Yes, I've read the bombing guide on the wiki. I was hoping for some more direct help.
Now, I recently crafted myself some shiny little shards. I got a UV of VHigh Undead, which, coupled with my Radiant Silvermail, gives me a MAX Undead bonus.
Now, otherwise, I carry a DBB around. And I've learned how to use it properly, especially not being a bomber and having no bombing gear outside of a CTR Trinket.
However, the Rads isn't so much a bomb but rather a gun that shoots in 8 directions. But the farther the targets are and the more dispersed, the less likely you are (or rather, I am) to hit something.
So, being sure there are a number of bombers here, I ask for advice. Is there a trick to this?
In FSC, you can almost spam plant this bomb. Anywhere else at that matter but, solution- Psam plant in FSC unless Trojan.