We have a topic going in the suggestions forum about getting a 5* spur out there, but most of the ideas are pretty random, and with no thought as to how they would be used and whether or not people would actually use them. So I thought I'd ask the experts, and I'm here to ask you what you think would be the best way to progress the spur line, and what faults in the current spur line can be fixed. Any suggestions would be great.
I think the most important thing with a 5* Spur is to really capitalize on the wind-driven mechanic.
A unique projectile charge attack would really give players a reason to use it. For example, a large, "boomerang-style" charge that cuts round in a slow arc and can cause multiple hits on enemies without causing knockback. It would be a great offensive charge attack that would separate it from other swords in the game.
Alternatively, and a more defensive option, would be to have a charge attack that charges extremely quickly and does no damage but pushes enemies away from the player without having to physically connect, i.e. like a giant fan or turbine. This would be an entirely unique mechanic that could really prove useful in mob control and grouping enemies for further attacks.