those who bring me the recipes I want and need. Here's the updated list:
5* -- will pay 600 CE for each recipe
-Wild Hunting Blade (found, credit goes to Blanky)
-Volcanic Pepperbox
-Magma Driver
-Ash of Agni (found, credit goes to Talbain)
-Grey Feather Cowl
-Chaos Cowl
-Radiant Silvermail
-Chaos Cloak
Remember, you can usually find me lounging by the Alchemy Machine in Haven 1's Arcade.
-My knight is Bulletr0k
-1k? I just don't have any luck with vendors today.

I'm looking for Shadowsun Stetson hat recipe
My knight name is Shadowking
I'll pay 700ce for the recipe.

-Angelic Helm - DONE
-Angelic Raiment - DONE ~thanks Mikuppai~
-Drake Scale Helm - DONE
-Drake Scale Mail - DONE
-Drake Scale Shield - DONE
-Arc Razor - DONE
-Striker - DONE
IGN: Hayate
Prisma Driver - Done, Thanks Fruits!
IGN: Amigakid
EDIT: Already sold!!! You guys are fast :)
Hunting Blade
Elemental Hood
Ashtail Cap
Owlite Shield
Horned Owlite Shield
Elemental Cloak
3750c for 2*
7000c for 3*
17500c for 4*
IGN Averaen, Redrain, Interrobang
I'm looking for Seraphic Mail and Seraphic Helm. Send me a message in-game and hopefully we can work something out, same name as forum name.
Sunshard, deadly virulisk helm and suit, virulisk helm
Post your offer :D
IGN is Feastybeast
I'm looking for:
- Miracle Hood Recipe (All I need atm! You find this you rule!)
We can negotiate ingame re: Crowns or CE, either's fine!
I'm looking for the Cold Iron Vanquisher Recipe
I'll pay probably a large bit more than retail,
Ign: wingawinga

Buying a drake scale shield recipe for 7k and a winmillion recipe for 17k.
also i have a seraphic helm recipe for dotcom if you still need one.
Buying Vile Striker and Drake Scale armor/Shield recipe
17000 crowns for Vile Striker recipe
7000 crowns for Drake Armor/Shield
ign: SixShock
Name: Avixi
Gunslinger Hat - 8k (FOUND!)
Needle Shot - 10k (FOUND! Thanks Ignus!)
Please send me a message before buying the recipe!
Thanks in advance!
IGN: Wingawinga
I'll pay iunno... probably 17-18k ish.

IGN: Raspberry
Recipes: Needle Shot (7k or 250ce)
Wimillion (17k or 550ce)
IGN: Float
Recipes: Heavy Demo Suit 20k or equivalent CE
IGN: Float
Recipes: Heavy Demo Suit 20k or equivalent CE
IGN: Float
Recipes: Heavy Demo Suit 20k or equivalent CE
Sorry about the multipost
forum wasn't updating when I posted it. Tried a couple times and then they all appeared.

Buying Wise Owlite Shield. 15750 crowns.
Check out my item shop:
In game name TheFinn
I am interested in obtaining the following recipies.
IMPORTANT: Do not buy these recipes assuming I will buy them off you. If you see a recipe I am interested in than please contact me in game before taking any action. There is always the chance that someone just got the recipe for me and I have yet to update this post or I do not have the funds to buy the recipe off you at that time.
When I say [Item or Recipe] I mean that you can either provide me with the recipe or, if you know the recipe, make the item for me with my mats.
[Currently not looking for Recipes but check out my store!]