Hey guys, theres a little problem and Equinox suggested we resolve it by taking a vote or something. Someone has been adding empty damage tables to a lot of weapons, and I feel that it's not needed unless someone has actually tested the weapon out. Sooo..what do you guys think should the empty damage tables stay, or not?
Empty Damage Tables

I would leave them there, easier to fill that way.

I suggested a discussion not personal snark and smugness, guys. Let's not go there. Don't make me stop this car!
I'm okay with having empty tables on the pages. I haven't heard too many people bothered by them, but using show/hide seems like a fair enough compromise that allows them to be there without adding a lot to the page. I wouldn't show/hide additional things on equipment pages though as the rest of the info is "at a glance" sorts of information that doesn't require careful study like the damage tables do. If that sounds suitable, I would just suggest that the show/hide code just be added whenever someone is editing an equipment page without it.

I'd keep em. Dependin in what Weps it is I could go test em.

Perhaps SK Tactics could create a user subpage that mentions which ones may be empty so that people could browse that list? Kind of like my needed images pages back in the day of many missing images.

I would edit the stuff and go test it etc. But I am terrible at editing the wiki. :(
If you mean compiling a list of weapon pages that are missing a damage table so people can added them in, I think it'll be easier for one person to just cut/paste them in. Should take maybe an hour or two. Already have the empty tables ready on my userpage.
If you mean compiling a list of tables that are missing values so people can help test the weapons, I think it might be better if its on your userpage instead of mine. Who the [Heavens-To-Betsy!] am i to tell ppl what needs to be done eh? ;-) Though i kind of think it'll be a little redundant & labor intensive to do it. The ideal situation, after having the empty tables, would be having ppl from all walks of life contributing new values every few days.... That being said, I'll be willing to help compile the list if its needed.
Tell me which weapons you are interested in testing, I'll go add in the tables first so you can begin testing. :)

Which ones rant there firstly? Do you know? I'll go check myself too.

You're a fellow editor, that's who. It's perfectly fine for you or anyone else to spearhead a project. Probably just a list of tables that are missing data (or even just the ones with totally no data? whatever you want to do.) Instructions at the top about how to test/get data (like make sure it's a level 10 weapon or whatever) as well would be good.
However, if you really want, you're welcome to make User:Equinox/needed_data

AP is missing and that's like the ONE weapon I have that's empty. :/
If you guys could teach me how to edit it without messing it up (When I tried to upload bombheads it totally messed up the whole page) or I give you guys the damage then I'll be able to help Tuesday.
Will be looking for other Weps. Peace!
EDIT-Lucky I didn't upgrade my Volt Driver yet. I'll heat it up to 10 (5now I think) test the damage, then upgrade it. (Yes I already have the mats etc. Or atleast I still should. =])
Have added the empty tables to Argent Peacemaker & Volt Driver. You can start filling them. :)
Optional but highly recommended:
I've also added empty "Raw Damage Tables" to the 2 weapons' discussion pages. You can use them to record your progress if you want. I find it difficult to get ALL the values in 1 run for non-normal weapons, so filling up the raw tables help me keep track of which values I'm still missing. It also serves as an additional error check(for values that "jump" too far between levels) & a collaboration tool between testers(if more than one person is doing testing).

I've added a new category "Pages with empty damage entries" (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Category:Pages_with_empty_damage_entries)
I've added code to the SKDamageRow template to add this category anytime one of the entries is empty or "?".
I see that some of the empty tables use "? - ?" for unknown entries. I'll try to see if I can catch those too.
EDIT: If figured out a better way to implement the check code, but it requires that the "String functions" are enabled on the wiki, which apparently they are not. ("$wgPFEnableStringFunctions = true;")
heh heh, my bad.
I started using the "? - ?" notation after seeing how the Polaris page got filled with only 1 number per entry. (Guess the single "?" misled them)
How do we proceed from here? Do I change them back to "?" ?
Also, is your page able to capture those tables with e.g "10 - ?" or "? - 15" in them?
btw, nice work! :)
EDIT: nvm, answered my own question. tables with incomplete cells does not get captured.
See http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Mega_Magnus

No, at the moment entries of the the form "10 - ?" are not automatically tagged. If the string functions were enabled tagging those would be a breeze. For the time being just leave the existing tables as they are. (As a work around, you can change just one entry of a table missing some entries, to "?", that would be enough for the page to be tagged.) I'll try to think of something better.

My advice is to just continue to figure out work arounds for the string functions as I don't know that enabling them is something that will happen.

Something that would work is to change the syntax for the SKDamageRow template to take 12 instead of 6 separate values (one for each first/last floor of each stratum).
-Allow easier management of overall formatting
-Allow complete detection of incomplete data.
-Would require a ton of manual editing to replace the old templates.
On a whole I don't think the PROs out-weigh the CONs. (In the mean time I'll at least implement a work around to detect "? - ?"type cells.)
Agree with Trias. Changing syntax for SKDamageRow is WAY too much trouble for what it is worth.
But I wouldn't worry too much about the work around.
Current solution would already capture most of the incomplete tables & we can always go thru the weapons manually after we have cleared the current list.
Besides, a "x - ?" or "? - x" in the table denotes that someone is already doing testing on that particular weapon...
It shouldn't take too long for him/her to complete that cell.
I shall change all the "? - ?" notations in my userpage to "?" before copying the empty tables to new weapons.

I shall change all the "? - ?" notations in my userpage to "?" before copying the empty tables to new weapons.
Not necessary. I've adapted the code to take those into account as well.
Thks Trias, you'r the man!
Now the only remaining problem are the "X - ?" & "? - X" cells. See http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Mega_Magnus
Although like what I have already said, its a small problem. Someone is already testing the weapon & it shouldn't take too long to complete it.
Current Tables Status:
Handguns: Completed. All handguns have damage tables.
Swords: Roughly half of the swords have damage tables.
Bombs: Most bombs are lacking a damage table on their pages.
Discussion regarding using "show/hide" on the tables can be found here if anyone is interested:

I'll be able to get most of those but 1- I suck at ediing. and 2-I totally forgot about this and upgraded my Volt Driver. Good thing is, my Storm is almost level 10. In the 2 FSC runs I'm gonna do to get my blackened crest it should be heat 10. (7 1/2 now)

I suggest we ban them! It's really annoying that you finally found the perfect thing for you, and you don't know it's damage!
so is there anywhere a page with "Instructions at the top about how to test/get data" ?
It might encourage people to start filling them? It can be daunting to add a new section and a table, but just entering data is much more approachable.