Anyone else getting an incredibly silly quantity of lost/late packets tonight?
Edit: Seems like that's a yes. Do the devs know anything about this lag?
Anyone else getting an incredibly silly quantity of lost/late packets tonight?
Edit: Seems like that's a yes. Do the devs know anything about this lag?
Also guys from my recent party felt the same.
tier 2 is impassible now. i seem to be walking through walls and then im dead D= INCREDI FRUSTRATION!!!! i blame boswick and his really good looking art that makes it lagg cus of the detail
RAAAAGE couldnt get past the first room of tier 2 as every second it showed shroom and i walking through walls endlessly. spamming bombs no longer works. thats how laggy it is.
Now my bombs won't even detonate, and I rubberband if I try to walk anywhere.
I'm personally not getting server lag, rather, I'm getting a huge hit in performance on my end from where I was during beta.
We have determined the problem! Johnmatthais is stealing all our internet speed!!! *glares*
lol jk jk :P
Why you all posting on the suggestion forum and not the bug reports forum D: I made a thread in the appropriate section of the forum for this over @
Because server instability and connection issues are not really software bugs.
The Gremlins are using all these fresh packets to feed King Tinkinzar, since he almost starved over the few days Spiral Knights was down.
Man, I can't even log on... I just cleared the first part of Training Grounds and that's it. Loading 0%.
GM Hyperion seemed to state that the lag was more or less resolved after some "tweaks" were made.
Definitely not better. =(
It's not my connection either:
Speed Test:
Ping Test:
Actually, the devs are still working on it. It's a top priority, guys. Please bear with us.
Yeah it was resolved shortly after the "tweaks" (We managed to get from floor 1 to floor 8 with minimal lag) but the next time we went through the floors the massive lag returned. Also I got a message I was moving to another "peer" in 20 minutes, so maybe a server reset is planned.
It's making the game unplayable at times.
Any official news?
We're aware, and our developers are doing their best to get a fix out as soon as possible - again, please bear with us!
Maybe the lagless playing experience I had late last night was caused by majority of players leaving the game due to the lag :P
Well its release day if i'm not mistaken and i just tried it and its still not getting any better. Hopefully you guys can sort it out soon cause its a major issue. If this many players are having the problem, whats gonna happen when 10 times the amount of players join. Just means more people are gonna complain about it.
Good luck! I really hope the launch is successful
edit: sorry I'm over 9000 hours ahead of server time so its the 4th here : /
Yeah, I'm lagging much worse than I was a few days ago...could possibly be my connection since it was giving me trouble between preview and early weekend. Now my connection seems fine though. I can surf the web and even play other online games with minimal lag, but SK doesn't just eventually freezes completely and walking on spiked floor or anything doesn't hurt me.
I dunno, before the release my laptop was performing just fine, but now in the Arena whenever the Trojan pops up, my game client goes into a total freeze for about 2-3 seconds... it never used to do that before. Is this truly connection lag or is my computer having troubles with things? Can't really put my finger on it.
For the rest yeah, I've done plenty of rubberbanding around. Presence of connection lag acknowledged :)
It went from completely playable this morning to completely unplayable right now due to rubber banding.
For me it only lagged (and lagged a bunch) during start up. By the time I created a character the lag stopped and It played just fine.
I managed to play solo (locked all other players from being able to join party) and that seemed to help for a while until my ISP started acting up again. I think it helped because if you open your party, you are constantly being bombarded by stray data regarding party and people who might join it...just a theory though.
Any improvement? (More servers and/or optimisation?)
I'm still getting lag, I'm not sure about the rest of you guys. Any choppy game play other than me ?
@Skybreak: From bug reports I see you are on a laptop (or possibly desktop, but likely a laptop) with a very slow graphics controller that we'd probably consider too slow to play. You'll definitely want to set your Graphics Quality down in-game. But if it is a laptop it is further hindered by other slower components. So you're hitting some local issues rather than anything server side which haven't really experienced today.
My computer has a great graphics card. I would think that my graphics card would be good enough to play. What does it say my graphics card is on your side?
I haven't had any lag since the day I posted this.
