ign: Doppelheathen
wtb: Neutralizer recipe (5*) bought it!!!
Buying Recipes Thread
Buying Barbarous Thorn Shield recipe for 30kcr
My ign is Pankeiks.
WTB Woven Snakebite Pathfinder Armor
IGN : Magic-Bunny
PM ME in-game or mail if you want
i bought the Woven Snakebite Pathfinder Armor recipe from AH , THX
WTB and Sacred Firefly Shade Helm
IGN - Clec-Decker
Willing to pay 35k crowns
Add me or mail me if you want.
Thank you!
I need barbarous thorn blade
knight name: Storm-traveler
I would pay at max 30k
buying barbarious thorn blade recepi 30k
WTT Gran Faust or Crest of Almire Recipe for Polaris Recipe
Might be willing to buy pola for 30kcr
Will also sell these for 30kcr each (I have 2 CoA)
IGN: Wqksayi
I want to get a barbarous thorn blade recepi
knight name storm-traveler
price 30k crowns
WTB Wintergrave recipe. I'll pay 32kcr.
Ign: iefenn
I really want barbarous thron blade recepi
who has barbarous thorn blade recepi I can up my price
I would buy the Lightning Capacitor
WTB Exhaust Pipes! Please message me in-game (Princess-Zephyr).
I want to buy the Boltbrand recipe. Please mail me ingame (Zen-Mithrarin)
Mail me ingame and I should get round to you within 24 hours.
I'm looking to buy an arcana recipe for 30k cr. My IGN is Young-Paladin. Just add me or mail me if you have an arcana recipe
WTB Snakebite Sentinel 4* AND 5* Sets for 100k Total
Username: Fwahe
Buying Polaris Recipe, would be nice to buy it for 25k crowns, but I'll buy for up to 35k, because I find myself always low on crowns :^)
(42k at time of posting)
In-game name: Night-Shine
UPDATE: I have the Polaris recipe now!
Buying TSC Recipe for 4-6kcr
In-game name: Amended
In-game name: Andescot
I am also available for steam trade offers as well (Mobile Auth approved) https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=124515785&token=4-Lyxfvq (trade offer)
Selling the following Recipes
- Lightning Capacitor - 6kcr
- Woven Falcon Sentinel Armor - 6kcr
- Padded Hunting Coat - 6kcr
Want to Buy. Pm me price :^)
Buying Sacred Firefly Shade Helm Recipe for 35k crowns
In-game name: Night-Shine
Hi! If anyone has an Ironmight Plate Shield recipe, I want to buy one. Name your price!
Im looking to buy an arcana recipe and Crest of Almire Recipe
IGN = Sleeptime
^^looking to buy this recipe IGN: Mister-Dr
wtb tundrus recipe
IGN: Sshadovw
If I'm not online send me a message
Elemental Blaster - Offer ---- GOT ONE!
Fusion Blaster
Gigawatt Pulsar Recipe - for 12kCR.
my ign-Worckclock
PM me.
WTB Sacred Grizzly Ghost Armor
Just pm me ur price
IGN ::: Dennji
I think near the beginning of the game their are a lot of recipes you can make from them, which i think is really cool and find the materials are pretty easy to get through missions. And recently i have been getting into Alchemy and i like how you don't have to pay a lot of crowns to make them too!
ign: Rekole
WTB Mercurial Mail recipe (Bought)
WTB fusion blaster recipe. PM me.
Sacred Grizzly Shade Armor Recipe
for only 20,000 crowns
(regular price 25,000)
IGN: Donkeyhaute
Selling at Basil Price (25,000 crowns)
Selling for 22,500 crowns ( 2.5k crowns off regular price )
Thank you for taking your time to look over this!
Blitz Needle Recipe **Done**
Deadshot Chapeau Recipe **Done**
Taking offers, fair prices!
IGN: Zatherio