It is listed as an Intel 965/963, assuming that's the Q chipset that makes it a GMA 3000 which has no hardware shader.
You'll definitely want to set the Graphics Quality to low, but even with that you'll likely find it slow in many ways.
Been getting disconnected whenever I open up the energy market.
Since trading is just about the only thing I can do on this computer, I would like to know if this is a problem only I am experiencing, or something other people are getting too.
I am also receiving a great amount of lag when updating my client when I first open Spiral Knights. Is this the same reason as the game play lag?
My internet sucks, so idk if that's the reason, but my ping sucks. It isn't the best when in the refugee camp, but it's playable. When I go down into the clockworks though, my ping goes to red and the game is unplayable. I also disconnect a lot when in the clockworks. The game seems fun, so hopefully I will be able to play without horrible ping soon.:)
I have no lag, but when I go in dungeons I cant play because I cant move. It sucks :-( I wantz to play and not just trade...
Define "Sucks". Having a bad Internet connection would almost undoubtedly cause issues such as having high latency. Although I remember months ago I was able to play lag free but now more people have come on it seems the servers aren't capable of providing the same quality of play to everyone especially those who are on the lower end.
Here is what I mean by my horrible internet.
Wireless is horrible for gaming. I used to have 5.6Mbps Wireless and I was still having so many problems with online gaming. I'm on 256kbps Wired and unless the game is offering lots of servers (High quality and/or close to my area) I usually have some sort of lag.
Although the strange thing is MMO games are some of the few games I ever get lag in.
@shane3x unfortunately there are no wired options where I live. Just wireless, satellite, or dial up. And I'm stuck with slow wireless at that, as it's $150 a month just for 5mbps wireless.
I'm getting a lot of lag...
It's fine in town and in dungeons solo, but whenever I join a party of more than 2 people, I get periodic lag spikes every 2 or 3 seconds. It's super a lot of annoying...
My internet connection and system specs should be more than enough to play this on max settings with no lag or hiccups at all... But I'm getting a game killing amount of them... Kind of sucks lol.
I'm using campus internet so It's always super fast except for when I'm trying to play this so it has to be something on their side.
Generally most universities will either block or limit traffic to (generally) everything but Port 80 (Interwebs). It's generally to be expected to either not play Online games or for them to run poorly. Although I would say it is server side, playing on a 256kb/s was fantastic during the preview events but as more players join the servers aren't able to accommodate everyone so the people with the slower connections are the first to experience the pain.
If you have 512/128kbps I don't think you'll notice much difference between before and now. Right as of this moment and before the server crash, the game has been mostly fine. but I believe that's because I've mostly gotten used to it.
Oh and most games these days list 512/128 as minimum requirement now :/ though I'm on ADSL 2 and my connection is like 5mbps/768kbps
Count me in with the people who have a really slow connection speed with this game.
Got a pretty fast speed normally. Couldn't tell you exactly what speed, but I've never had any issues this bad before with any other games, or downloading files.
I've done a lot of searching and nobody seems to have even hinted at a solution to the problem.
Do there need to be ports opened on a router? I can't seem to find any sort of information on that.
Any help is appreciated.
I can run WoW on this laptop. I can run Puzzle Pirates on this laptop. I can run most Steam games on this laptop.
Tell me. Why can't I run this game (aside from trading, which I'm very good at...)?
I seriously think I've gotten used to it, I've been noticing that I predict things way ahead of when they're gonna happen now. Like when to move to slip between a spread of projectile bullets. This is not a good thing.
anyone else getting a silly amount of lag today?
yeah it's been pretty terrible.
yeah it's been pretty terrible.
oops double post
If it helps, I'm lagging everywhere, not just the dungeons. In fact, sometimes I lag LESS when I solo dungeons (goes back to red as soon as I get halfway through the level, though).
It's actually pretty interesting playing without dungeons. I've made enough money on the market to buy a couple pieces of 2* gear and made friends with a Brazilian player who I met in the plaza.
I'm on the lag spikes every 2-3 seconds in a 2+ party bus.
Especially when I went through the gate to cross over to Haven, that was just horrible. It was like my knight had a gimpy leg.